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James- Let go of my shirt!
Emily- Please don't call the guards.
James- (Took his phone and called the security guards.) They will be here in a heartbeat, I wonder how you will explain to the company for the act you pulled here.
Emily- (Sheds a tear.) Attorney James; I just want to know....
James- (cuts in) You dragged my shirt and forcefully pulled out my buttons, this will be judged under sexual harassment.
Emily- Sexu.... (She stammers) How do you get that pendant?
James- Are you indirectly accusing me for stealing something that I can buy in a mall?
Emily- Where's Williams?
James- (Felt a sharp pain on his head as he held it with his hands.) Who are you?
Emily- Please Attorney James just tell me what happened to Williams, is he dead are you his younger or elder brother?
James- (cuts in and yells.) Who are you! (he fell down on the ground as his neck could no longer carry his head.)
Emily- (put two step backwards and was about leaving the office, the guards rushed in.) Oh my.
Guard - You sent for me Sir (turns to Emily) I guess she's the burglar?
Emily- (faced the Guard) It's was a stitch-up believe me.
James- Emily leave! ( she ran out. Talks to the guards) You came a bit late, I tried holding the burglar but he pushed me on the ground and ran away so fast. Please you all can return back to your duty post; I will be fine. ( not so long after the guards left, Xender walked into the office he met James unconscious and called for Tonio as they both rushed him to the hospital.)

Tonio- In a twinkling, Aunt Suzanne will be here for her son and we both have no explanation for this.
Xender- I left James office not so long and when I was done with lunch, I wanted dropping by at his office before I head to mine. I saw a young lady who wanted to know Williams whereabouts (Tonio chokes) The lady was running out of the company without looking back and next was the company guards; I guess they left their duty post. On getting to James office I met him unconscious.
Tonio- Who's the lady, can you describe her?
Xender- I didn't really pay much attention to her, all I know is she was really desperate to know about Williams. Look Aunt Alevira came along with Aunt Suzanne.
Suzanne- Can someone explain what happened to my son, Tonio I thought you promised to look after him.
Tonio- Aunt Suzanne I was in my office when all this happened. If not of Xender I would have been ignorant of everything. (Turns to Alevira and hugged her.) Mum
Suzanne- Let's go in and see his condition.
(They walked into the room. 5 minutes later James woke up with tears and was mumbling "Emily".)
Suzanne- James honey.
James- Leave!
Suzanne- James talk to me I have been worried.
James- Leave! (Alevira dragged Suzanne out of the room as Xender followed behind. Door closed)
Tonio- Brother.
James- Don't call me that how dare you live peacefully knowing so well you buried a lot of secrets from me.
Tonio- I can explain.
James- You are making me sick just leave!
Tonio- (sheds a tear) I can explain (James took the flower vase and threw it towards Tonio's direction.) Please brother listen to me.
James- You knew about Emily, I thought you were here to help me remember my lost memories, I was wrong all along. In the next minute if you don't leave this room; I will pull out this drip on my veins. (Tonio walked out of the room and gently closed the doors. James broke down in tears.)
Suzanne- (rushed to Tonio as Alevira followed) Did he tell you anything.
Tonio- It's best you tell James about Emily.
Suzanne- No I can never do that beside I don't know her in person; i only had he was dating a nobody.
Tonio- A nobody? Is that how you classify average citizens? she's like everyone else and he loves her so much.
Suzanne- He loved her. That was in the past, My son has moved on.
Tonio- That's not true. He moved on because he lost his memories.
Suzanne- But all his lost memories are back he can remember clearly how his past was.
Tonio- Yes he can remember everything. Aunt Suzanne you took away all the things that would have made him remember Emily. You deleted all her pictures, portrait he drew of her and you told me never to talk about Emily when I'm with James. You told me that you will forbid my friendship with your son the very day I tell him about his girlfriend Emily.
Suzanne- (Yells) She's not his girlfriend! she's his ex, she's in his past.
Alevira- Suzanne! Why are you being a torment to James? he's going through a lot at the moment; What you are doing right now will be of no good to him. (Tonio glanced through the window and saw James struggling on the bed like one who's neck was on a rope, he horridly pushed the door and ran to James just to find out that James pulled out the drip. Suzanne couldn't take the shock, she fell down on the ground as Alevira wrapped her arms around Suzanne's shoulders. Tonio pressed the Emergency bell. In an eyeblink, the emergency room personnels rushed in and set James carefully on a stretcher leading him to the emergency room. Suzanne followed behind but was asked to leave the room. She walked out in tears and watched them take James away.
