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(Tonio wasn't done with his speech when a deliveryman walked in holding flowers. )
Deliveryman- Good morning.
Tonio- (dumbfounded) m-o-r-n-i-n-g.
Deliveryman- Please who is Selim? (Tonio turns to Selim with a strange look, while Selim waves at the deliveryman.) ma'am this flowers are for you.
Paulo- (cuts in) Wow red carnation flowers! It  symbolizes love, pride and admiration. Selim this is the best gift for the day.
Selim- (walks closer to the deliveryman) is there a note?
Delivery man- Yes, it says "From Andre Marasigan to the love of my life Selim" (he gave the flowers to Selim and left the office. There was total silence as Selim couldn't face Tonio.)
Paulo- (breaks the silence) When are we travelling to Cebu?
Tonio- It all depends on Mr Castillo. I have an appointment in 10 minutes, visit the manufacturing industry today and get your reports ready.
(Selim and Paulo left the office as they head to the industry)
Paulo- Our surprise guest came with flowers at a very awkward time.
Selim- (chuckle) you such a silly goose.
Paulo- I wish those flowers were mine. Thumbs up to Sir Andre.
Selim- You are free to have those flowers I won't take it home with me.
Paulo- (stammers) Can we talk about Emily?
Selim- if you will end up taking Emily side let's forget the past.
Paulo- I'm not taking anyone's side I will dress the truth up and speak in a straight forward manner. Yesterday you were at fault.
Selim- How?
Paulo- You should not have used Emily's past to hurt her.
Selim- She uses my past against me several times.
Paulo- All Emily wants is to see you happy and you healing from your past.
Selim- She wants me to heal from my past when she hasn't even crawled out from hers. I know Emily so well she believes love doesn't exist.
Paulo- If you think Emily believes love doesn't exist, why is she trying to let You see a chance with Tonio? (Selim deeply exhale) have you ever cared to know why Emily finds it hard to love again?
Selim- (cold) No I haven't.
Paulo- I feel the problem here is Emily finds it hard breathing when ever you get hurt.
Selim- (feeling bad) Thanks Paulo (hugs Paulo) I will patch things up with Emily.
Paulo- Hey! (comical) the atmosphere is full of emotions and i didn't come out with my tissues.
Selim- (laughs) stop acting silly let's get to the industry.
(After four hours at the industry Selim and Paulo came out looking very tired.)
Selim- I'm really pooped after the whole walking around in the industry (puts her right hand on her akimbo) who won't be exhausted after all this stress?
Paulo- (cuts in) well, the industry workers won't be (laughs) I knew working at Castillo company requires much hard work.
Selim- My feet hurts, I have been on it for hours and now I smell like a tube of fragrances.
Paulo- I will be visiting the industry everyday so I won't spend on buying perfumes.
Selim- (giggle) so you enjoyed today's stress? I won't pray for today to ever repeat itself. what a hectic day.
Paulo- I didn't enjoy the stress but I love the way I smell (Comical) I will ask a girl out on my way home today, who is she to resist a guy who smells like a garden of bluebells?
Selim-(laughs) I bet she will end up chocking.
Paulo- (laugh boisterously) That's not true. You know she can't stand it seeing a cute guy with a nice fragrance.
(Selim and Paulo said good night to each other as they path ways.)
At the besties apartment:::  Selim got back home.
She took off her foot wear and flung it beside the Couch; she walked tiredly and sat down on the dinner room chair then she said to herself "I'm exhausted from a hectic day at the office. Emily walked out of the kitchen holding a serving spoon.)
Emily- Dinner is ready.
Selim- (Shocked) you prepared meal for me?
Emily- Don't feel special (grins) I made dinner for the both of us. Guess what?
Selim- What Emily
Emily- it's your favorite meal
Selim- Arroz Caldo, Filipino porridge?
Emily- (smiles) yes, Arroz Caldo.
Selim- Thanks Emily. I'm really sorry for yesterday.
Emily- Its okay we both could not control how we felt.
Selim- Yes you are right. I was trying to figure out why Tonio gets mad at every single thing I do at work and next was Andre.
Emily- I just felt bad. Maybe I'm taking it hard on you knowing so well that getting over a break up isn't as easy as we see especially when we were the ones who loved more.
Selim- When will you open up to me about your last relationship?
Emily- I might get emotional when I talk about it (stands up and heads to the kitchen ) let me go serve the meal it's getting late.
(They were done having dinner but Emily was finding it hard to sleep when Selim noticed it she called out for Emily's attention)
Selim- Aren't you feeling sleepy, is this about Williams?
Emily- (sad) Yes, for some time now I have been thinking much about Williams.
Selim- Bestie just open up to me What happened between you two?
Emily- I could still remember the conversation I had with Williams the day he left for Singapore.
:::At Manila Ninoy Aquino International Airport::::
Emily- Liam in 30 minutes you will be  leaving for Singapore and I don't even know your relations.
Williams- (feeling bad) My mum won't let me date someone like you.
Emily- (shocked) Someone like me, What's my crime?
Williams- She feels you are a nobody because your parents don't have a say in Manila.
Emily- Liam it's okay, maybe we are not meant to be together.
Williams- Emily don't say so I promise when I return from Singapore I will make life comfortable for you and I will show you up to my mum.
Emily- Liam let's break up.
Williams- (hugs Emily) please don't do this.
Emily- I can't take the distance when you travel to Singapore, I won't be able to reach you on phone and your mum thinks I'm a nobody.
Williams- You shouldn't be concerned with what others think about you, you are my World. I can't stand a break up with you please wait for me.
Emily- (sad)I will wait Williams but how long should I keep waiting for you?
Williams- Take this pendant love.
Emily- (sheds tears) Liam when will you return back to the Philippines?
Williams- (sad) please take this pendant, I don't know exactly when I will return. Your pendant is a key mine is the padlock no matter how far I go from you,  you still got the key to my locked heart.
Emily- Promise me you'll return.
Williams- I will return to Manila, my family are here and you all are the reason why I need to work hard for a better future (Checks the electronic board at the airport)
Emily- Just let me know when ever you have moved on at Singapore.
Williams- I will never move on without you (gave Emily a tight hug as he Whispers to her "I will be back my love")

