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(That night Selim returned back to the apartment.)
Emily- Where have you been?
Selim- Fairy godmother I went to get street food.
Emily- (Chuckles) let me guess Puto Bumbong.
Selim- Yes Puto Bumbong anything for the love of Filipino sticky rice. (gave Emily her share.)
Emily- You won't believe what happened today at the office. Andre said I will be traveling with the team to Cebu City.
Selim- (Stupefaction) Andre!
Emily- The look of startlement in your eyes says alot about your heart. Yes Andre Marasigan gave me the opportunity to travel with the team.
Selim- Well this life is capricious who will ever believe that you and Andre will get along someday.
Emily- He's my boss (laughs)
Selim- Would you believe it if I tell you that my boss Toniogerrero wrapped me in his arms today.
Emily- (cuts in) He did what?
Selim- It was like a missing puzzle in me was completed.
Emily- Stay away from Tonio please!
Selim- (eyes wide open) I thought you wanted me to give Tonio a chance?
Emily- Not anymore have you forgotten he told you right in the eyes that he feels nothing for you.
Selim- I don't want to love again but I still treasure what I feel for Tonio.
Emily- I wanted you to use Toniogerrero and heal from your broken heart but thank heavens you healed your heart without the help of anyone, not Andre nor even Tonio so you owe him nothing; absolutely nothing.
Selim- You are right I owe him nothing.
Emily- I just feel Tonio has a different interior motive always put in mind that he said you should see him as your boss and nothing more.
Selim- That's why I have you as a friend you are always here to bring me back to the right track.
Emily- Did you later talk with Paulo, why did he walk out of the restaurant? (Selim told Emily her conversation with Paulo at the office after they talked for a long time they switched off the table lantern and went to bed.)
:::The next day at the company:::
(At the Marketing and sales department, Tonio walked in holding two espressos on his hands he gave one to Selim and the other to Paulo.)
Tonio- Selim that's your favorite flavor right?
Selim- Yes Sir (blushing) Thanks boss.
Paulo- Thanks so much boss you are the best.
Selim- Sir Tonio did you see the handkerchief yesterday?
Tonio- (He glanced at her and his lip twitched) Yes I did.
Paulo- Sir you have been avoiding me lately.
Tonio- (chuckles) I don't think so. Get your bags ready Cebu in a week time.
Paulo- I'm more excited than anyone else!
Selim- Sir Tonio I heard Emily will be traveling with the team. Thank you boss.
Tonio- (smiles) Yes she will be going with us.
Paulo- Thanks so much boss I love you.
Tonio- (laughs) Paulo go inside my office use the office phone and remind the purchase department about my meeting with them.
(Paulo stood up from his seat and walked into Tonio's office.)
Tonio- (leering at Selim as he grins) Why are you blushing Selim?
Selim- (She crimsoned the moment she realized Tonio was looking at her) Sir you were looking at me in a leering manner.
Tonio- What does it mean if I look at you that way?
Selim- If someone leers at you....
Tonio- (Cuts in ) not someone. if I leer at you, what message will I be passing to you?
Selim- (feeling nervous) That you are sexually attracted to me.
Tonio- (grins) I miss having this (Paulo was done with the call as he walked in.)
Paulo- Boss I have passed the information to the purchase department. Selim and I has to visit the manufacturing industry today.
Tonio- (he winked at Selim and shifted his attention to Paulo.) You two should go on take your reports directly to the broadcast department.
::::Paulo and Selim at the lobby::::
Paulo- Sir Tonio looks happy today.
Selim- I noticed, what could be the reason?
Paulo- Maybe he is in love.
Selim- (laughs) Paulo!
Paulo- Yes he's in love with you!
Selim- Shuu bring it down. How he treats me is how he feels about me so Sir Tonio feels nothing for me.
Paulo- If he loves you, you will know. if he doesn't you will be confused so tell me are you confused?
Selim- Yes Paulo I'm totally confused. (trying to change the conversation) Have you talked with Clara?
Paulo- I called her yesterday, I really missed her voice.
Selim- Did you two patch things up?
Paulo- Not really, she's not in the state so I will wait till she returns back to Manila.
Selim- I'm happy for you. finally you took the best decision let's go see Emily before we head to the industry.
:::::At the health and safety department::::
Paulo- Emily honey!
Emily- See who is acting sweet this morning. Thank your stars Selim told me last night why you left the restaurant inflamingly.
