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(Selim stood with a bewildered look on her face, as Andre's driver walks towards Tonio. )
Walter- Toniogerrero I will be on my way. (turns to selim) are you leaving with us?
Selim- (breaths in) No Mr Walter.(She got into Tonio's car as he drives her home; they didn't say a word to each other. after a while she broke the silence. )
Selim- (yells) Are you planning on immolating me tonight? Stop speeding.
Tonio- (yells )I thought you said it was over between you two?
Selim- Yes it's over between Andre and I.
Tonio- Down in your heart you know it isn't over yet.
Selim- (yells )it's over.
Tonio- why do you care much about Andre?
Selim- We are all humans, I can't sit back and watch him get into trouble.
Tonio- Do you really care about my feelings?
Selim- (shocked as she cuts in) your feelings?
Tonio- Maybe I'm just a standby Piller, someone you rest on when you get hurt?
Selim- (cuts in) No!
Tonio- I don't want to be in a relationship with you; I just wanted to build back our friendship, but I guess once a mirror is broken it can't be fixed.
Selim- Tonio I appologize for everything; please let's keep our friendship it's all I got to hold on.
Tonio- Friendship is built on two things trust and respect. Tonight I lost the trust I had on you; please it's better we keep our distance so you won't lose my respect. From tonight you address me as your boss both in work and off work, Let's make things official.
Selim- Tonio! (speechless) o-k-a-y Boss.
(There was a long silence in the car as he stopped in front of Selim's apartment; she got off and walked slowly without looking back, Tonio closed the door and zoomed off. When Emily heard the sound of the car, she rushed out and welcomed Selim home.)
Emily- Why the long face, I thought you were sleeping over at Tonio's?
Selim- (walks into the bedroom as Emily followed behind.) I got into a fight with Tonio.
Emily-  You fought with your Boss?
Selim- (Sad) yes, just a little misunderstanding.
Emily- What happened? (Selim told Emily what happened at the restaurant.) you ruined your chance with Tonio.
Selim- There was never a chance with Tonio; He told me he never wanted a relationship from me.
Emily- That's not true.
Selim- (yells) that's exactly what Tonio said to me.
Emily- Why are you yelling at me?
Selim- I don't think Tonio's deserves the way I treated him.
Emily-  You can't be on Andre side and expect Tonio to act cool.  I'm sick and tired of letting you know how much Tonio loves you. (Cuddles her pillow) Good night Selim.
Selim- Is that all you got to say?
Emily- (sleepy) go to bed Selim and don't forget to appologize to your boss.
( Selim was finding it hard to sleep, she picked up her phone and was typing a note to Tonio, but "FEAR" got the best of her as she cleared off the note and went to bed. That same time Tonio picked up his phone and was about calling Selim, but "PRIDE" got the best of him and he didn't call or text.)

(On Monday morning:::Selim walks to the office).... she wasn't prepared to meet her boss after the misunderstanding that happened during the weekend. when she got to Marketing and sales department, she deeply inhaled and walked into the room.)
Paulo- I missed you during the weekend.
Selim- (smiles) hope you have fully recovered? no more favours from me this week.
Paulo- (laughs) yes I'm stronger today, thanks for helping me out on Friday.
Selim- You are welcome but that's the last favour.(winks)
Paulo- How was your weekend with Sir Tonio?
Selim- shuuu.. lower your tune. I spent my weekend alone.
Paulo- (Stifle his laughter) if you say so (whispers) Sir Tonio asked of you.
Selim- No jokes; he did?
Paulo- Yes, he did. (points to Tonio's office ) go check on him.
(A shudder ran through Selim as she got into Tonio's office and meets him busy on his laptop)
Selim- Good morning Sir.
Tonio- (he looks at Selim In a leering manner.) I have some documents you need to work on.
(Lilibeth walks into Tonio's office)
Lilibeth- Surprise!
Tonio- Lili when did you return?
Lilibeth- Yesterday ( Filipino greetings)
Tonio-(Smiles) How was the training sight ?
Lilibeth- It is unquestionably a wonderful sight to behold. (pecked him on his forehead as she turns to Selim) who's she Tonio? (Tonio stammers)
Selim- (cuts in) Good morning Ma, my name is Selim.
Lilibeth- A newbie?
Selim- (Smiles) I'm not a newbie.
Lilibeth- (smiles.... as she runs her fingers on Tonio's ear) Can you excuse me Selim.
Selim- Yes Ma.
Lilibeth- please Selim shut the door behind you.
(Selim walked out of the office and caught Paulo eavesdropping, when he saw Selim; he was startled. she pulled him by his ear as he followed her out of the department.)
Selim- it's not polite, you try to overhear conversation that has nothing to do with you.
Paulo-(laughs) I noticed Sir Tonio do look at you in an unpleasant way that shows he is  sexually interested in you.
Selim- Paulo! That's not true.
Paulo- (Stifle his laughter) I saw it in his eyes when you entered his office.(laughs) Lilibeth is an intimidating lady, she will do anything to see you hurt.
Selim- To see me hurt? But she sounds cool at Tonio's office.
Paulo- Don't judge her from my perspective, with time you will get to know her.
Selim- You're just meeting her for the first time; why judge her?
Paulo- (laughs) she's my cousin sister.
Selim- Do you know her relationship with the boss? I guess they are really close.
Paulo- (clears throat) They were in a relationship sometime ago; I can't say for now.
Selim- Oh I noticed, she was so attached to him. (Paulo noticed the lukewarmness on Selim's face, so he said "will you follow me to the soap manufacturing industry? Sir Tonio sent me on an errand" Selim was avoiding Lilibeth so she followed Paulo to the Industry.)

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