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John looked at the other four, biting his lip. For a second, he had been worried they knew. He let out an  internal sigh of relief that they didn't. John then turned his attention to Alexander, narrowing his eyes.

"What about Thomas Jefferson?"

Alexander inhaled, doing the putting his two hands together thing. He narrowed his eyes, looking at John. "He's been being a giant ass! He's a fucking dumbass!" Alexander screeched, starting to pace.

John raised an eyebrow. "What exactly did he do to make you this mad Lexi?"

" Tank Engine keeps accusing me of bullying people, when he is the one fucking bullying them! " Alexander threw his hands up in the air. "He called Lafayette out for being gay, when he's sure as hell gay for Madison himself!"

John gritted his teeth, taking note of how upset Lafayette looked. And how Peggy was comforting him.

"Are you saying he -without Laf's consent - told people Laf is gay?" John looked at Alexander who nodded. Lafayette looked up.

"Je lui ai dit, puisque nous sommes de si bons amis, ou du moins je le pensais, et il l’a dit aux gens. Ca m’a vraiment contrarié. (I told him, since we are such good friends, or at least I thought so, and he told people. It really upset me.)" He sighed , Peggy hissing.

John looked at Alexander, who translated, and John narrowed his eyes, before Lafayette spoke again. This time in English.

"Well actually I am, pan, but..how you say.." Lafayette paused. "I wasn't exactly sure he was...aware of what zat was. So I told him I'm gay..."

Alexander sighed, rubbing his temple. "I get it, bullies have their motives, but Jefferson is merciless."

John roped him into a hug, sighing as well. "We'll figure it out. But first we should get to class."

Peggy meanwhile, watching them, and tilted her head. She could smell a strong sense of gay in the air and looked at the two, seeing it practically emitting from them. Whatever, she'd let the two be for now.

||time skip to lunch||

Alexander sat down at the group table, having been the first one to arrive. He wasn't one who really cared to wait for it when it came to lunch.....or food in general.

Alexander noticed that John seemed off. He didn't want to believe that he was being abused, or rather, Alexander didn't want to believe it more than he already did.

He knew John was pretty rich, maybe not as much as the Schuylers, but both and Lafayette had a much more considerable amount than Alexander did himself. Alexander knew that would come in handy if a lawyer was awfully expensive. If not, he was sure that the Schuylers could assist.

But the fact Alexander had smelt weed and alcohol complicated the situation. That could possibly mean John's father, Henry, could blame it on those two substances.

Upon the others arrival, Alexander waved, but pretended to be too into his food to talk. John sat beside him, smiling, at which Alexander returned.

Alexander was mad at Jefferson, and surely, this would become school wide, but he wasn't planning to lose. Not to Thomas Jeffershit. He had outed Lafayette, without his consent, and that wasn't something Alexander was going to let go easily.

Speaking of Jefferson, he walked in, and the group all cast an equally hateful glare at him.

Alexander was one of the only ones to notice the average sized ginger in the back, pointing and laughing at Alexander's group, causing some of the surrounding people to do the same. That's when Alexander stood on the table.

"What's your name?"

Oreos, Coffee And Fun Mix. (A Lams Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now