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#Castilo company
(Selim walks into Tonio's office with her resignation letter)
Selim- Good morning Sir.
Tonio- I didn't call for you.
Selim-Sir I know but it's.....
Tonio-(cuts in) Selim before I let you quit your job I need to know the truth, tell me do you still love Andre?
Selim- Sir Tonio it's best I keep that to myself and please I ask one more time that you approve my resignation letter.
Tonio- Why do you want to quit your job, Is it because you are head over heels in love with Andre and you can't keep your head straight at work? (Selim turns to leave as he held her back) answer me!!!(he yelled)
Selim- (crying) I want to leave because of you ( silence filled the room as Andre walks into the office and meets Tonio holding Selim's hand. He was angry to see her eyes filled with tears)
Andre- Tonio let go of her! (He yelled)
Tonio- Andre if you don't have respect for me,  you should have respect for this office. Leave! Before I call the guards.
Andre- (Exhaled) You shouldn't hurt her and I see no reason why you should be mad at Selim.
Tonio- Get out! Now! (Selim pulled her hands off Tonio's and took a step forward.)
Selim- I don't need your approval anymore this will be the last time you all will see me here. (She walked out of his office as Andre ran after her.)
Selim- Andre please leave!
Andre- (hugs her) I'm sorry Selim.
Selim- I love Tonio but he's just being hard on me. When he traveled to Thailand he Forgot special days in my life; he Forgot my birthday and he Forgot our friendship anniversary.
Andre- (Took his arms off her) He didn't forget about those special days he sent flowers and chocolates to the coffee shop but Ivony threw them in the trash can because I asked her to. Please I'm sorry.
Selim- Andre leave! What did I do to deserve all this from you?
Andre- I'm sorry my imperfections made me this heartless.
Selim- I want you to sleep and never wake up.
Andre- (Stood up to leave) Yeah I will be traveling to Thailand soon. Tonio took my appointment letter to Thialand, it's just a matter of time you will no longer see me here. (He walked out with tears in his eyes.)

(Tonio skipped his meals; he was broken and could no longer concentrate in his office. He thought of Selim all day as files from different department keeps coming to his table. He said to himself "if resigning will make her happy then I will grant her wish".)
""'hours later door opens.
Tonio- Lili what brings you here?
Lilibeth- I can see you are busy but I don't have much time left.
Tonio- Oh come in.
Lilibeth- I will miss you.
Tonio- (paused as he gave her a fixed look) I'm always around for the company so why talk as if I'm traveling soon or are you leaving?
Lilibeth- (Smiled) Yes Tonio, I will be traveling to the United States tomorrow morning. I got enrolled for a business program.
Tonio- Your Dad pushed you to.
Lilibeth- Well, well, this time around it was my decision.
Tonio- (puts his laptop to sleep) How long will the program take?
Lilibeth- Two years.
Tonio- I will miss you Lili flower.
Lilibeth- (Chuckles) I miss days when you do call me that. Tonio I'm sorry for everything.
Tonio- You did nothing wrong to me, it's not your fault that our relationship couldn't stand and breaking up was the right choice.
Lilibeth- I broke your heart countless time, I cheated on you repeatedly.
Tonio- But I have forgiven you for your past mistakes Lili.
Lilibeth- I know you have forgiven me for that (shed a tear) but I'm a bad person. After our breakup it took me time to heal but when ever I set my eyes on you, you look very happy. i think I was the only one who had a broken heart.
Tonio- Go on I'm all ears.
Lilibeth-  I had to collide with Andre to make sure that Selim will never fall for you, we made our blueprint and executed it during our visit to Cebu. That night we had a general meeting. I took excuse and went out with your phone. Well you didn't notice it was missing I sent Selim a message and invited her to your tent using your phone the moment I saw her getting close to the tent I pulled out my dress when Selim saw me she broke down in tears and left your tent.
Tonio- (Steaming) What gave her the assurance that I was in the tent that night?
Lilibeth- I arranged your blankets under your bedspread; it was as if you were laying in there.
Tonio- Shit! (Lili's phone rings)
Lilibeth- My Dad is calling I need to get prepared for my journey tomorrow. Please Tonio (she knelt down) forgive me I was only being stupid. I guess I misunderstood the meaning of love. (He dragged Lili up on her feet.)
Tonio- It's okay Lili let's leave everything in the past. I wish you all the best in the United States and don't forget to give me a call when you get there. (He wrapped her in his arms.) Good bye Lili flower.
Lilibeth- Good bye Tonio, I wish you and Selim all the best. (When She left his office he breaks down in tears, he cleans off his tears and dashed out of his office leaving his secretary in shock. He rushed to Marketing and sales department but Selim wasn't there, he went to health and safety department; Andre told him to check her on the rooftop. Tonio rushed to the lifter and meets the company engineers, he asked what the problem was, they said they were working on the lifter. Tonio took the stairway leading to the rooftop when he got there he meets Selim crying her eyes out.
Tonio- Selim!
