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Emily- (gasp) Tonio turned his back on me when I needed him. I can do anything to hurt him in exchange of retaining my job but if doing that will hurt Selim I will rather back off.
Andre- It will be an undercover work, give her reasons to hate Tonio that's all I ask from you and I promise you won't lose your job here in the company.
Emily- But Selim will never forgive me if she finds out that you were the mastermind behind this.
Andre- This conversation is between the both of us, Selim will never find out about this.
Emily- I can't do this Andre. why do you need a favor in return for a favor?
Andre- Well a favor has to be answered by another favor. Ivony said Selim was the reason you got sacked, don't let your past repeat itself. if you end up protecting Selim's feeling towards Tonio you will pay the price with your job.
Emily- My friend feels nothing for Tonio the reverse should be the case.
Andre- I will handle Tonio.
Emily- You will handle Tonio! What's your aim, why do you want her to hate Tonio, do you want Selim back?
Andre- (laughs) Three question in one sentence. Selim is mine and mine alone. Will you grant my wish (grins) I don't need you to say yes, walls have ears. Play your card I will watch you from a distance.
(After the conversation with Andre, She left his office trembling as her heartbeats; she was only able to take a few tottering steps at a time.)
:::At Marketing and sales department::::
Selim walked in with Paulo. She remained standing and began to pace about the room.
Paulo- Why are you pacing like a caged animal?
Selim- (pacing) Paulo do you think Sir Tonio will be mad at me?
Paulo- Obviously he should be but I don't think he's mad at you, Sir Tonio should be infuriated towards you.
Selim- (Stood at a point as she exhale deeply) What the hell should I do now?
Paulo- Seat down and inhale deeply then exhale deeply (chuckles)
Selim- (beamed) I'm really steamed up over your latest outrageous behavior at the restaurant. I missed lunch because of you and now I'm starving.
Paulo- I'm really sorry about that. You would have told me you wanted me to meet with my Ex, it would have been better than me walking in to see someone I have been avoiding for a long time.
Selim- Your Ex!
Paulo- (grins) I know she still denied me again?
Selim- (Trying to pretend) No I didn't get the chance to ask her about you. I was rushing to meet up with time.
Paulo- Oh I thought she denied me again as usual.
Selim- You hardly talk about relationships I never knew you had an Ex.
Paulo- Clara was everything to me but not anymore.
Selim- I know deep down in your heart you still love Clara.
Paulo- (laughs) She lied to me.
Selim- I'm sure she had reasons why she did so.
Paulo- She told me she can never live without me but today when I saw Clara she has been living well and has moved on.
Selim- Why do most people give up on love so easily?
Paulo- Well sometimes you just gotta be your own hero and save your own little heart. Because sometimes the people you can't imagine living without can live without you.
Selim- Why did you end things up with Clara? I wouldn't mind if you don't want to share your story with me.
Paulo- The distance was much, she was always complaining that I don't show up at her University but that time my mum was ill so I gave mum 99% of my time; Clara wasn't patient with me so she ended everything and walked away. It was very hard for me to get those broken heart in place.
Selim- Please give me the opportunity to hear from Clara.
Paulo- I don't want to have a chance with her anymore.
Selim- The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it. What if I tell you Clara is the only one who could put those broken pieces into place.
Paulo- Hey Selim I have always tried to call Clara so we both could talk things out but my Ego always ride the best of me. I don't want a relationship with her and I don't want to lose her.
Selim- Ego can yield positive results but an unhealthy ego can thrust all of that positivity into reverse. Remember Paulo the reverse of ego are Negative feelings, such as anger, resentment, fear and jealousy.
Paulo- I'm lost Selim.
Selim- Bring up the courage and call Clara I'm sure she has been waiting for your call ever since.
Paulo- My mind keeps telling me that Clara doesn't deserve forgiveness.