Paulo- I appologize Emily.
Emily- Appology accepted (laughs) bestie you look happy this morning what's the secret?
Paulo- My boss bought an espresso for her.
Selim- (Chuckles) Well he also got an espresso for Paulo.
Emily- Selim it's better you don't fall for him again remember he told you he feels nothing for you.
Paulo- If Tonio loves Selim let she move with the flow who knows what tomorrow brings.
Selim- (Changes the topic) Emily did you meet up with the security guards?
Emily- Yes I went to their office this morning.
Selim- Did you find out who has the files with Williams photo?
:At the Guards office::::
Emily- Good evening Sir.
Security 1- Morning.. how can I be of help?
Emily- Do you remember the girl that gave you a lost file some days back?
Security 1- Yes.
Emily- Please do you know the owner of the files?
Security 1- (stammers) Yes someone came to pick it up two days back.
Emily- please do you know the owner?
Security 1- No no I can't remember who exactly claimed the files.
Emily- Male or female ?
Security 1- (Stammers) A young lady took the files (Emily wanted asking more questions but Rosemary thanked the security guards and pulled Emily out.)
Emily- I don't know why Rosemary had to pull me out.
Selim- Wasn't it clear that those men where hiding things from you.
Emily- I didn't notice beside old people tends to forget things easily.
Paulo- if they forget things easily Castillo company will never employ these individuals.
Emily- if I don't get this information from the guards, who else will I get it from?
Paulo- What information exactly?
Emily- I lost contact with an old friend of mine and last week I saw his photo on the ground at the lobby.
Paulo- If his photo is in the company then he's probably a worker here or maybe he's related to someone who works in Castillo.
Emily- He travelled outside the country and that was the last time I heard from him.
Paulo- All this top departmental bosses were once a staff like us the company will sponsor their trip out of the country so they could go and acquire more knowledge and skills. Some remain there while some will return back to the Philippines and get their new promotion to a higher office in the company.
Selim- So you are trying to say Williams has a connection in this company?
Paulo- Yes I'm sure of that. Can I see his photo.
Emily- I erased all his photos the moment he walked out of my life.
Selim- I guess the only way we could meet the owner of those files is for us to meet the guy who threw those files (turns to Emily) can you still identify the guy who threw those files?
Emily- I think so.
(A lady walked into the room, took off her sunshades and stopped at a point.)
Ivoyn- it seems you all are thrown into a state of confusion. Hello Selim.
(Selim was cheesed off but Emily gave her a fixed look so she could play her card well.)
Selim- Hi Miss. Welcome to Castillo company, how can I be of help to you?
Ivony- A tremulous Selim somehow mustered up the courage to talk to me after months of hiding. I came to see your EX boyfriend Selim.
Selim- (Steaming) Wrong direction try another room.
Ivony- (experiencing a feeling of irritation) oh my bad. I guess you have been in other relationship that failed so you don't know the Ex I was referring to (walks closer to Selim) I came to see my boyfriend Andre Marasigan.
(Selim was losing it when Emily noticed her countenance she cuts in.)
Emily- it's been a while we last saw each other Ivony, too bad you still didn't improve in your looks and manners.
Ivony- Emily the courageous lady. From the waiter girl at the coffee bar to a staff in the biggest soap company in Manilla.
Emily- Watch it before I call the gaurds.
Ivony- Call the gaurds? have you forgotten my boyfriend is your direct boss do you want to lose your job because of Selim. That wretch has caused you more harm than good. (walks closer to Selim) You smell nice my old time friend I guess the company gives out free perfumes to their staffs because the Selim I knew back then couldn't afford one.
Paulo- (cuts in) hey you ugly miss (infuriated) watch your words.
Ivony- I don't talk to gays okay.
Paulo- It's not my fault that I was born with a cute face. when I was a kid I do insist that my parents check under the bed every night for creatures that look exactly like you.(Selim chuckles as Ivony furiously gave her a fixed look.)
Selim- (Sits on Emily working chair) To bad when you were born the beautiful ones where still getting ready to exist. (Emily and Paulo guffaws)
(Andre walks into the room he didn't notice Selim presence as he hugs Ivony)
Andre- Did you get me lunch?
Ivony- (Comical) yes I came as your lunch, I guess the coach in your office is still strong? (paused as she looks at Selim's direction, Andre turns and was surprised to see Selim, he was wearing a shameful look as Selim dashed out of the office; Paulo ran after Selim but he lost trace with her, he returned back to his department but Selim wasn't inside. Paulo went to check on her at the cafe but she was no where to be found.
