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Tonio- (Steaming) Okay, reach safely then. (He turns a different direction and walked into James office on seeing him James ran and embraced him.)
James- Brother I missed you.
Tonio- (Chuckles) I told you I was your one and only.
James- When you left I felt lonely I guess it's time to crash into a relationship.
Tonio- (Guffaws) You really should be a comedian.
James- That reminds me; when are we gonna ask her out?
Tonio- (Feeling reluctant as he dumps on the couch) Maybe she needs a break.
James- Break! Was there a misunderstanding between you two?
Tonio- She changed all of a sudden. I don't know why and now Andre will take her home.
James- Why didn't you do that instead.
Tonio- She wanted Andre to take her home.
James- And you did nothing?
Tonio- What the hell were you expecting me to do; drag her back or create a scene when Mr Castillo has his eyes all on me.
James- I was suggesting you pay her a visit probably tomorrow.
Tonio- You know I respect privacy, what if she gets mad seeing me in front of her door.
James- In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have and the decisions we waited too long to take. So Toniogerrero just clear up the air with Her and one thing you should do is to respect her decision.
Tonio- You are right I will see her tomorrow but I will feel lonely driving alone to her apartment.(closes his right eye and stare at James using the left.)
James- (Laughed) Well I will be less busy tomorrow. (Looking up the ceiling)
Tonio- (Clears his throat.) It won't be a bad idea if I see you tomorrow.
James- Well tomorrow will decide.
Tonio- (Cuts in) I give up James! Will you follow me to Selim's apartment tomorrow?
James- (Guffaws) I thought you were acting all up? Okay then we will go together tomorrow.
Tonio- What if things didn't turn out well?
James- We branch to one of the biggest bar in Manila and have fun with expensive wine (he winked)
::::: Sunrise at the besties apartment::::
(Selim was at the dinning room preparing breakfast when Emily came out with a sleepy face.)
Selim- I thought you were gonna spend the whole morning on bed?
Emily- I breathed in the redolence of the fried egg from the kitchen.
Selim- (chuckles) So the egg woke you up.
Emily- (Glanced at the wall clock) Why the f**k did I wake up this early on a Saturday.
Selim- 9:30am! Well come seat breakfast is ready (They both sat down and began to dig)
Emily- I didn't wanted to wake you up yesterday when I returned. Hope you took your drugs?
Selim- Yeah I did. That reminds me my mum wants me to come back home.
Emily- Why? but we aren't on break.
Selim- She said even if it's to spend weekend with her she misses me a lot.
Emily- Well I will love to pay my mum a visit but I can't stand the sight of Mara.
Selim- I bet she can't wait to reconcile with you.
Emily- Well in her wildest dreams.
Selim- Why are you being hard on yourself? when deep down you can't wait to have Mara in your arms.
Emily- Bla bla bla. Sir Andre was summoned yesterday by the company Attorneys.
Selim- Why?
Emily- They wanted to know my behaviours in Cebu but Andre covered up for me and I will face the attorneys next week.
Selim- I'm sorry I couldn't be of help to you.
Emily- No bestie you did your best for me.
Selim- Have you texted Paulo? Today is his birthday.
Emily- Oh my! I almost Forgot.
Selim- Not almost, you literally did. I was about to call him on phone.
Emily- Okay let's both wish him a happy birthday (Selim dials Paulo's number not so long he was on the phone. They both sang a birthday wish to Paulo he was so excited that he kept chuckling till they were done singing.)
Paulo- You guys are the best most especially Selim! I know if not of you, Emily would have skipped my special day.
Emily- (Guffaws) Be thankful that I had you in mind for a seconds.
Selim- (Cuts in) Paulo why do you sound so excited this morning?
Paulo- It's my birthday.
Emily- No that's a fat lie tell us the secret. Selim- (cuts in) Yes Emily is right what's the the secret? have you forgotten you told me birthdays don't move you.
Paulo- Okay ladybugs guess who called me an hour ago.
Emily- I'm curious so I can't guess right.
Paulo- Clara did. She is back to Manila.
Selim- Wow that's enough reason to brighten up your day.
Paulo- Well that's not all Clara said she will love to hangout with me on my special day so I made a reservation for the both of us.
Selim- (Yells) Don't forget to let it out today, tell her that time passed but feelings didn't change.
Emily- (smiles) Good luck Paulo!
Selim- (cuts in) I will await good news on Monday! Enjoy your date.
Paulo- Thanks so much and you guys to enjoy your free day.(Selim cuts the call.)
Selim- Do you have dirty laundry?
Emily- No I don't let's go watch the movie we couldn't finish up before traveling to Cebu.
Selim- I was about saying that (They laughed)
::::::(It was already evening the sky was getting a little dark, Tonio drove in front of besties apartment with James in his car:::
Tonio- (Exhale) There's no crime in returning back home since we haven't showed up at their door.
James- (Walked out of the car) What are you still doing there?
Tonio- (feeling reluctant as he walked out and stood right in front of Selim's door while James followed behind he pressed the door bell but no reply)
****In the apartment***
Selim- That's the door bell.
Emily- Are you expecting anyone? go check who's there.
