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(Andre walked in)
Andre- Good evening Aunts. Well she's shy and do get frightened by new beautiful faces. Let me feed your curiosity, she's related to the Marasigan; yes! to my family. And aunt Suzanne you don't really know much about my family.
Suzanne- if I don't; Alevira should.
Andre- Well, well, Aunt Alevira is married to My dad's brother, I don't think she knows much about my family.
Suzanne- What brings you here?
Andre- I'm here to achieve two aims at once. I came to check up on James but the nurse said it won't be possible tonight and I'm here to take Selim home. (He held Selim and walked out with her while Tonio followed behind.)
#At the Car park....
Tonio- Selim!
Selim- (Turns) Yes Boss.
Tonio- Do you really want to return now?
Selim- Yes.
Tonio- What about Emily?
Andre- Emily is not a baby, she can find her way back and beside why will she stay back when I'm here to take her home.
Tonio- Selim at least you would stay back with Emily.
Andre- She's allergic to night insects as a health worker it won't be advisable for her to stay out late.
Tonio- (he walked closer to Andre as he Whispers to him.) You are getting on my nerves.
Andre- (fakes a smile) Selim, Tonio said I should take you home safely. Let's go home. (Selim didn't say a word to Tonio, she got into the car and they zoomed off. Five minutes later Tonio's mum walked up to him.)
Alevira- Son is everything okay?
Tonio- (forcefully Smiled) Yes mum I'm okay. It's cold outside why not go in and stay with Aunt Suzanne?
Alevira- I will go in soon. Well, Suzanne went to the hospital's chapel.  I'm sorry I questioned the young lady; It was as if I have seen her before.
Tonio- No mum you shouldn't be sorry. Ummm she's not related to the Marasigans.
Alevira- (Chuckles) Yes I know. You gave her the job.
Tonio- I'm sorry I went against the law.
Alevira- It's Okay son. I guess she's the lady on the portrait in your room?
Tonio- (Stammers) Oh Oh yeah it's just a normal portrait. James drew it a long time ago.
Alevira- Do you feel anything for her?
Tonio- (Laughs) why are you acting funny mum (he looked askance) Why will I have feelings for her, remember you told me to mingle with the top families in Manila?
Alevira- Yes I did because you are from a family with a higher standard but love doesn't choose people base on their wealth and capacity.
Tonio- It's already in the past, I once had feelings for her.
Alevira- And you still do.
Tonio- (broken) Why do you say so?
Alevira- You should have seen the look on your face when Andre held the lady and walked out of the hospital.
Tonio- Umm was it a noticeable visage?
Alevira- Yes it was. Andre shouldn't be a hedge. Remember at the end we only regret the things we didn't do.
(When Emily noticed James blinking his eyes she turns to leave.)
James- (blurring view) Who are you? Hey turn around. Are you here to stop the machine or do something evil? I will make sure you stand in front of countless Attorneys so turn around before I press the emergency bell. (Emily turned around) Em..m...m... (He stammers)
Emily-  Get well soon, I will be on my way.
James- Emily, I hate myself for the way I treated you and now you lost your job because of me.
Emily- Well I should be grateful to you, you are the reason why Tonio gave me the job.
James- (Sheds a tear) How much do you hate me now?
Emily- I will wait for you to get better; you owe me a lot of explanations. (Door opens)
Suzanne- James I'm happy you look stronger today.
James- I wished I never woke up but seeing Emily gives me more reasons to get better.
Suzanne- (Gave Emily a dirty look) Thanks Emily you can return home.
James- No mum. Emily just hang around please.
Suzanne- (looks at Emily in an unpleasant way as she faked a smile.) Emily is absolutely knackered, she stayed up throughout last night because we pleaded with her to stay with you.
James- (In a low tune) I thought you came here on your own will.
Emily- (Faked a smile) Give the credits to Tonio he forced me to stay here.
Suzanne- Please excuse us. Have a good time rest Emily.
(She left the room and meets Tonio outside)
Tonio- Are you about leaving?
Emily- I'm on my way home.
Tonio- Let me drop you off.
Emily- You don't have to, I will be fine.
Tonio- Thanks so much Emily.
Emily- Why did you help me with the company's case, was it because of Selim or?
Tonio- Yes. Selim was one of the reasons I helped you and before Williams travelled to Singapore, he told me to put an eye on you and he said I should help you in the little I can so when I found out that you are Selim's friend it was more easier for me.
Emily- Why didn't you tell James about me when he was done with his plastic surgery?
Tonio- Aunt Suzanne strictly verboten that I shouldn't tell James about you. I wanted telling him last night but then this incident happened earlier. I feel like a quisling right now.
Emily- It's Okay Tonio.
Tonio- Will James ever forgive me?
Emily- I think he will; you two have gone a long way with each other. (Tonio walked into the room he was Shocked to see a smile on James face.)
James- (on the sickbed) Hey brother.
Tonio- I'm sorry.
