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Emily and Selim left the apartment as they hunts for job in Manila, capital and Chief City of Philippines. Not so long Emily got informed that their application letter to work for Castillo company have been approved.
Emily and Selim were overwhelmed as they head to the company and met with other new employees for a brief orientation about the CASTILLO COMPANY.
Miss Samantha - Good morning everyone, I am miss Samantha but call me miss Sam. I'm the head of the hiring department of Castillo company, I congratulate you all for being the luckiest fifteenth job seekers amongst the 100 who applied.
Please exercise patience as Mr Marasigan will be here shortly.
(Five minutes later Andre walks in)
Andre- Miss Sam
Miss Samantha- Yes Sir.
Andre- Good morning employees I apologise for coming late (gave Selim a fixed look) I'm Mr Andre Marasigan.
I will be representing Mr Marasigan who couldn't make it for the meeting this morning.
Miss Samantha- Thank you Sir for coming.
Andre- In the Castillo company we produce fragrance and soaps, one of the best products you can have in the Philippines.
We have departments here in our company but the most important offices here are the CEO, COO , CFO and the Secretary office
CFO is MR MARASIGAN OHODU and lastly the Secretary MR AMANTE DIZON
By tomorrow every new employee will get to know the head of their departments, don't forget to sign on your approval slip with Miss Sam before leaving. Work start tomorrow morning and we won't condone lateness
(The orientation was over)
***At Emily's Apartment***
Emily (turns to Selim) is everything okay?
Selim- Yes.
Emily - I have known you for Five years and I can tell if you are happy or not ( clears throat ) is this about Andre?
Selim- Yes, how will I feel seeing the guy that broke my heart every single time at work, I don't think I can carry-on with this job.
Emily - Andre is just your EX, I mean he is your past. You just have to erase every single memory you had with him so you can move on.
Selim- Easier said than done, I just have this feelings that Andre will come back to me.
Emily- Wake up to reality bestie. Andre is gone and gone for good, remember he ended the relationship himself and I'm sure he has moved on with someone else.
Selim- Emily why can't you look at love from my point of view?
Emily- I can't because you will finally get yourself hurt at the end of the whole shit called love (drew closer to Selim) trust me for once and erase Andre from your thought don't give him permission to linger in your mind, he cause nothing but pains.
Selim- I can only move on if Andre gives me reasons why he had to leave.
Emily- We don't need his explanations, if you ask him then you are indirectly telling him you haven't moved on.
Selim- When I saw him at the office today, I lost my smile and when he looked at me I couldn't see the Andre I knew he was a different being, he talks with pride and he didn't even try to say Hi or Hello.
Emily- Let's harken back to how you felt the day Andre broke up with you.
Selim- I knew the relationship was coming to an end on my birthday Eve.

Selim- (picked up her phone and dialed Andre's number) hello boo.
Andre- I'm busy with work, I will call you later.
(Selim cuts the call and was Moody through out the night, Emily noticed her mood as she broke the silence)
Emily- What's the problem bestie? tomorrow is your big day so wear on your smiling mask.
Selim- Andre has been avoiding me lately.
Emily- Don't let him ruin your night.
Selim- Emily why do I feel you are hiding something from me.
Emily- Bestie tomorrow is your day, Every other discussion can wait.
Selim- Emily if I eventually get to know you're hiding something from me, I will never forgive you.
Emily-(stammers) I feel there's something going on between Andre and Iyvon.
Selim- (furious) Iyvon our friend, the one who works at the coffee shop with us?
Emily - (cold) yes.
Selim- ( disappointed) you knew about this and you never said a word.
Emily- I eavesdropped on you and Andre's conversation last week at the coffee bar.
I over heard you asking Andre if he feels anything towards Iyvon but he said No to you and when I looked at your face I couldn't see any disbelieve on it (Selim walks to the door) Selim where are you going to?
Selim- I want to see Iyvon I don't care what her reply might be, she has the answers to my questions tonight.
Emily - Selim don't ask her anything remember her mum owns the coffee bar, our jobs will be at risk (Selim didn't listen to Emily as she walked out, she stopped a cab along the road side and dropped at Iyvon's apartment on reaching there she saw Andre's car parked outside she wasn't prepared for the worst but she was determined to get her answers from Iyvon.
She held the door knob and noticed the door was unlocked, she heard moans coming from Iyvon's sitting room, trying to clear her doubt, she went in and saw what her heart wasn't prepared for she called out Andre's name in shock
Selim lost all the word she could think of as she ran out of Iyvon's apartment, fell on the floor and cried in pains not so long Iyvon came out.
Iyvon- Selim who gave you the guts to come inside my house without my permission?
Selim- (Infuriated) You are such a renegade.
Iyvon- (laugh's ) I don't think so.
Last I checked I didn't invite you to come watch me and Andre having (Iyvon paused), you came uninvited so you were the one who stabbed yourself and not me (Selim ran to Iyvon as she pulls her hard on her hair, Andre walks out to stop the fight)
Andre- Selim just leave.
Selim- Andre you should be appologising and not asking me to leave.
Andre- Apologize (smiles) I didnt do anything bad to you (Emily walks into the scene)
Selim- Andre!! (Yelled)
Andre- Selim you are pretty and every man's choice, why not work on being a perfect lady you aren't even close to being bad you are worst maybe when you change I will consider having you back.
But Tonight brings our relationship to an end
It's over between us Selim (Selim was short of words as Andre got into his car and zoomed off)

Selim- Thanks Emily, if you weren't there that night I don't know how I would have felt.
Emily- It's okay Selim and that's why I want you to erase Andre, Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes letting go does better.
Selim- But Emily he told me he will come back for me if things changes, I want to give love another chance.
Emily- Going back to Andre is like regurgitating.
What about Tonio he's a nice guy you could use Tonio to heal from Andre.
Selim- A bridge can still be built, while the bitter waters are flowing beneath, there can still be a chance for Andre in my life, Tonio is a good friend of mine I don't want to use him to heal me and he isn't back to the Philippines.
Emily- it's been 6 months Tonio left for Thailand I really wished then you accepted Tonio back then, he's every girls' choice.
Selim- (laughs) And why didn't you go for Tonio back then?
Emily- I don't think love works out for me and beside Tonio had feelings for you back then.

*****Selim finds it hard to recover from her breakup with Andre, so Emily suggested that she build up her friendship with Tonio
Tonio a guy Selim met 2 years back at a library in Manila, and he has really been a good friend to Selim since then.
Selim feels it will be a bad idea resting her broken heart on Tonio knowing so well that Tonio had feelings for her but Emily didn't see any issue with that because all she wanted was to see her friend (Selim) grow over Andre.****"

****Next Day at the CASTILLO COMPANY
(Selim walked into her department as she meet a guy busy on his laptop)
Selim- Good morning I'm Selim.
Paulo- Good morning I'm Paulo are you a new employee?
Selim- yes I'm.
Paulo- Wow welcome to marketing and sales department, Mrs Anna has been on her maternity leave so Mr James have been managing the department. That's your desk over there Selim.
Selim- Thanks Paulo.
Paulo- Before you sit, please help me drop this files at the purchase department don't look confuse, it's the first office at the third floor.
Selim- (smiles ) okay Paulo I will be back soon. (Selim got to the third floor but couldn't locate the department. she was already looking confused, a young man noticed her and walked up to her )
Tonio- Long time no see.
Selim - ( surprised) Tonio what brings you here ?
Tonio- I didn't know you work her Selim.
Selim- When did you return from Thailand?
Tonio- 2 months ago.
Selim- And you didn't even care to check up on me.
Tonio- Selim last I checked you told me to keep my distance because you felt my friendship with you will ruin your relationship with Andre so that's why I didn't tell you I was back to the Philippines.
Selim- (trying not to feel emotional) ohh I have to submit this files, do you happen to know where the purchase department is?
Tonio- (points at a distance) the office close to the lifter (Selim thanked Tonio as she walked to the office, when she had submitted the file Tonio was no where to be found at the lobby. she returned back to her department an hour later, Tonio walks into the marketing and sales department)
Selim- ( excited ) Tonio!
(Paulo was busy on his desk as Tonio clears his throat)
Tonio- Good morning Employees I will be managing the marketing and sales department until Mrs Anna returns. Both of you will be answering to me here at work and in any matters that concerns the growth of the company. with time you two will get to know me better, Paulo put my table in order before I return.
Paulo - okay Sir (Tonio left the office) Selim how do you know Mr Tonio?
Selim-(befuddled) he looks like someone I know before but he isn't the one.
Paulo- Okay I was a little marvelled I thought you knew him. Well Sir Tonio is one of my favorite boss here at the company, I bet you will enjoy him being your boss.
(Tonio came across Andre on his way to legal department)
Andre- Tonio you are back from the hidings, tell me you found your true love in Thailand (chuckles).
Tonio- Andre human beings are rational creatures but I don't think you are one, it's best you become reasonable and manage your department here in the company than wasting your time investigating my love life.
Andre- Like you said earlier, investigating you will be a waste of time and remember I don't waste my precious time on people who failed in relationships.
(Tonio was already losing it, but he tried to keep a smiling face as he walked out on Andre)
*At the legal department*
James- I can tell with that face, you got into a fight.
Tonio- Andre is crossing his boundaries, he is such a thankless human. Because of him I erased myself from Selim I couldn't even fight for what I felt back then, Can't he be grateful to me that I left his relationship to stand.
James- Do you still have feelings for Selim?

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