Selim- Remember your namesake the lyricist Paulo Coelho qoute which says "Don't allow your mind to tell your heart what to do. The mind gives up easily. Your mind has given up on Clara so don't let your mind tell your heart what to do.
Paulo- I will call Clara before we travel to Cebu (Selim remembered her conversation with Clara she already knew that Clara won't be in the state by tomorrow but she didn't say a word to Paulo)
Selim- That's a great idea.
Paulo- (embrace Selim) Thanks dear friend.
Selim- (comical) Well you should be the luckiest person on earth you have a friend called Selim. I'm like a mirror and shadow to you.
Paulo- (Puzzled) Mirror and shadow?
Selim- Yes Mirror and shadow. mirror never lies and shadow never leaves.
Paulo- (Guffaws) I wasn't expecting that reply.
Selim- I want to finish up my work so I will leave before Sir Tonio returns to the office.
Paulo- Same here; I don't want Sir Tonio to meet me here at the department I will submit his proposal to legal department and after that, off I go.
Selim- You want to leave me here in the office all by myself?
Paulo- I'm sure Sir Tonio is on range right now so it's better I let him cool off his steam.(Paulo said goodbye to Selim as he heads to submit Tonio's proposal)
(Twenty minute later Selim took her bag and was about leaving the office, on her way out she forgot her apartment key and returned to get it. Tonio walked into his department as his face contorted in rage and one long step brought him close enough to grab Selim's hand as he turned her around. She turned and looked into his eyes it was flushed this time with anger. )
Tonio- Why in God's name will you walk into a meeting knowing so well that you were late?
Selim- (trembling) It wasn't intentional.
Tonio- (Yells) There's a difference between a purposeful lie and an accidental untruth. It took years building the respect and trust I gained from Sir Castillo. I won't forgive you if you let Lilibeth use your silly attitude to ruin my efforts. (Selim was speechless as she couldn't look Tonio in the face.) Now what gave you the guts to walk into the meeting twenty minutes late from the fixed time?
Selim- (She tried pulling away from Tonio but he held her tightly) I knew you got my back that's why I walked in. (when Tonio heard Selim's words his eyes were all cold as He pulled her into his arms. James walked into the office to see Selim in Tonio's arms but Tonio didn't notice James presence because he was backing the door. The moment selim saw James she pulled away from Tonio's arms.)
James- (clears his throat) I think I should come back later. (when Tonio heard James voice he closed his eyes as he exhale deeply)
Tonio- (stammers) James!
James- (cheesed off. He took a step back) I should excuse you two.
Selim- (cuts in) No Sir James I should leave instead (she fastened her steps and walked out of the room)
Tonio- (clears his throat) you didn't tell me you were gonna drop by.
James- (cheesed off) So I have to inform you before coming into your office. Well you are right I didn't know you had something to do with your staff.
Tonio- James!
James- What's going on between you two? remember we promised not to keep things from each other.
Tonio- I don't know what I feel anymore towards Selim, I don't like seeing her hurt. It's hard asking someone with a broken heart to fall in love again but when I met Selim the story turned around loving her with my broken heart was everything to me.
James- But there's no need to fall deeply in love with her.
Tonio- Why shouldn't I love Selim is it because she's Andre's Ex?
James- Yes She's Andre's Ex.
Tonio- I was stupid back then when I let her slip off my hands. I didn't stop her from saying yes to Andre because her happiness was my priority, she was happy with Andre but that was in the past. Now I will do anything to stop Andre from getting close to her. She's mine and mine alone.
James- But our parents won't let us get married to someone who's family has no investment so let Selim go.
Tonio- Andre is my cousin brother and his parents won't let him get married to someone who's parents has no investment we both are on the same boat. I will let Selim go if she finds a man who will love her more than I do but as long as that man is Andre I will fight with my last pride.
James- (gasp) What about Lilibeth?
Tonio- I would rather have a broken arm than give Lilibeth a chance to break my heart again.
James- But she still loves you Tonio.