Selim- I'm expecting no one and I'm not checking who's at the door. (Emily sluggishly stood up and went for the door it was a jolt to her seeing Tonio but James presence cause an unpleasant surprise on her face.)
Emily- Good evening Sir please come in. (They walked into the sitting room James couldn't help it but to stare around.)
Tonio- I'm sorry I came by surprise.
Emily- It's nothing. A glass of juice?
Tonio- Never mind. Is Selim inside?
Emily- Yes Sir; let me call her out (Emily went into the bedroom and broke the surprise to Selim.)
Selim- Why did he show up with Attorney James?
Emily- last I checked, I was watching Wild flower with you before the door bell ranged how am I supposed to know why he showed up with the wicked Attorney.
Selim- Go tell Tonio that I'm not coming out to see anyone; like why the f*** (She was about saying something rude, but Emily silenced her with a glance.)
Emily- Go and know the reason why he showed up without notice. (Selim walked into the sitting room)
Selim- Good evening boss. (Turn to James) Good evening Attorney.
Tonio- (Smiles) Well I'm no longer your boss.
James- (cuts in) Who drew this portrait (it was a portrait of a broken vase bleeding)
Tonio- James you love giving meaning to every pointless art work so what does that signify?
James- (He laughs) There's a sentence behind every art work. The portrait is telling us that "Breaking someone's trust is like throwing a perfect flower vase from the top of a skyscraper"
Tonio- So why the hell is it bleeding (Selim Blushed) James explain better.
James- When trust is broken the heart bleeds (Staring around as he walked close to a portrait.. it's a bird looking stressed with it's feathers littered around.) Ohhh poor thing.
Tonio- Explain! (Selim- was enjoying their conversation.)
James- The bird tried to fly up but it couldn't so it's feathers paid the price.
Tonio- Rationalize!
James- The artist is telling us we should learn to move on when it's necessary. The bird wants to fly but there's a lot holding it back you know this saying "If you want to fly on the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you need to let go of the past that drags you down.”
Tonio- Wow nice illustration.
James- Let me go get some natural air outside when you're done you know where to find me. (When James walked out there was a minute silence.)
Tonio- Sorry I didn't call to check on your health yesterday I felt you needed space.
Selim- The health department did yesterday.
Tonio- The health department?
Selim- Yeah; Sir Andre did so that's enough beside I'm stronger now.
Tonio- Oh (feeling uncomfortable) What about your drugs?
Selim- it finished today morning; like I said I'm okay now.
Tonio- (Clears his throat) I wanted to come say a final good bye till when next I return to Manilla.
Selim- When are you leaving?
Tonio- Tomorrow morning. Do you want to see me off?
Selim- Not at all.
Tonio- Can we talk about us?
Selim- (cuts in) There isn't an US. Take me out of the picture and  move on with your life.
Tonio- (Shocked) I thought we were cool?  and didn't wanted to stress me that's why you told Andre to drop you home yesterday. I was hurt with your actions but I paid less attention to it.
Selim- You and Andre can never get along and I don't want to lose him so please just act as if I never exist.
Tonio- This is the second time you put Andre first, why making him your priority when you're just a substitute for him. (She slapped him on the face with shock he lost words )
Selim- I'm not a substitute to Andre!
Tonio- Why is it reality looks like movie to you
Selim- That's exactly how your words and promises sounds to me, like a movie!
Tonio- Why not say your mind I feel you are holding words back; did I Wrong you without knowing, is it because I didn't wait for you to wake up at the clinic, is it because Lili followed me to your tent that morning only if you know how I scolded her for that. I told you there's nothing between Lili and.....
Selim- (She cuts in as her voice raised high) Stop stop! I said stop. I don't need those fake explanation and I'm not holding anything against you.
Tonio- I want to know; the nights we spent together in Cebu don't it have meaning to you?
Selim- They had no meaning to me.
Tonio- Then why did you let that happen?
Selim- I did that for the pleasure and nothing more.
Tonio- (held Selim's hands as she pulled out) I don't like seeing you hurt tell me what you want me to do? inasmuch as it will make you happy I will do it.
Selim- I want you to leave my life for good because your presence makes me sick.
Tonio- Is that what you want?
Selim- Yes!
Tonio- I will do that as long as it makes you happy (He stood up and walked towards the door.) Good night Selim and take good care of yourself till we meet again. (He walked out and got into his car as tears ran down his cheeks.)
James- Give me the key I will drive instead (They swtiched position; James drove out. There was total silence in the car. Tonio's phone rings it was Mr Castillo calling he picked up the call.)
Tonio- Good evening Sir.
Mr Castillo- You told me to give you time to sleep over it but I gave you thirty hours to be with your thoughts so where do you want your next office to be Singapore or Thailand?
Tonio- Singapore.
Mr Castillo- Don't miss your flight tomorrow morning you have to report to work first thing on Monday morning.
Tonio- Okay Sir good ni....(Tonio wasn't done with his words when Mr Castillo cut the call.)
James- Brother I thought you said you were gonna persuade Mr Castillo to leave you work here in Manila, why did you make up your mind so fast?  (Tonio connected his phone Bluetooth to his car as he played "Let her go by passenger"......***Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low***)
Tonio- (Emotionally down) Drive to DR. WINE bar Manila.
James- Okay brother.

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