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:::: Sunrise::::
Tonio- (The Team) Good morning everyone, I got a call from Mr Castillo this morning he needs me to be at the office unfailingly in two days time.
Andre- But we signed out for five days, why the rush?
Tonio- Mrs Anna is back to work so I have to handover marketing and sales department to the rightful owner.
Andre- So you have finally accepted the fact that you don't have a place in Castillo company Philippines branch. You can leave the team behind I will take over from your finish line.
Tonio- I will be leaving with my departmental staffs and with the final report for the team you can spend the rest of your life here because that's where you belong.
Andre- Really! With your departmental staffs or just with Sel......
Lilibeth- (cuts in) Andre you shouldn't vent out your anger in front of the junior staffs (Team mumbling)
Tonio- (yells) Everyone zip up that loosed mouths of yours (Team apologies) Appology accepted (Turns to Selim as she bends her head down)everyone do your best to promote our products here in the village. Miss Lilibeth move with your staffs, Mr Andre health workers should stay close by.
(Paulo and Selim followed Tonio behind)
Tonio- Selim how are you?
Selim- I'm okay Sir.
Paulo- (cuts in) Sir Tonio I feel so insignificant here.
Tonio- Why Paulo?
Paulo- You didn't ask me how I'm doing?
Tonio- Paulo you are special to me (Selim hits her leg on a stone as Tonio grabbed her hand) Selim watch it okay.
Selim- Thank you Sir.
Paulo- Sir I know I'm special to you even if you don't mention it.
Tonio- (Chuckles) All my staffs are special to me.
::::Hours later::::
Tonio- Paulo hasn't returned yet?
Selim- Maybe he is still advertising our products.
Tonio- Have you had anything to eat yet?
Selim- No boss. I was in a hurry to leave the tent so I didn't take any snacks with me.
Tonio- Since we are done let us sit on the fallen branches and wait for him.
Selim- I just feel like a bleary passenger.
Tonio- (brought out snacks from his school bag) Take Selim.
Selim- I'm okay Sir, I can wait till we get to our tents.
Tonio- But you are hungry, can you really wait until lunch time?
Selim- (Borborygmi) Yes Sir I can wait.
Tonio- I insist because the growling from your stomach tells me that you are hungry so it's a command eat up as we wait for Paulo. (she took the snack from Tonio.)
Selim- Thanks so much boss.
Tonio- You're not looking bright, are you exhausted from walking round the community?
Selim- That's not the reason.
Tonio- Tell me I'm getting disturbed.
Selim- You said Mrs Anna will be back to the company soon?
Tonio- Yes I will handover to her when we return.
Selim- What now happens to you?
Tonio- I will be posted to Mr Castillo company in Thialand or Singapore.
Selim- Why don't you want to stay back?
Tonio- I wish it could be possible but it's not.
Selim- How soon will you be leaving?
Tonio- I don't know until Mr Castillo decides.
Selim- I really don't like this news.
Tonio- (Taking her in his arms, he held her close for a moment and then kissed her forehead.) When I become one of the top boss in the company at Thialand, I will come take you with me.
Selim- I still don't like this news.
Tonio- (Chuckles) I dislike it more.
Selim- Sir Tonio is there no vacancy here in the company? please stay back.
Tonio- I will get demoted if I stay back. Now can we enjoy the moment and forget about my transfer?
Selim- Okay boss.
Tonio- About last night, I want to ask you a question (A little boy was running and fell into a dirty mud, Tonio ran to help him out.)
TanTan- Hey Mr.
Tonio- I'm really sorry I wasn't fast enough to hold you from falling into the mud.
Tantan- Sir we live in mudbath so we are use to this life here.
Tonio- Do you believe things will get better?
Tantan- Hopefully it will because we improve everyday (looks at Selim ) You got a pretty wife.
Tonio- (Chokes as he coughs) Yes she's pretty.
Tantan- Hi miss! my name is Tantan, I'm Mr Amante grandson and I appologize for the day I threw stones at you.
Selim-It's okay Tantan. You can call me Selim.
(Paulo waves at Tonio.)
Tonio- Paulo are you done with our products?
Paulo- Yes Sir, I can't wait for lunch.
Selim- Gluten.
Paulo- Sir Tonio give me the opportunity to punch this little boy hard on his face (Tantan ran behind Tonio) he was among the little children who threw stones at us (Tonio laughs) this analphabetic community didn't tell their kids about our visit.