Tonio- To hell with her feelings! (Pause) are you hiding something from me?
James- I'm not.
Tonio- Then Why are you concerned about Lilibeth and not my own feelings?
James (speechless) I......
Tonio- Have you forgotten how my heart was broken in the past. Do you really care to know my real feelings behind my smiling mask.
James- Tonio I'm really sorry.
Tonio- Are you keeping something from me because if I find out I will never forgive you.
James-(feeling restless) Tonio! I admire the way you see meaning in love despite how many times love has failed you. I have always hoped for the day you find someone who will give back the love you give out. (Closed his eyes ) brother please forgive me.
Tonio- Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.
James- (crying) I have been holding this day in my heart hoping one day I could erase all that happened.
Tonio- You just have to let it out. No guilt is forgotten so long as the conscience still knows of it.
James----FLASH BACK....
(Door opens)
James- Lilibeth! what a surprise visit.
Lilibeth- Tell Tonio to come out and stop his childish hide and seek.
James- (puzzled) I haven't heard from Tonio since today, did you drop by at his family house?
Lilibeth- Yes I did but his mum said he went out to see his brother James.
James- Are you two really playing hide and seek?
Lilibeth- Well we had a little misunderstanding trust Tonio he took it personal.
James- Hmmm Lili did he catch you cheating on him again?
Lilibeth- He feeds on rumors and that's why he gets hurt easily and put all blames on me.
James- I hope you two will end this relationship. I'm sick and tired of seeing you hurting him over and over again.
Lilibeth- (laughs as she hits James on his shoulder) When Tonio have a little misunderstanding with me, he goes into hide out and I'm sick and tired of fapping all because of Tonio's absence.
James- (guffaws) Lili please give me a break.
Lilibeth- (walks to the fridge as she brought out a jug of juice and poured it into two glass cups she gave a cup to James and took the last cup) Wow this juice is tasty.
James- I know right. well my mum made it from fresh strawberries (sips) but it taste different today.
Lilibeth- To me it taste fresh I think I'm already falling in love with strawberries.
James- I experienced a reeling sensation after standing up to drop my glass cup. I tried shaking off the dizzy blonde image that was the last thing I could remember. I woke up by 7pm to see myself without shirt laying on my bed.
Tonio- (looked relaxed ) What next.
James- Brother believe me I didn't do anything with Lili, it was a frame up. She took pictures of me on the bed with her and promised to tell you about it the very day I go against her.
Tonio- How do you want me to believe nothing happened between you two when you weren't even yourself that day.
James- I don't know how to prove this to you but brother you know I can't do such.
Tonio- Attorney James you believe in seeing evidence, you certainly should have corroboration for it so I can be sure that you didn't backstabbed me.
James- (sheds a tear) the fact that you know me for years should be an attestation that I wouldn't do such with Lilibeth.
Tonio- I dropped by at your apartment that very day, the maids told me that your parents weren't in and that my girlfriend came looking for me. I wanted to return back to my apartment because I was avoiding Lili but I walked into your bedroom and saw you sleeping as I watched her took off your shirt after doing that she unzipped her dress and took a selfie of you both when she was done taking photos she took her handbag and was about leaving the room so I left the door and tip toed into the room by the left. I saw her leaving your room and next was the sound of her car, she zoomed off. I'm a prove that nothing happened that day.
James- (shed a tear) I have been living in guilt, I thought I stabbed you unknowingly what a relief. Lilibeth showed me the photos months later she threatened me that if I don't make her opinion my priority she will send those photos to you. I couldn't stand to let you see those pictures because no explanation on earth would have proved her wrong.
Tonio- Hey see my little brother is crying.
James- (chuckles as he cleans off his tears ) Today is my best day on earth. I love you so much Tonio I don't want to ever grow apart from you.
Tonio- (comical) Watch it; dont speak like a gay.
James- (cuts in as he guffaws) I'm talking about siblings love for each other.

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