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Hours later Tonio got hold of his shock and meets Lilibeth seating by his bedside.
Tonio- Where's Selim?
Lilibeth- Seat back! Where are you going to?
Tonio- (Blinks his eyes and trys to get a clearer view ) I want to see Selim.
Lilibeth- Why do you have so much interest in a nobody?  she's just a staff.
Tonio- I care about my staff Lili.
Lilibeth- Remember you told me someone will get hurt so I was the one all along. (Paulo opens Tonio's tent )
Paulo- Sir, Emily called saying "Selim isn't getting any better" (They dashed out leaving Lilibeth in the tent.)
*****Minutes later at the hospital Tonio and Paulo ran in***
Emily- (crying) Sir she's not getting any better.
Tonio- What happened?
Emily- An hour ago she woke up and was very restless but the nurses injected her.
Tonio- Where's Andre?
Emily- I don't know. After we got to the hospital he went into thin air.
Paulo- He's back at the camp ground, I saw him an hour ago.
Tonio- She will be fine I'm sure of that but what could be the problem? she wasn't looking down yesterday.
Emily- The doctor said it's mental stress.
Tonio- Mental stress! What triggered it?
Emily- The doctor said it was caused due to emotional problems (anxiety and anger.)
Paulo- I told Selim to always take a break when working. (Tonio went straight to Selim's room.)
Tonio- (He was pacing and finally sat down on a chair close to the bed. He ran his hands over her cheek.) My Selim please you have to be strong. I do have the thought that tomorrow will be too late please prove me wrong. Wake up (he sheds a tear.)  how will I live knowing that I never asked you to be mine. (door opens, Emily and Paulo walked in; Tonio cleans off his tears.)
Paulo- Boss we have to leave soon.
Tonio- Was that the doctors request?
Paulo- Sir have you forgotten, you have a general meeting this evening with Sir Andre and Miss Lilibeth.
Tonio- Oh that; I will reschedule it.
Paulo- Sir we have to leave here unfailingly tomorrow morning how then will we document our reports.
Tonio- I need to stay here until she wakes up.
Paulo- What if she doesn't wake up anytime soon?
Tonio- I will keep staying here no matter how long it takes.
Paulo- (yells) Boss!
Tonio- (Jawdropped) You yelled at me, first time after my breakup with Samantha. What's the problem? (stood up and dragged Paulo out of the room) What's the problem talk to me!
Paulo- (Stammers) I was eavesdropping on on on on.
Tonio- Go on talk to me?
Paulo- Mr Andre was having a conversation with someone on the phone this are his words "Now that Tonio is Emotionally down he will be locked up with Selim at the hospital. He won't be able to attend the meeting this evening and tomorrow we all have to meet up with our flight. On getting to Manila tomorrow afternoon Mr Castillo will be in his office to awiat our return and the documentations but we all will arrive empty handed at this point he will finally destroy all the trust Mr Castillo has towards him."
Tonio- (Gasps) Do you know who was on the phone with him?
Paulo- I have no idea Sir.
Tonio- I know Andre can go any length to see me lose my job. (A nurse walked towards the door)
Nurse- Good evening please who's Mr Toniogerrero?
Tonio- Is there any problem?
Nurse- The patient will be awake in the next two hours and a lady called Emily said the patient fiance will be on his way to foot the bill.
Tonio- Yes I'm Toniogerrero. Are you sure she will be up in the next two hours?
Nurse- Yes Sir she will get herself soon. She woke up so restless hours ago so we induced her with propofol in other to maintain sleep as part of anesthesia but right now she's in conscious sedation.
Tonio- Thank you so much nurse. Please where can I pay up the bills?
Nurse- Please follow me.
Paulo- Sir Tonio!
Tonio- Wait for me outside; we will head back to our camping ground and I will attend the meeting today and let down his plans.
Paulo- Yes boss!. (After footing the bill, Tonio dropped by at Selim room to say goodbye)
Tonio- Emily, the Nurse said Selim will be up in the next two hours.
Emily- That's a great news. Are you leaving?
Tonio- Yes I have to return back to the camping ground.
Emily- I thought you will stay by her side so she could open her eyes to see you.
Tonio- (Feeling down) judging from all the slamming and banging, I'd say there is some sort of altercation going on in the company.
Emily- Controversies!
Tonio- Yes. So I have to return back for the meeting.
Emily- Will She be discharged today?
Tonio- It depends on how strong she will be. I have paid the hospital private car, they will drop you two the moment she gets discharged.
(Four Hours later Emily and Selim returned back to the camp ground but Tonio was having a general meeting with Andre and Lilibeth. It was already late that night Emily fell asleep but Selim was still up, she got a text message from Tonio and she wondered if he knows that she was back; with smile on her face she opened the text message it says "I'm happy that you are back and I can't wait to see your golden smile again" there was a rosy facial color on her face as she replied his message "Sir Tonio why haven't you come to see me"?..... Not so long her phone beeps it was a reply from Tonio "I have been busy with work can you come over to my tent"? She stood up picked up her shoes and tip toed out so Emily won't notice her leaving the tent. When she got outside she dropped her shoes on the floor and replied him "I don't think I can make it tonight". She smiled and said to herself let me take Sir Tonio by surprise". She couldn't wait to see him. When she got to his tent her eyes filled with tears, she ran out furiously fell by the paper bulb and cried her eyes out. Emily waking up not to see Selim laying on the bed, she checked the time on her phone it was past 10pm. She dashed out in search of Selim just to see her laying on the bench by the paper bulb.
