Discuss The Needed

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After school, Alexander walked back into Mr Washington's class. He saw the same black male from the other day, Burr, who appeared to be slightly angered.  Washington looked up at Alexander, smiling. "Come in."

"Sir I must simply protest-" Burr began to say, shocked at Washington waving him off.


"Yes, sir?"

"Close the door on your way out."

Burr stormed out, glaring at Alexander, then slamming the door behind himself. Alexander walked over to Washington. "Sir, what is you wanted to discuss?"

"Sit down. How old are you?" Washington asked, watching as Alexander pulled up a chair.

"Sixteen, sir. Why?" Alexander looked at him, hands in his lap.

"You can complete chores, correct?"

Alexander nodded. "What does that have to do with this, sir?"

"I want to take you in." Washington looked at him, clearly dead serious.

"What do you mean, sir? I have parents." Alexander chuckled, nervously shifting.

"You can't hide it, Alexander. I even checked with the center." Washington said plainly, smiling.

"You can't be serious, why would you want to adopt me?" Alexander laughed, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Because. I see your potential." Washington sighed. "I just wanted to know if you were okay with it."

"Of c-course I am!" Alexander smiled, stuttering. He was honestly surprised.

"Good." Washington walked over and pulled Alexander into an embrace, Alexander smiling.

||Time Skip||

John was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He wondered what Alexander was doing, as John didn't see him after school. But it's only the first day of school. John thought, shrugging it off.

He walked over to his turtle, grabbing the food box beside the turtle's tank. John fed the turtle, smiling. Adorable. Almost as much as-

Damn it John. You barely even know this guy, and you are already falling for him? He thought to himself, sighing. John set the turtle food down and laid on his bed, burying his face in a pillow.

His phone dinged and he checked it. A text from an unknown number? Guess I better check it out.

Who's this?


Oh! Sorry! I forgot we exchanged numbers earlier today-

No it's alright. I should have told you.

John frowned upon reading the last text.

No apologizing.



Well anyway, I had an interesting day.

Really? Tell me about it.

You should sleep.

It's only 10pm-

My point.

Why won't you sleep, then?


Well hurry up and get work done so you can sleep.

Alright. Good night.


John turned his phone off, then laid back on his bed. He fell asleep, smiling.

Today... I liked today.

Oreos, Coffee And Fun Mix. (A Lams Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon