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Selim- (shed a tear) The stranger said he will be leaving in the next twenty minute. I promise to return back to the company after I take Emily home.
Tonio- You are stubborn as a mule. Okay you can go.
Selim- Thank you Sir (as she was about leaving the office Tonio clears his throat.)
Tonio- S-e-l-i-m.
Selim- (Turns to Tonio) Yes boss.
Tonio- (Gave Selim his handkerchief) clean up your tears and don't bother returning back to the company tonight. I will see you next week.
Selim- (smiles) Thanks so much boss and thanks for the handkerchief.
Tonio- (clears his throat as he looks at a different direction) the hanky! it's temporarily, I'm expecting you to return it.
Selim- (Chuckles) I won't forget to return it tomorrow.
Tonio- (turns as he opens his office door) good night Selim
Selim- (blushing) Sweet dreams Sir.
(Selim dashed out of the company. she took a cab got to Buddha bar and meets the stranger.)
Selim- Good evening, I'm Selim.
Stranger-You took much of my time. my name is Alex meet my younger sister Clara.
Clara- Good evening.
Selim- Hello dear (turns to Alex) thanks so much Alex for your help.
Alex- Well I shouldn't take the credits. It was because of Clara I stayed back here with your friend.
Selim- Thanks so much Clara.
Clara- It's okay Selim. I know the dangers of leaving a pretty girl who is drunk to stupor all by herself at night.
Selim- I appreciate. It's already late I should get going with Emily so I could meet up with the last hours cab.
Clara- Cab! (Turns to Alex) brother please let's drop them off, this should be my last birthday gift for today.
Alex- (smiles) Okay I will grant you the last wish for the day ( to Selim>>) Come inside the car with your friend let me drop you off.
Selim- I don't want to incommode you.
Clara- Today is my birthday and that's my last wish so let's go.
(Alex drove Selim and Emily back to their apartment.)
::::::::::::::::: Sunrise:::::::::::::
Alarm rings. Emily turns around on the bed trying to pick up the alarm clock; she shouts in shock.
Emily- it's 9am and I'm late for work. (hits Selim on her back) stand up you sleepyhead it's 9am.
Selim- (still feeling sleepy) OMG! who sets alarm on a Saturday morning.
Emily- Saturday! (Checked her phone calendar) oh! it's Saturday.
Selim- I guess you are still under the influence of what you drank yesterday.
Emily- (Chuckles) I was about asking you how did I return home last night?
Selim- An angel brought you home yesterday.
Emily- You are such a birdbrained human.
(Selim guffaws as she tells Emily  what happened last night.)
Emily- Wow she's really nice.
Selim- Yes she's. I took her contact last night, let's meet up with her on Monday so you could get to know her better.
Emily- I don't think it's necessary.
Selim- Bitch!
Emily- (laughs) I was just kidding! let's meet up with her on Monday lunch time.
Selim- (smiles) you better be kidding and next time you get drunk I won't drag you home..
Emily- I know you can't try that. (chuckles)
Selim- What really happened to you yesterday did you meet up with Mr Masalang?
Emily- Yes i did (feeling down)
Selim- What did he ask for in exchange?
Emily- (wearing up a lying face) he wanted a night with me on his bed but I said no to him.
Selim- I knew it; that old for nothing big fool.
Emily- His presence irritates me.
Selim- (guffaws) the very day I crossed paths with him, it was hatred at first sight. what's our next step?
Emily- I'm sure there's still a way out of this case.
Selim- Surely there will be a way out.
Emily- Is Tonio willing to help?  Sir Andre told me that our department was approved by Mr Castillo to visit Cebu but he's not sure if I will be permitted to go.
Selim- I'm still hoping you join us in the trip it will be fun if you will be there with me.
Emily- I really thought Tonio was a cool guy but I guess I was wrong.
Selim- ( closed the discussion about her boss) what got you sad yesterday?
Emily- Something strange happened yesterday; a staff threw his files on the floor unknowingly so I went to help him pick up the files but I lost trace with him. When i opened the file a photo fell off from it, it was Williams photo it fell off from the files.
Selim- Williams! Your boyfriend's photo?
Emily- Yes Williams my Ex photo. I wasn't myself the moment I saw his photo in those files.
Selim- This is strange. what will Williams photo be doing in those files?
Emily- I was curious so I checked the files all I could see was signatures and nothing more.
Selim- Where's the files?
Emily- I took it to the guards office and told them I will return tomorrow to know who claimed the files.
Selim- That's a nice idea the owner of that files knows Williams.
Emily- I hope i get to meet the owner of those files, I need to ask him about Williams. I don't want him back, I just need him to answer few questions why he left me without a trace.
Selim- This is really strange what if  Williams was the guy carrying those files. did you see his face?
Emily- From his side view he doesn't look a bit like Williams but why do I even want to see Williams after all he did to me?
Selim- You want to see him because you still love him.
Emily- (yells) I don't love him anymore.
Selim- Well let's not forget the big picture on the wall. We need to find a way to clear your name before the case gets to Mr Castillo.
Emily- (stood up) you are right. let's go have breakfast it's already late.

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