Alevira- Suzanne everything will be fine just trust me. James is more than this he will pull through.
Suzanne- I don't know if he will ever forgive me for throwing away his relationship with Emily (she cries)
Alevira- If you become weak right now there wouldn't be a shoulder for James to rest on.
Suzanne- (Cleans off her tears) I will stay strong for my son. (Looked around) What about Toniogerrero?
Alevira- He's very angry at the whole situation so he went out to cool off steam.
(Lili drove in with speed as she rushed towards the door, she meets Tonio standing outside.)
Lilibeth- Tonio is everything okay with James?
Tonio- (broken) Yes, hopefully.
Lilibeth- Please stay strong. I heard what happened from Xender so I rushed in to check on you guys.
Tonio- He's in the emergency room right now; you can't be able to see him.
Lilibeth- Okay let's sit outside and talk. (She brought out two can drinks from her bag) you love orange juice right?
Tonio- (Smiles) You still know few things about me.
Lilibeth- (Smiles) Yes I do (she sips her drink)
Tonio- You wouldn't have bothered coming.
Lilibeth- We all are childhood friends right and I'm the reason why our friendship got ruined.
Tonio- No one should be blamed for that. You fell in love with me and it ruined your friendship with Xender. Andre decided to be on his own and I was just left with James but now Xender is back with us. What about you?
Lilibeth- I'm back to (chuckles) I don't know how to tell you this.
Tonio- Lot of laughs. Let the cat out.
Lilibeth- I'm now in a relationship.
Tonio- (grins) I'm so happy for you, finally you will stop pestering around me.
Lilibeth- You don't want to know who's the new boyfriend.
Tonio- (Laughs) He told me already.
Lilibeth- Wait, wait! he did?
Tonio- Yeah Xender did. (Winks)
Lilibeth- So you know about it all this while?
Tonio- Yeah, before Xender asked you out he met me and told me about it so I wouldn't feel as if he was waiting for us to breakup. Well I told him "You can have her as much as you want to, she's such a pest" (They guffaws)
Lilibeth- You're such a silly human.
Tonio- I know right. Please be good to him.
(Alevira came out of the hospital in search of Tonio)
Tonio- Mum!
Alevira- Tonio the doctor said they will be moving James to a new ward soon and only one person is allowed to stay in the room with him. Suzanne wants to know if you will love to or she should stay with him instead.
Tonio- I will love to.
Lilibeth- Good evening Aunt Alevira.
Alevira- (Smiles) Lili how are you?
Lilibeth- I'm doing great Aunt.
Alevira- Let me leave you two. (She walked inside the hospital)
Lilibeth-  Why not call Emily to spend the night with James.
Tonio- I don't think she will come here.
Lilibeth- Call her and hear from her. She might end up coming with Selim let me get going.
Tonio- Why are you leaving so soon.
Lilibeth- I don't want my presence to swing Selim's mood tonight.
(Selim came back late in the evening.)
Selim- Have you had dinner?
Emily- I'm not feeling hungry.
Selim- Today was really stressful and Mrs Anna didn't give us a breathing space. How did it go with the Attorneys?
Emily- I have submitted my resignation letter to the president.
Selim- I can't wait to get an approval so I will stop working at the company and if they didn't get to approve it, I will just leave without permission.
Emily- Is that necessary?
Selim- If you were in my shoes you would have done the same. By the way Paulo said Sir Tonio is likely to call you back to office next year January precisely.
Emily- I don't want to work at the company anymore. I will look for a job close to my family house.
Selim- What happen to our apartment, did I offend you? Emily! (She looked at the closet and found out it was a little bit scanty she went closer and noticed Emily's clothes where no more on the cloth stand. Selim ran and playfully hits Emily on her shoulder.) Hey you Snitch; you did your laundry, I thought we do wash together? (Emily grins and kept mute. At this point Selim knew there was a lot her friend is hiding from her. "Are you traveling" Selim asked in shock.)
Emily- Yes I'm returning home.
Selim- We both agreed to travel on Saturday after the company announces xmas break. Why the sudden change?
Emily- I need a break from all that's happening.
Selim- Please talk to me. Two heads are better than one.
Emily- Are you trying to say mine is infallible? (They both laughed.)