Selim- Paulo!
Tonio- Tantan go back home I will see you in the evening (Tantan ran away as he was already getting scared of Paulo.) Let's head back to our tents lunch is ready. (On getting to the paper bulbs Tonio pulled Selim back.) our tents are in a different direction so you intend going without saying a word? (Paulo crimsoned when he saw Tonio holding Selim's hand.)
Selim- (feeling embarrassed) You told Paulo and I to get our reports to you before the general meeting.
Tonio- (Guffaws) That's not the answer to my question. Enjoy your meal I will see you in the evening (turns to Paulo) Paulo don't forget your reports.
::::Three hours later::::
:::::At Paulo and friends tent:::::
Emily- Mr Castillo should give credits to my department, we were busy testing the children to ensure their health is in good state.
Paulo- And we were busy promoting our company product. Sooooooo!
Emily- Paulo king of argument I'm not ready for that (she laughs) Selim you didn't sleep in the tent last night?
Selim- I wasn't feeling sleepy so I went to watch the dark clouds (Paulo clears his throat)
Emily- Is there anything you not telling me?
Selim- Well I met Sir Tonio outside last night and we spent quality time together.
Emily- I'm just scared.
Paulo- Are you a kid, what are you scared of ghost or Halloween costumes? (Chuckles)
Emily- (Smiles) I'm scared Selim you might get your heart broken again and this time around you might find it hard to believe in love.
Selim- Tonio won't hurt me I'm sure of that.
Emily- I heard he still haven't moved on from his Ex Lilibeth and he is finding a way to get back with her.
Paulo- And who's feeding you with all this trash?
Emily- It's not trash. I over heard Andre's conversation.
Selim- Paulo what if Emily is right, Sir Tonio might be using me to pass time.
Paulo- I don't think so. Sir Tonio is true to his words, I shouldn't be sharing his secret but you all need to know that Sir Tonio was in a relationship with my elder sister; I'm talking about a long time ago before he met Lilibeth. You all know Mrs Samantha who works in the hiring department she's my elder sister. She resently got married to a wealthy family friend of ours.
Selim- Why didn't she end up with Sir Tonio?
Emily- Maybe his family has less investment.
Paulo- Sir Tonio is very wealthy, his dad has a lot of investment but his parents arranged his relationship with my sister, she never for once grew feelings for Tonio but he loved her so much. When Tonio realized that he couldn't force things with Samantha they broke up. Samantha moved on while it took Tonio time before he got to know Lilibeth.
Emily- What gives you the assurance that he won't hurt Selim?
Paulo- (Exhale deeply) Tonio knows how it feels for ones heart to be broken I don't think he can hurt Selim's feelings.
Emily- After their breakup did Samantha lose her friendship with Tonio?
Paulo- Not at all. They are still best of friends he sometimes pay her a visit in her department and occasionally Samantha do visit Tonio's family apartment. If Tonio haven't forgiven Samantha I don't think he will be kind towards me knowing so well that Sam is my elder sister.
Emily- Are you trying to say love has hurt Tonio a thousand times?
Paulo- Yes Emily (turns to Selim) it's already time to submit our reports to Sir Tonio.
Selim- (Acts deaf) I should submit? I will just submit mine come along with yours.
Paulo- I want to have a video call with Clara.
Selim- blah blah blah when we are done with boss you can make your calls as much as you want.
Paulo- (Comical) Do you want me to remain single forever?
Selim- (laughs) Single at twenties isn't really bad.
Paulo- Single at late twenties isn't really cool. (Everyone laughs) Selim please drop our reports I will come meet you after my call.
Emily- When is our general meeting with the villagers?
Paulo- It's 6pm.
:::Selim heads to Tonio's tent on getting there she meets Lilibeth in Tonio's arms outside his tent and turned to leave:::::
Lilibeth- Hello Selim.
Tonio- (turns in shock) Selim.
Selim- (Steaming) I came to submit my report with Paulo's.
Tonio- Go inside the tent, I will meet you soon.
Selim- I can come back later maybe after our general meeting.
Lilibeth- Selim I don't think there will be time for you to work on your reports after the general meeting. why not do it now?
Selim- Okay Ma.
Lilibeth- Tonio I will see you at the general meeting thanks so much for your time.
Tonio- It's nothing just stay strong okay somethings are destined to happen.
