Food Fight

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"What's it to you, shorty?" The ginger asked, getting on the same table as Alexander, who glared at him.

"Excuse me?" Alexander hissed, John reaching to pull him down, which failed, as Peggy had slapped his hand down. John winced and Peggy smiled widely.

"I said, what's it to you?"

"Simply pleasantries, sir. "

"I see. Well my name is Samuel Seabury." The ginger - Samuel, smiled. "And I present thoughts on the thinking of your overreacting over a small little accident. How about your name?"

" Alexander Hamilton. My name, is Alexander Hamilton. " Alexander grinned as he stepped up to Samuel, flexing his knuckles. "And there's a million things I haven't said to you."

"Like what?" Samuel chuckled, though his seemingly proud facade was fading. He wasn't much taller than Alexander, and he didn't really have any muscle. Meanwhile, while Samuel didn't know this, Alexander had grown up on the streets of the Caribbean, fighting off strangers.

Alexander smirked as he grabbed a fist full of dino chicken nuggies off of John's tray, shoving them in Samuel's face. Meanwhile, John sat there, sad.

Samuel screeched, frantically wiping off his jacket. It was probably expensive, which Alexander saw as even more of a reason to destroy it.

"You shouldn't hold on to such material things. They get ruined." He said, a smirk on his face. Samuel's eyes widened as Alexander grabbed the ketchup bottle, Samuel scurrying backwards as other people started throwing food.

|| ||

"So, explain to me why in the world, it got to, Peggy screeching 'GAY RIGHTS BIACH' as threw an apple at Charles Lee, rendering him unconscious?"

Pft, unrelated, but Meet Me Inside started playing :')/

Washington raised an eyebrow at John and Alexander, the older male tired. Alexander shrugged, smiling.

"Alexander, go home. Martha will be picking you up." Washington sighed, rubbing his temple tiredly. He then turned to John, concern filling his eyes. "I wish to privately speak with you."

Alexander opened his mouth to protest, but upon earning a glare from Washington, he nodded. He knew he wasn't going to win the argument, so he stood up and left.

Washington cleared his throat as he adjusted his position, files now sitting in front of him. John looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"What is it you wish to speak with me about, sir?" He asked , fidgeting nervously.

"Your grades have been severely dropping in the past few days, Mr. Laurens." Washington looked up at John from the file he was observing. "Is there a certain reason for this?"

John's eyes widened a bit. Yeah, he'd been more stressed with the abuse lately, school and theater by all means, not assisting. But John wasn't going to admit it. Well, not to Washington at least.


"Are you sure? If someone has done something to you, surely we can work something out."

"Yes I am sure. Now good day." John stood up and left. Washington didn't bother stopping him.

|| ||

Alexander was sitting by his room's windowsill, silent as he listened to Dear Evan Hansen. He was still giving his adopted father, Washington, the silent treatment, and to no surprise, was given it right back.

"God damnit! He knows we're dating, so what the hell?!" Alexander shouted, taking off his headphones before he threw them against the wall, a solid thud coming from it. The fuming brunette angrily passed back and forth.

"I can't fucking help him if I've got a mother fucking suspension!" He screamed, throwing his hands up in the air.He

Once Alexander calmed down after a few minutes of screaming at no one, he collapsed against his door, curling up.

Great. I freaked out again. They must think I'm a psychotic freak. I mean, they wouldn't be wrong, right? Alexander thought, staring at the ground, sighing into his sweater sleeve as he heard a knock on his door.

"Alex? It's Martha. I heard you screaming about something and wanted to see if you were alright."

From what Alexander could tell, she was leaning against the door, ear pressed against it. Her voice was soft, calm, and reassuring, like always, now tinged with worry.

"Is it about that boy?"

"Yes." Alexander replied.

"Do you want to talk, just you and me?"

" Yeah. " Alexander slowly got up. He opened the door, wiping his now tear stained eyes. Martha, worried, though wanting to help him, walked in and shut the door behind her.

"Come here." She sat on Alexander's bed, patting the space next to her. Alexander hesitantly sat down, fiddling with his fingers. He wouldn't look at Martha.

"Tell me, what's wrong?" Martha asked in a soft voice, putting a hand on Alexander's back.

"I-im worried about John. Alot." Alexander let out a shaky sigh. "I have only known him a few weeks... But I feel the need to get defensive over him.."

" Is there a particular reason you broke down like you did? "

Alexander was silent, biting his lip. "Bipolar disorder, I'm not sure....but I'm sorry.... I'm really sorry. .." His voice cracked, Martha's heart breaking at the sight of her upset son.

"Y-you must think I'm such a disappointment... Freaking out like this and you've barely had me a month? And I'm treating you like this? I let you deal with this? God, I'm such a freak." Alexander chuckled, tears spilling down his face.

He wasn't anticipating the warm hug from Martha, but accepted it and snuggled into her, sobbing. Martha whispered comforting things to him as she stroked his hair, smiling.

"It's alright.....let it out... "

By the time dinner needed to be made, Alexander had stopped crying, and he'd fallen asleep on Martha's lap, hugging her waist like a toddler would a teddy bear.

Washington (George) stepped into the room, looking at Martha who looked back at him.

"How is he? Did I hurt him that badly? Did I -"

Washington was cut off by Martha, who raised a hand.

"He's alright. The poor thing thought we think he's a freak for reacting how he does... I stayed by his side for about an hour before he stopped crying and passed out. He must have been exhausted..." Martha whispered, stroking Alexander's hair.

"I'm sorry." Washington sighed, approaching the two. "Should I have approached it more gently?"

"It isn't either of you two's faults. Alex felt bad for freaking out, and pretty much spiraled himself into a breakdown...poor baby.." Martha looked back up at her husband. "But you really do need to comfort him."

"I do. Do you want to eat later so he sleeps? "

Martha nodded, and went back to stroking Alexander's hair lovingly as he slept.

For a little while, Washington stood by the doorway, watching his wife.

He chose the right kid to adopt.

Oreos, Coffee And Fun Mix. (A Lams Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now