Selim- No! Just that the possibility of us going wrong in the same direction is very low. Now tell me what is the problem?
(Emily told Selim everything that happened in the company.)
Emily- Everything I said happened today; I'm still perplexed bestie.
Selim- Same here so what you are saying right now; is that James was wearing the padlock pendant?
Emily- Yes he was.
Selim- But then anyone could purchase that in the mall. Now I'm curious on why he told the guards you aren't the burglar? (Emily's phone rings)
Emily- It's an unknown number.(When Emily was done with the call there was a little silence in the room.)
Selim- Who was that?
Emily- Tonio.
Selim- Tonio! Why did he call you this late.
Emily- He asked me to see him in the next thirty minute at Manila Doctors Hospital.
Selim- Did he tell you his reasons.
Emily- He said it's urgent. Let me go meet up with him maybe he has a new job opportunity for me.
Selim- Just lock the door from behind I might be asleep when you return.
Emily- No, you are going with me.
Selim- I don't want to.
Emily- Please.
(Selim followed Emily to the hospital and met with Tonio at the pavement.)
Selim/ Emily- Good evening boss.
Tonio- Thanks for coming.
Selim- Emily I will be at the hospital's chapel, you know......
Tonio- (cuts In) l called the both of you so you can stay back with us. As I speak James is the emergency room fighting for his life. (Blinks his eyes as he held his tears back.) The doctor said only one guardian is allowed to stay with James for the night. Emily I need you to stay by his side.
Emily- (Shocked) Why should I stay by his side?
Tonio- I want you to stay by his side because James is still the Williams you lost a long time ago.
Emily- (Turns to leave as Tonio held her back) please boss let me return back to my apartment.
Tonio- Are you this heartless! I told you he's fighting for his life right now. All this is happening because of you.
Emily- So now it's my fault. It's my fault that your heartless friend broke down.
Tonio- Right now the heartless one is you; why will you return back when you can be of help tonight.
Emily- I don't want to help him!
Selim- You two should stop fighting. This won't even help James right now. I guess the heartless one is you Tonio, I know you are hurt by what's happening but try to understand Emily. she's finding it hard to breath in the situation.
Emily- I don't know that guy; how will I spend my night close to his sickbed.
Tonio- He's your Williams.
Emily- (Yells) He's not! He can never be.
Selim- Emily please. You might regret tonight if anything happens to James.
Emily- I won't regret tonight; I will never!
Tonio- I never knew you were this pachydermatous.
Selim- Tonio! She's not insensitive. At least be grateful that we left our beds to be here.
Tonio- Okay (exhale deeply)  I'm sorry, I know you hate James but he is like this because of all he has passed through. I would have tell you a lot but it's best James do it himself; he went through pains, needless and was transformed into a different person, he lost his memories and he lost you in his past.
Emily- (crying) I don't know if I can handle this tonight, please let me return home. (Twenty minute later she asked Tonio to take her to James sickbed on their way she met Alevira and Suzanne.)
Selim- (Whispers to Emily)Wow who's this pretty lady in blue dress?
Tonio- She's my mum, Mrs Alevira the lady with her is James mum. (Selim was speechless after Tonio over heard her whispering to Emily.) Aunt Suzanne this is Emily.
Suzanne- I don't know you in person and this is the first time we are meeting. I hope you are the remedy we have been looking for.
Emily- Good evening Ma. (The nurses took James on a stretcher and brought him into a new ward.)
Nurse- Who will spend the night with the patient? (Tonio points at Emily.) Please Madam you can go in. (Emily walked into the room staring at James who was sleeping and looked so relaxed on his sickbed; the nurse walked out and closed the door.)
Suzanne- Please put an eye on that Emily girl I don't trust her a bit.
Tonio- Hmmm I will.
Suzanne- Who's she?
Tonio- She's Emily's friend.
Alevira- Hello Miss you look familiar?
Selim- Good evening Ma. I work at Castillo company.
Alevira- Ohh I see. Who are you related to at the company? (Selim Stammers.)
Tonio- Mum don't frighten her.
Alevira- No I'm not. Why will I do that to my employee.
Suzanne- Tonio we are just curious, we heard some people who work at the company have no relatives there. They just bribe the hiring department so they can work at Castillo company. What's your name young lady?
Selim- I'm Selim (she stammers in fear.)
Suzanne- Who are you related to in the company or I should say what's your surname?

I'm sorry for the late post...
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