James- You didn't tell me you don't hug people on sickbed. (He grins as Tonio hugged him) Mum told me everything. She owe me an apology and not you.
Tonio- Thanks brother. I couldn't sleep last night (he chuckled)
Suzanne- I will accept Emily if she's willing to patch things up with James.
Tonio- Wow Aunt this is a miracle.
Suzanne- (Laughs) Anything for my son.
(Emily returned back to the BESTIE APARTMENT in the evening they packed up little clothes and travelled home.)
Emily returned home late that night. The next morning she woke up and got busy in the kitchen.
Mara- (Walked out of bed still feeling sleepy.) Mum! What are you doing in the kitchen.
Catherine- Mara how was your night? (Creepy noise from the kitchen)
Mara- Mum who's in the kitchen. (Emily walked out with a nice cake from the kitchen as Mara Jawdrops) Sis!
Emily- Happy birthday Mara.
Mara- Sis I'm sorry for everything; I'm sorry you lost your job because of me.
Emily- (dropped the cake on the table) come here (she wrapped Mara in her arms) You are not at fault; the company misunderstood everything. I love you so much.
Mara- I love you too sis. (She was busy having a bite of her yummy cake.)
Catherine- Happy birthday Mara. Emily what's your new plan, are you going to stay jobless for so long?
Emily- Mum I still don't have any idea.
Catherine- Why not try to convince your boss. Your sister will be writing her final exams next year and you know I'm still paying up for the loan your father took from his work place.
Emily- I will find a job Mum, just give me little time. (Turns to Mara) Why is she so engrossed on her phone.
Catherine- I guess she has fallen in love with that phone or maybe someone else.
Emily- (warily walked towards Mara. When she noticed someone behind, she stood up and hid her phone at her back.) Who are you chatting with.(playfully)
Mara- I'm just checking on newsfeed.
Emily- Do I look like one who's wearing on a diaper? I will pay Selim a visit on Christmas day.
Mara- (excited) Sis! I will go with you.
Emily- Na, Na, not until you tell me who got you enthralled on that phone.
Mara- Well sis I was about telling you.
Catherine- (Cuts in) Well let me leave you two to catch up with lost days (Smiles)
Emily- (chuckles) Okay mum.
Mara- Sis I'm in a relationship.
Emily- look at little Mara so who's this guy that's getting a punch from me.
Mara- (paused) You said a punch?
Emily- Yeah who gave him the right to ask little Mara out without my sufferance.
Mara- Sufferance! Are you a custom officer? (They Guffaws) Nathan asked me out, well he's my childhood crush and saying No was never an option.
Emily- Nathan! is it the Nathan I know?
Mara- Yes Sis; it's Selim's Nathan.
Emily- Ohhh Selim's younger brother, I will expose you two to Selim.
Mara- No sis don't. Nathan said Selim will be mad if she finds out.
Emily- I will keep it a secret if you do my laundry.
(It was 25th December Emily and Mara paid a surprise visit to Selim.)
#door bell.
Selim- (opened the door) Wow what a surprise!
Emily- Happy Christmas.
Selim- Please come in. Hey Mara how have you been?
Mara- Happy Xmas sis I have been doing great thanks to Emily and mum.
Selim- What's in that basket?
Emily- I baked doughnut for us.
Selim- That's so sweet of you. Too bad my parents travelled to Western Visayas-Palawan they do ask about you.
Emily- it's been a while tho.
Selim- Tell me you are spending the night here.
Emily- (Chuckles) Yes
Mara- Selim what about Nathan?
Selim- He stepped out to get chocolates. (Door opens as Nathan walked in.)
Nathan- (Grins at Mara but acted cold because Selim was right in front of him.)
Selim- Emily let's give them some privacy as for you Nathan I heard from Emily that you are in a relationship with Mara you owe me a lot of explanations.
Mara- Emily! (Eyes opened wide) You still snitched on me after I did your laundry.
Emily- (laughs) You two should have fun (she followed Selim to her bed room.)
Mara- You such a stoolie!
Nathan- Hey Mara (winked)
Mara- I'm sorry, Selim found out about us; my sister snitched on me.
Nathan- It's okay can I get a hug (They hugged each other just to turn and meet Selim and Emily staring at them both.)
Mara- (she was so spooked that she loosed out from Nathan's arm) Sis! You scared me.
Emily- lot of laughs.
Selim- You two should have fun but Nathan I got my eyes on you.
::::At Selim's Bedroom:::
Selim- (dumps herself on the bed) Have you heard from James since we returned home?
Emily- Yes, he do call to check up on me but then I told him to give up there will never be us.
Selim- (exhale deeply) But you still love him.
Emily- I still love Williams and not James.
Selim- But James is Williams in a different clothing.
Emily- Selim!
Selim- Sorry I crossed the line so what's your plan, did Tonio promise you a new job?
Emily- Yeah he did courtesy of James. Tonio asked me to return back to the company but now the stumbling block is Masalang.