Selim- (Crying) I'm sorry boss I supposed to be at the office now. (He dragged her into his arms and wrapped her tightly.)
Tonio- I'm sorry for everything, I never knew you met Lili naked in my tent.
Selim- Andre told me everything he said it was a plan work. Why did they have to ruin our love?
Tonio- Do you believe it's ruined, you know we can make up for the lost days.
Selim- My heart is broken and all I can do now is to keep crying. I wouldn't have fallen into Andre's trap.
Tonio-  ( He wiped the tears from her face) Together we can pull through this. No matter how much a heart gets broken there's a remedy somewhere close by.
Selim- Will you be the remedy?
SELIM/ TONIO- CAN YOU HEAL MY BROKEN HEART? (OST playing as they got caught in each other's eyes.)
Tonio- I will do everything possible to heal your broken heart. (She cried out with pleasure when she heard those words from him.)
Selim- I will do the same. (He hugged her and she nestled against his chest after a while she stopped crying, Tonio Leaning over her, he kissed her possessively on the mouth. They both sat on the bench at the rooftop.)
Tonio- I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry I didn't know you were passing through all this pains.
Selim- It's all in the past Tonio.
Tonio- (phone beeps) I have a meeting in the next ten minutes.
Selim- It's Okay, you can go on.
Tonio- I have cancelled it. It will be rescheduled tomorrow. I want you to go home with me.
Selim- What about your mum?
Tonio- I live in a mansion, if you don't want to see her then you won't see her but she loves you.
Selim- I will meet with her; she seems cool tho.
Tonio- You are gonna sleep over.
Selim- I will love to.
(Selim followed Tonio back to the CASTILLO MANSION)
Tonio- Where's Mum?
Maid- She went into her Chamber some minutes ago.
Alevira- (walked out) Son.
Selim- Good evening Ma.
Alevira- Selim! (Smiles) it's nice seeing you here.
Selim- Thank you Ma.
Alevira- (points to a direction) perfect timing; Dinner is ready, let's move to the dinning room.
Alevira- Congratulations Selim, Tonio told me you two are together.
Selim- Together? (Looks at Tonio in shock)
Tonio- (whispers) Mum I haven't asked her out yet.
Selim- Yes, he's right.
Alevira- Oh; I'm sorry when you said you were coming home with her I thought you two have patch things up.
Tonio- Yes, yes right Selim.
Selim- (Chuckles) Yes, we are cool aunt Alevira.
(After dinner Tonio went in to take a shower while Selim stayed in the sitting room hearing stories from Alevira. Tonio rushed out all dressed.)
Alevira- Are you going out?
Tonio- Yes mum, our clients from Japan just arrived now; let me go have a little discussion before we lodge them in the company's hotel.
Alevira- Oh that's a great idea. You can tell the driver to drop you at the company; you're looking so stressed.
Tonio- Okay mum. Selim I will be back.
Selim- I can go with you if you don't mind.
Tonio- No stay behind. (He dashed out)
Alevira- You can go take a shower now.
Selim- Won't you be bored?
Alevira- (Smiles) I'm use to it. Tonio won't really give you the full time you want, he will be as busy as his father I hope you ready for that.
Selim- I will get use to it Aunt.
Alevira- (Smiles) Thanks for coming back to Tonio he looks very happy now.
Selim- I should be the one thanking you for accepting me.
Alevira- Oh no; it's nothing Dearie go take a shower I will see you tomorrow.
Selim- Good night Aunt.
Alevira- Don't forget the direction; take the staircase by your right to the third floor and then follow the lobby with brown tiles, the third room is Tonio's. Good night Selim.
Selim- Thanks Aunt.
(Two hours later Tonio returned home)
#Tonio's Room...
Tonio- I'm really sorry the meeting took longer than expected.
Selim- it's okay. How's it like to be the president of the company?
Tonio- (grins) Stressful but it's a dream come true.  Hope you're no longer resigning?
Selim- That's if you haven't approved the letter. (They Laughed)
Tonio- I haven't, so are you still working for the company?
Selim- Yes I'm (smiles)
Tonio- Thanks dear. You look good on my shirt.
Selim- (Crimsoned) Thanks dear. For how long has my portrait been in your room
Tonio- Next month will make it a year.
Selim- Thanks Tonio.
(Tonio took off his tie and fling it into his closet. He sits on the bed and watch Selim Crimsoned at him with no words in her mouth. He drew closer to her as his fingers went around her hair and he said to her "I love your eyes but I love them most when they stare back into mine. She leaned her face towards him, feeling his breath against her lips she kissed him. To Tonio It was like a rainbow beaming in the dark as he smiled with his eyes closed. He leaned closer as they kissed passionately with his hands roaming her body, he raised her chin kissing her neck, on held breath her body quivers as she moans softly and gasping filled behind closed eyes. gently he took his finger tip teasing her entrance, Loud moans as they grow to a whisper. Feeling the juices flowing to his touch, Tonio stretches his left hand and switched off the table lamp.)

