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Alexander sat awkwardly at dinner, looking down at his plate most of the time as he ate, feeling a large mass of both guilt and anxiety in his stomach, sitting there, like a large bowling ball.

"Alexander, are you alright?" Martha looked at him, knowing what was wrong, though she didn't say anything.

"Yeah, I'm alright." He muttered quickly, not sure whether to engage in conversation. On one hand, he knew they didn't care. On the other, however, was different. That side still worried they hated him.

"Honey....we aren't mad..." Martha gave him a small smile, hoping that brought his mood up at least a smidgen.

"I know, it's just... You know.." Alexander shrugged. "How am I suspended for anyway?"

"A week, since it turned into full on food wars."

"Makes sense." Alexander nodded, shoving his mouth full of food.

Washington sighed, setting his fork down. He looked at Alexander, who looked back, shrinking slightly in his chair.

"I apologize if I upset you. It was not any of my intention. I was merely following my duty as staff." Washington then grinned. "Not that I exactly disapprove of your actions."

"So, can I still leave the house?" Alexander looked up at Martha and Washington, biting his lip nervously.

"That, is ultimately up to your father." Martha looked up at her husband.

"If you were to leave, where would you g-"

"John Laurens's." Alexander responded, not letting Washington finish .

"I suppose." Washington sighed, watching as Alexander quickly finished his food, dashing out the door.

After putting his shoes on, of course.

Alexander ran in the direction of which he thought John's house was. He wasn't exactly sure where he was going until remembering John had given Alexander his address for the day of the carnival.

He turned his phone, shrugging. Alexander knew John wouldn't be too happy that he was visiting without warning, but hey, Alexander really didn't care.

Noticing that all but one of the lights were off, Alexander climbed to the window-which was on the second floor-peeking inside.

John was laying on his bed, shirtless, which Alexander had to admit was hot, but Alexander was more worried about the many bruises lining his ribcage.

Alexander fiddled with the lock on the window, grunting as he did so. After a bit, Alexander snapped it off, and climbed into John's room.

"Lexi, what are you doing in my room?"

Oreos, Coffee And Fun Mix. (A Lams Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now