Selim- Will you return back to the company?
Emily- Yes I will. mum is still paying up for my late father's loan so it's as good as saying her salary belongs to the bank.
Selim- Are you okay with Nathan dating Mara if you are not cool with it you know I can put a stop to it.
Emily- lol let them misbehave. (They Guffaws)
Selim- (walked to her drawer and got a little envelope; she gave it to Emily.) Lost but found.
Emily- What's inside the envelope. ("See for yourself" said Selim. She opened it and was Shocked to see the golden key pendant.) How did you get this.
Selim- I saw it in the trashcan at the bestie apartment and I knew you must have thrown it there out of anger so I picked it up and kept it safe for you.
Emily- Two days back; I thought of the pendant and I was having regrets for throwing it. Thanks so much Selim I don't know what I would have done without you.
Selim- You would have done nothing absolutely nothing. (They laugh)

Welcome to Castillo company; it's a new year with a new charm!
Paulo- (group hug) Selim, Emily! I really miss you two.
Selim- Same here. Hope you resumed work with our new year charm.
Paulo- Yes of course if I didn't who will.
Emily- I will.
Paulo- Emily honey, are you back to work for the company?
Emily- Yes Paulo; Sir Tonio called me back. How did you spend your Christmas?
Paulo- ummm Clara dropped by at my place well lucky me mum fell in love with her.
(Tonio walked into the company holding a bouquet of red chrysanthemums Flower when he saw Selim from a distance he smiled, closed his eyes and exhale deeply when he opened it he saw Andre walking towards Selim with roses.)
Andre- Good morning beautiful.
Selim- Sir Andre.
Andre- (gave her the roses) Happy New year.
Selim- First flower for the year (Crimsoned) Thanks Sir Andre.
Andre- Anything for you beautiful.
(When Tonio saw what happened he gasp and took a different direction to his office the moment he left Andre turned to his previous spot and gave a Snider smiles. Tonio got to his office took the flower and was about throwing it into the paper bin when Lilibeth walked in.)
Lilibeth- Happy New year Toniogerrero! Wait who are those flowers for.
Tonio- Well I have no one in mind. Do you like it?
Lilibeth- Yes I do.
Tonio- (He stylishly took the note off the flower and gave it to Lilibeth.) Happy new year.
Lilibeth- Thanks so much Tonio. I get lost in my thoughts like why in God's name you still care about me after all the pains I have caused you.
Tonio- (Grins) They are all in the past and I guess being friends is the best we could do for each other.
Lilibeth- Now I wish; I could heal your broken heart.
Tonio- The hand that breaks a vase can't get it fixed back alone right? but that hand can help the vase get back in place with a glue.
Lilibeth- Yeah you are right. I might not be in the right position to heal your broken heart but I can be amongst the process. (He smiled and taps her on the cheek.)
Paulo- Selim You got two different flowers today.
Selim- I'm curious who dropped this bouquet of red Chrysanthemum flowers here.
Paulo-  According to the Victorian language of flowers, Chrysanthemums are considered as the flowers of friendship. Ohhhh I feel juiced about this.
Selim- You are good at flowers Paulo. Why will someone send me a Chrysanthemum flowers?
Paulo- This flowers are used to confess ones feelings towards the other and it symbolize pure love.
Selim- It can't be Andre because he gave me roses this morning.
Paulo- Check in there; can you see a note?
Selim- There's no note attached to the flowers.
::::Andre walked into Lilibeth office:::
Andre- I heard you applied for a business course in the United State.
Lilibeth- You are good at putting ears under the ground.
Andre- (laughs) Since last year ending it looks as if  you have given up on Tonio.
Lilibeth- What do you gain seeing him hurt?
Andre- (fixed look) Are you backing off.
Lilibeth- Yes I'm backing off.
Andre- Don't feel so relaxed because Tonio acts cool around you, he might be digging your grave behind you.
Lilibeth- And I won't mind falling into it. I have caused him more harm. And I saw you from a distance this morning you gave Selim the flowers that were meant for your girlfriend Ivony.
Andre- How do you know?
Lilibeth- I'm smarter than you think I'm. You are having a misunderstanding with Ivony and you want to use Selim to pass time again.
Andre- (Shocked) Who told you that?
Lilibeth- I followed you up one evening and saw you dropped at a coffee bar when you left I went in to know why you visited the bar only to meet a young lady in there. I asked her about you and she said you two were dating, I played along with her until I won her trust. To her I'm just a low employee at Castillo Company, I promised to give her informations about you and Selim because she said she's scared to fully trust you again. I watched you closely and I found out that you don't want to be with Selim and your goal is to see Tonio broken.
Andre- Lili you can back off but please don't do anything to ruin my relationship with Ivony.
Lilibeth- (slide two photos on the table) Check it out they look familiar. (It was Andre and Selim on the photo when he gave her roses in the morning) You can put those pictures in pieces. well, well, I got more copies.

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