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Alexander banged his head against his keyboard.

'Do I have to wait another  day?'

He was beyond bored.

At least he only had another day.

Only a day.

'Look on the bright side, it's only a day!' Alexander sighed. 'Still, it's a day.'

'You still have John, that's a very good thing, right?'

"But he's acting distant." He  muttered, staring at a picture of the friend group on his desk.

The sisters, were of course, almost huddled in their own little corner. Lafayette had an arm around Hercules's shoulder, Aaron's arm is around someone out of frame, presumably a girl, and John's arm was around Alexander's waist.

They were front and center.

Like the stars of the show.

Casting for the musical was in two weeks. Eliza was hoping to get the main part, which everyone supported her. And Alexander?

He didn't really care.

'What's the point of theater anyway?' Alexander thought to himself, his laptop in front of him left forgotten.

'A form of escape.'

"From what?" He whispered to no one, receiving absolute silence.

'My fellow classmates would have different reasons.'

'Eliza, to escape the everyday scenes of guys pursuing her love.

Angelica, to escape the self consuming riches she has to face.

Peggy, to forget she's forgotten.'

Alexander tapped his finger, unable to see reasons for Hercules, Lafayette, and Aaron to escape. And John? There was too many.

'Do I love him?' Alexander thought, staring at the locket he'd been given by John.

He remembered a conversation he'd had with Lafayette over the phone the other day.

'I'm scared for him, mon ami.'

"Yeah I know." Alexander sighed, fiddling with a piece of his hair.

'What if he does something? To himself? To ze others?'

"I may live with him, but I can't completely control what he does."

"I know. I know."


"I'm home!" John called, Alexander running downstairs, his glasses nearly falling off his face.

"Finally, another source of entertainment." Alexander hugged John tightly, chuckling.

"Oh what, am I really that fun?" John raised an eyebrow.


"Alright then."

John headed to the living room, Washington coming inside not long after.

They both plopped down on the couch, talking a bit. Alexander watched and listened, sitting on John's lap.

"Hey Lexi?"

"Yes Jackie?" Alexander looked up at John, smiling.

"You know I'll always love you, right?"

"Yes, and I'll always love you." Alexander pecked John's cheek, giggling.

Washington just watched, smiling softly.

John nodded, wrapping his arms around Alexander.

"And Jackie?"


"I'll always be here." Alexander kissed him softly.

John kissed back, feeling the smallest pit of guilt in his stomach.

"Yeah, that's awesome."

(Be afraid :) )

Oreos, Coffee And Fun Mix. (A Lams Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now