Selim- And since then you haven't heard a word from Williams?
Emily- I did, he called me when he got to Singapore since from that night we talked on phone it's now two years I haven't heard a single word from Williams.
Selim- Ever since Williams left to Singapore I noticed you never liked me playing jokes with his name at some point I thought you two ended the relationship I never knew there was more to that.
Emily- what pains me the most is that I wasn't even worth a goodbye from Liam.
Selim- I don't know why my thoughts are evil right now.
Emily- I want to hear it all.
Selim- What if Liam had an accident that he didn't survive it?
Emily- That has always been my mind but then what if Liam is alive and has gotten a better life with someone else in Singapore?
Selim- Only Williams has an answer to that question. Why haven't you moved on are you still waiting for Liam?
Emily- I'm not waiting for Liam, I just promised myself not to fall in love with anyone else after how hurt I was when Liam left me with no trace. I don't believe love ever exist and I don't think it will exist in the future.
Selim- I'm really sorry Emily.
Emily- Its okay Bestie, your eyebag looks heavy (chuckles) let's sleep tomorrow is a busy day (Emily offs the table lamp)

Next day:::(Tonio arrives at the company and heads to James office.)
James- What a surprise visit!
Tonio- (guffaw) I was expecting you to say that.
James- I can't recall when last you walked into my office by 8am.
Tonio- (smiles) I don't have much on my schedule today so I came to bug you a little.
James- I'm hungry let's go have breakfast at Lili's she invited both of us.
Tonio- I already had breakfast at home.
James- Are you avoiding Lili?
Tonio-  I'm not.
James- Why not give your relationship a chance.
Tonio- (laughs) Relationship! There's nothing between the both of us.
James- But you really loved Lili. if I was told  back then that you won't end up with Lili I will put my life in line as a bet and even after the breakup you still loved her.
Tonio- Why are you so concerned about Lili, have you forgotten all I did for her?
James- Tell me the truth do you love Selim?
Tonio- (Chuckles) What had Selim got to do with this (a young man walked in )
Gerry- Attorney James have you forgotten we have a case today.
James- (shock) Today was the fixed date?
Gerry- Yes James.
James - (puts his hands on his forehead) I'm such a dumb ass and I haven't signed the last disciplinarian (turns to Tonio) please will you fill up the gap?
Tonio- (winks ) now you need a favor from me, what case exactly?
Gerry- last week we saw tweets saying "Castillo company produces chemicals as soaps" We have traced the culprit (Tonio agreed as they all entered into the  disciplinary room, james took the main seat on the stage as Gerry and Tonio stayed behind two other Attorneys)
James - (greets) can the culprit step forward (a young girl of age sixteen steps forward) Who is your informant?
Mara- Nobody.
Gerry- That's not true only an employee knows about this information you tweeted.
James- You have to open up or your family will sleep behind bars.
Mara- Please don't punish my family.
Tonio- You are capable of setting your family free and also putting them at risk the coin has two face choose wisely.
Mara- My sister told me that the previous company soaps had much harmful chemicals. (Attorney Masalang one of the harsh boss at the company clears his throat)
Attorney Masalang- That means Mara shouldn't be punished for knowing but her sister who took the information out.
Mara- (knelt down) please don't punish my sister it's all my fault, I never wanted all this to happen.
(Mara was asked to leave the room and the company bus dropped her back at her highschool. Emily was at the company coffee bar with Selim and Paulo when the security guard took her to the disciplinary room. Tonio was shocked that Mara and Emily are biological sisters.)
James- Miss Emily what do you gain sabotaging the company's image?
Emily- I don't have any intention to do so.
James- If you claim to have no intentions, why did you spread the news?
Emily- I didn't (there was a remorseful look on her face)
Attorney Masalang- She appears not the least bit compunctious about her wrongs.
Gerry- We have to reschedule this meeting Mr James.
James- Miss Emily put in mind that you have to face the punishment.
Emily- What are my punishment?
Attorney Masalang- You have to face the press and tell them you are a spy who came to bring down the company, after your meeting with the press you will be fired from the company. (he stood up and declared the meeting over, Tonio returned back to his office)
Tonio- Paulo I'm too preoccupied with my thoughts I will be leaving the office soon reschedule my meetings.
Paulo- (cold) Okay Sir (Selim followed Tonio to his office)
Tonio- (busy packing up to leave) Selim I didn't call for you.
Selim- I need your help.
Tonio- I can only help if it's for the growth of Castillo company remember things are now official between us.
Selim- This will be my last favour help Emily please.
Tonio- I Can't.
Selim- please I beg of you .
Tonio- I'm not in the right position to help I'm not an Attorney.
Selim- Tonio if you still love me, help Emily.
Tonio- I don't love you anymore Selim.

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