(Tonio and Andre patched things up leaving the past behind and moving on with the future. Tonio sent Andre's appointment letter to Thialand but after a while he brought it back to the Philippines giving Andre a second chance to work for Castillo Company Philippine Manila branch.)
***At Marketing and Sales department***
Paulo- Selim you look very happy this morning.
Selim- indeed I'm happy. (Emily dashed into the department.)
Emily- You couldn't even give me a call to know if I woke up this morning.
Selim- (chuckles) I knew you will wake up strong so I didn't bother calling you.
Paulo- You had an appointment yesterday?
Selim- Ummm not really (she smiled at Paulo)
Paulo- So are we set to have lunch?
Selim- Argh I won't be going with you guys today maybe tomorrow.
Paulo- Why? ( Tonio walked into Marketing and Sales department.) Sir Tonio I really missed seeing you here. (Tonio grins)
Tonio- Selim it's time. (Selim Crimsoned, took her cellphone and followed Tonio out of the department.)
Paulo- (drew closer to Emily) Is there something you aren't telling me?
Emily- (smiles) Selim has patch things up with Tonio and the breaking news is those two are dating and Aunt Alevira approved it.
Paulo- (shouts in joy) Finally! I'm so happy for Selim noooo! I'm happier for Sir Tonio. So we're gonna have lunch without Selim.
Emily (phone beeps; it was a message from James.) Argh I think you will have lunch alone I'm off to attorney James office he got my lunch delivered.
Paulo- (Comical) Now I wish you two were single again!
Emily- (Guffaws) Catch you (she ran out of the department.)
Paulo- Silly girls I'm so happy for the both of them (picks up his phone and dialed Clara's number.) Hey baby.
Clara- (Crimsoned) Hey boo.
Paulo- Any plans for lunch?
Clara- I got no plans. Do you want to have lunch with me?
Paulo- Yes, yes I want to. Wait for me I will come pick you in the next five minute.
Clara- Okay (Smiles) I will be waiting. (She cuts the call and jumps in joy) I can't wait for you boo!
Welcome to Castillo company!
Paulo- Good morning Selim. (Turns to Emily) what are you doing in our department?
Emily- Well ladies discussion.
Selim- Ivony sent me a small box of chocolates.
Paulo- Who's Ivony?
Selim- Andre's girlfriend.
Paulo- Oh that witch.
Emily- (chuckles) Well, we are now friends. We fixed our little misunderstandings.
Selim- Yeah.
Paulo- I sent flowers to Clara this morning, she said I should say hello to the both of you.
Selim- (excited) That's so nice of her. Emily tell Paulo the name of the flowers you got this morning from James.
Emily- Bouquet of pink tulips.
Paulo- Wow! It's a perfect gift to give to your true love. They are an adorable way to express your love for someone special.
Emily- (blushing) let's go have breakfast.
Selim- I thought you had breakfast before coming out?
Paulo- It's a general company breakfast it happens every Valentine's day. Once in a year. Let's get going so we won't be late.
(Selim, Paulo and Emily walked to the cafeteria on getting there Emily and Paulo ran ahead of Selim.)
Selim- Why are you all running? (The moment she walked into the cafeteria everyone present shouts in joy as ranunculus petals fell on her. She was lost as she turns around looking for Emily and Paulo, Tonio walked into the cafeteria with a banquet of Ranunculus flowers. He took a step towards her and called out, She stared at the flower puzzled)
Tonio- Happy Valentine day My Selim. I'm giving you a Ranunculus flowers because you are special to me and you are the girl who lightens up my world. This bright, eye-catching flower represents attractiveness and charm and is a perfect way to tell you that you caught my attention and now my engrossment on you is making me lose track of time. (There was a lot of flash light on them as everyone watched in excitement.)
Paulo- I'm so juiced about this!
Xender- She's very lucky to have one who makes her a priority.
Paulo- Yes Sir Xender you are right. I can't wait to watch them walk down the aisle.
Emily- (Laughs) Paulo don't shake that camera I need a clearer video of today's show. Sir Andre you have been smiling.
Andre- (Chuckles) I'm happy for the both of them. I wish Lilibeth was here to watch this.
James- ( holds Emily on her waist) Xender will definitely send the video to her.
Selim- (whispers) You're making me shy.
Tonio- (He hugged her, handed her the bouquet of Ranunculus flowers and wrapped her in his arms) Castillo company is a family to me so you don't have to be shy.
Selim- You know you can give me this flowers in your office.
Tonio- I will let the world know that you are mine but first I need to tell my family, the company. (Yells) Hello everyone I love Selim!
Selim- (whispers) Tonio! (He put an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.)
Tonio- What's your schedule after work today?
Selim- Do you have plans for us?
Tonio- Yes Honey.
Selim- I'm all yours Boo (She leaned forward and stood on her toes, gripping his shoulders as she kissed his cheek. Without warning he leaned forward pulled her gently and kissed her on the lips.)
Tonio- I love you so much.
Selim- I love you too. (Paulo yells out "I love you both")

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