New Student.

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Alexander woke up the next morning, looking around his room. It was the same as he left it the previous night, and he sighed in relief.

Alexander got up, taking a shower then getting dressed. He grabbed his bag and headed out of his room, not bothering to say hello to other children in the center. Not like he wanted to be friends with many of them. No one was really his age.

He waved at the desk lady, getting on the bus. Alexander sat in the back, pulling out a sketchbook, drawing in it.

He wouldn't notice the others watching him, as Alexander never looked up. He didn't even really look up as the bus stopped. Alexander just put his sketchbook in his bag, pencil behind his ear, then got off the bus.

He was stared at by a lot of people. Girls and boys alike fanned over him whenever he said hi or hello, due to his accent. Alexander didn't mind, he just found his locker and put his things in it.

"Hey." He heard someone behind him say. Alexander then turned around to see John behind him, immediately smiling. "Morning John."

"How are you doing today?" John asked, looking at him. "I hear you are the talk of the school."

"I'm doing ok. And really? I didn't notice." Alexander laughed. "What about you?"

"Divine, Mon Ami, as Lafayette would say." John replied, laughing as well.

Alexander nodded. "So when does play rehearsal start?"

"Whenever Mr Washington says so."

"Speaking of him, when do I get to meet him?" Alexander tilted his head.

"During class today. I'm pretty sure he's your homeroom teacher. I guess a lot of new kids end up with him because the school board wants to scare them before they even get started." John chuckled.

Alexander giggled nervously. "Is he really that bad?"

"Like I said yesterday, he isn't too bad, he's just rumored to be and can be." John smiled.

The bell rang, and everyone rushed off to class. Alexander quickly checked his class, and sure enough, Mr. Washington was first.

I don't care if he said not to be scared. I'm still going to be scared. Alexander thought as he walked to class, scoffing. John was already ahead of him.

He walked in, seeing the only seat left was the one in the back left corner, by the window and by John. Alexander sat in the seat, not minding the stares he received.

John smiled at him slightly, waving. He waved back.

Alexander just paid attention of class, occasionally hearing the slightly muttering. He didn't really pay attention to Washington, so Alexander didn't notice Washington keeping an eye on him.

Washington let out a soft "hm" as he watched Alexander get up at the end. Washington walked over, handing  Alexander a note.

"I'd like to see you in my office after school Hamilton."

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