(Hours later Tonio went to the rooftop of the company to have a private time with his thoughts. He was shocked to see Selim sleeping on the bench. Tonio walked closer to her, bent down as he runs his hands through her hair and said ,"now you are asleep I will tell you what you can't hear .I'll never let you leave too far from me my Selim, I will secretly keep protecting what is mine, you will always be my girl Selim." she still remains calm he brushes her hair off her face pushing it behind her ear so he leans down and kissed her forehead, looked at her on the face and smiles he noticed noise from the entrance so he looked up but he didn't see anyone there. It was lilibeth she saw Tonio walked up to the rooftop and she followed him behind when she saw Tonio running his hands on Selim's hair she stood outside and watch them through the open door she mistakenly touched the door knobs when she saw Tonio looking towards her direction she left the rooftop. Tonio noticed someone was close by as he walks towards the door he hits his leg on a bench and it woke Selim up.
Tonio- (turns to Selim) Are you okay?
Selim- I'm sorry Sir I shouldn't be at the rooftop, I have unfinished work at the office.
Tonio- Is there anything bothering you? I usually come up the rooftop when I want to be alone with my thoughts.
Selim- I just needed to be alone Sir I didn't know you usually come up here. (Tonio sits on the next bench)
Tonio- I saw Ivony an hour ago at the company, did you see her by chance? (she breaks down in tears "what's the problem" he asked as he stretch out his hand and gave her his handkerchief) take wipe off your tears
Selim- Thank you Sir (exhale deeply) Ivony is so heartless.
Tonio- Why not take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't.
Selim- I don't understand.
Tonio- If you have the power to control Ivony you would have tear her relationship with Andre apart, but you don't have the power to and you have the power to control your heart Selim, why not take control of what you have power over.
Selim- But I thought holding on makes one stronger it's different when it comes to me.
Tonio- I thought holding on and hanging in there were signs of great strength. However, I understand that there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go.
Selim- I have forgotten about my relationship with Andre but I don't think I can forgive Ivony.
Tonio- You just have to completely let go. if there's anyone who owe you the greatest of all apology it should be Andre and not Ivony. When you hold resentment toward someone, you are bound to that person by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.
Selim- (feeling relieved) Thanks so much Sir.
Tonio- I want to tell you a secret to leaving your past behind. You have to demolish the bridges behind you so you will have no choice but to move forward.(winks)
Selim- (smiles) Thanks boss.
Tonio- Hope you are getting ready for our visit to Cebu?
Selim- Yes Sir I'm ready.
Tonio- (yells jokingly) You are ready!
Selim- (Chortles as she raised her tune) I was born ready! (Tonio looked directly into her eyes, She took off her gaze.)
Selim- Sir I should head to the industry now
Tonio- Okay I will be at your back.
(Selim left the rooftop while Tonio stayed behind.)
:::: Lilibeth entered her office angrily to see Andre sitting on the couch she looked startled for a moment, and then composed herself.:::::
Lilibeth- What brings you here?
Andre- My future inlaw I told you your relationship with Tonio is just a wound in advance.
Lilibeth- You don't know my relationship with Toniogerrero so don't say what you know nothing about.
Andre- i know Tonio's relationship with Selim he had something with Selim when you two were in a relationship.
Lilibeth- Are you saying this because you want your Ex back (Snider laugh) I know about your past relationships with her you failure, you want to use me and feed your desire.
Andre- I'm not here because I want Selim back I'm here because we both have something in common.
Lilibeth- I have nothing in common with you demon.
Andre- Imagine this invitation card Tonio Weds Selim (Guffaws) can you stand the nightmare.
Lilibeth- I love Tonio but we are incompatible and I can't live to see him heal from his broken heart.
Andre- (laughs) Well we both are birds of the same feather we could create a snide trick to get Tonio's mind off Selim or we could do the opposite getting Selim's mind off Tonio.
Lilibeth- I knew it, you are a replica of the man who lives in hell. Count me in what's the first step?
Andre- How good are you in dancing with a tune of regret?
Lilibeth- If killing myself will make Selim hurt I will do just that.
Andre- I knew that when we two work hand in hand we can bring down a nation.
Lilibeth- (Snider smiles) What's the first step?
Andre- I will play the music just dance with the tune.

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