Lilibeth- Okay Tonio (When Lilibeth left to her tent Tonio finds it hard to start a conversation with Selim. )
Selim- Sir we have summarized our report there's no need for explanations beside Paulo will be here soon.
Tonio- Lilibeth lost her Aunt to (primary cardiac tumor) heart cancer.
Selim- (Not interested in the conversation) May her soul rest in peace.
Tonio- Selim you don't look happy, what's the problem?
Selim- I'm okay boss I want to head to the field where the general meeting will hold.
Tonio- I can explain Selim just give me a listening ear.
Selim- Explain what?
Tonio- You met Lili in my arms it wasn't planned. She was crying when she told me about her aunt's death and I know so well she's close to Aunt Lupe who bid us a final good bye yesterday.
Selim- I didn't take any offense with that.
Tonio- Everything I told you last night was the truth. I feel nothing for her and my feelings towards you are no jokes. (phone rings) It's Mr Castillo I guess he needs me back to Manila before the week runs off please let me pick his calls.
Selim- I will return back. (Selim went to the open field and was busy throwing little stones in a pond. Tonio was done talking to Mr Castillo he called Selim but her number wasn't reachable after calling countless time he called Paulo on phone and sent for Emily. )
Emily- You called for me boss.
Tonio- Emily how are you?
Emily- (Steaming) I'm doing great thanks to people who got my back.
Tonio- I know why you said that but I won't stress on it.
Emily- Why did you send for me Sir Tonio?
Tonio- (grins) I need a favour from you.
Emily- (she was dumbfounded by the realization that Tonio needs a favour from her) From me?
Tonio- Yes; Is Selim mad at me?
Emily- What have you done this time around?
Tonio- She met Lilibeth in my arms, i hugged her and said some kind words to bring a little solace to her grieving heart.
Emily- I don't think Selim took an offense with that beside you two aren't in a relationship so why will she be mad seeing your ex in your arms.
Tonio- She has all right to be mad at me.
Emily- She has no right.
Tonio- All the same. Tonight I wanted asking Selim out but I don't have the guts to do that after the trash she saw an hour ago.
Emily- I'm not a party to this.
Tonio- Emily why the sudden change? you aren't the cool Emily I know.
Emily- Well your attitude changed me.
Tonio- Emily what are your expectations towards me?
Emily- Selim asked you to help me with the company Attorneys you did nothing.
Tonio- I'm the reason you are here with the team.
Emily- That's a fat lie, Andre is the reason I'm here today.
Tonio- Okay don't give the credits to me give it to Seiim, she used my feelings towards her as a bet to secure your spot here with the team because I know how hurt Selim will feel if you didn't travel with us to Cebu.
Emily- I'm here because Andre agreed to face the consequences.
::::Tonio flashed back:::
Tonio- Why not put the meeting with Emily on hold till I return. She will be traveling with the team to Cebu.
James- Who gave her the right to travel? when she hasn't cleared herself out.
Tonio- Andre is her direct boss, he told me he wants Emily to go with the team and that he's willing to stand for the consequences of Emily traveling to Cebu.
James- Even if Andre put his body and soul for sacrifice so Emily can travel to Cebu, she won't leave this company. She has no right to be a representative example of the company outside as long as her case is till on hold.
Tonio- Please let Emily travel to Cebu I have approved her already. I told Andre to sign her in.

Emily- Are you trying to tell me that if not of you I won't be here today?
Tonio- I just told you my conversation with James weeks ago it's left for you to believe what ever you choosed to.
Emily- Don't ask Selim out, I don't want her to get hurt again.
Tonio- I will do everything possible not to hurt her just help me convince her that there's literally nothing going on between Lilibeth and I. I don't know how to face Selim.
Emily- I can only convince her if I'm sure of what you just said.
Tonio- I swear to God I don't have anything apart from business to do with Lilibeth. just do this last favour for me; tell Selim that my intentions are genuine even if you can only do that when I repay you back with a favour.
Emily- Who is behind my employment?
Tonio- I don't know.
Emily- Sir Tonio tell me I want to know, I'm having this feeling that someone I know so well works in Castillo company and he has a hand in my employment.
Tonio- Who's this guy, do you know him in person?
Emily- Yes I do but I lost contact with him a long time ago.
Tonio- The truth is I am the reason why you and Selim are working in Castillo company. I took two slot for the both of you and the moment your case gets to Mr Castillo, Samantha and I will be at risk because you and Selim aren't related to anyone in the company.

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