Emily- Oh my! Selim it's late what are you doing here and why are you crying?
Selim- You were right when you told me true love doesn't exist.
Emily- No, I think I was wrong.
Selim- (Hits Emily repeatedly) You were right all along, I'm such a birdbrained friend.
Emily- You are not just keep punching me, throw your anger and pain on me as long as it will make you feel better.
Selim- I don't want him to see me tonight let's return back to our tent and zip it up.
Emily- Okay Sis let's go back (She gave Selim a helping hand as they walked back to their tent and zipped it up) Now I have done all you ask me to do. it's my turn to drop a request.
Selim- I'm not in the mood tonight.
Emily- I won't let you be untill you tell me what made you cry. Selim you were discharged today you broke down due to stress and now you're emotionally down tell me the problem. (she yells)
Selim- I was a fool Tonio sent me an SMS to come meet him in his tent.
Emily- I don't think he did that.
Selim- (Showed the text message to Emily) I told him I wouldn't make it tonight but then I wanted taking him by surprise on getting to his tent he was laying down on his bed with Lilibeth.
Emily- Maybe they fell asleep in the middle of work.
Selim- She was naked.
Emily- (Muted) Oh my!
Selim- When I opened the tent she was standing and dressing up horridly maybe she wanted leaving before I show up.
Emily- But why will he call you to his tent when he knows Lilibeth was there? I'm still trying to believe this.
Selim- She was about leaving.
Emily- Why will Sir Tonio do this to you, I will confront him tomorrow.
Selim- No bestie don't do that. Love doesn't exist it's just a frame up.
Emily- (Exhale) I saw this coming.
Selim- (cuts in) You knew Tonio had something with Lilibeth?
Emily- No, I knew you will stop believing in love but I was wrong love do exist.
Selim- I don't want to love again.
Emily- The day I erased love from my dictonary, I was lonely deep down within me so I want you to be ready to love again.
Selim- But he's happy with Lilibeth. I will try to give love another chance but not giving Tonio another chance to hurt me.
Emily- Remember our old saying If another woman steals your man, there's no better revenge than letting her keep him. Real men can't be stolen.
Selim- (Smiles) I will never forget the saying and that's why I said let's act like tonight never existed.
Emily- But I want to ask Sir Tonio why maybe he has a different story to tell.
Selim- No don't ask him, let him be.
Emily- Did he ask you out?
Selim- The jerk never planned to.(Emily flashed back on her conversation with Tonio the previous day but she thought it was best not to tell Selim about it.) Why did you space out all of a sudden?
Emily- (Stammers) Oh it's nothing.
Selim- What about Paulo?
Emily- He said he will be sleeping over at Mr Amante's house.
Selim- Why?
Emily- There's light and internet connection over there (They guffaws)
:::The next morning Tonio went to Selim's tent:::
Tonio- (Smiling) Selim.
Selim- (packing up her stuffs) Good morning Sir.
Tonio- (Smiling) I know you can't wait to return back to Manila. (Selim was mute.) I really appologize for not dropping by yesterday when you returned. I was really busy with work (There was a total silence in the room) What's the problem? now your boss is talking to you.
Selim- I understand that you were busy so I wasn't bothered when you didn't show up yesterday night.
Tonio- Hope you slept well? I was really bothered when you fainted.
Selim- I appologize for that. I will take care of myself so it won't happen again.
Tonio- Is there something you aren't telling me?
Selim- Nothing boss (Paulo rushed in)
Paulo- Sir Tonio I tried stopping her from following me but she she she. (He stammers)
Tonio- Who?
Paulo- Miss Lili; she will arrive at this tent soon (Lilibeth walked in)
Lilibeth- Tonio what the hell are you doing here? mobilize the team let's get into the bus.
Tonio- Our flight will leave in an hour we still have time.
Lilibeth- I heard the time was rescheduled the flight will leave in thirty minutes.
Tonio- You all should eat your breakfast and get ready in the next Fifteen minute (He walked out angry as Lilibeth followed behind.)
Lilibeth- Tonio! Tonio!
Tonio- (stops and exhale deeply) Why did you have to follow me here?
Lilibeth- Why are you angry because I met you in her tent?
Tonio- Please! I'm not ready for this today.
Lilibeth- Who's she that I can't walk into her tent without notice?
Tonio- (yells) She is my woman!
Lilibeth- Oh let me understand that you want to keep pulling this joke here in Cebu because I over heard you telling Mr Amante that she's your woman (she laughs in a strange way)
Tonio- It's not a joke! And stop that strange laughter of yours. Just stay off it's already over between us don't walk into my lane. (he walked out on Lilibeth while Andre watch from a distance he grins and shakes his head)
::::Hours later they arrived at Castillo company in Manila::::
Paulo- Home sweet home!
Tonio- Everyone should head straight to their various department and sign your attendance for today (After speaking with Mr Castillo he returned back to his department to meet Mrs Anna in his office.)
Mrs Anna- (Excited) Toniogerrero! Longest time.
Tonio- (Chuckles) How have you been?
Mrs Anna- Looking stunning as always (They laughed)
Mrs Anna- Mr Castillo and I checked the company percentage sales, I felt like leaving this office for you. You really did a great job here, Mr Castillo is proud of you.
Tonio- I hope he's.
Mrs Anna- Trust me this time around he has full confidence in you. I was shocked to see how much our sales rate has increased since you took charge of this department.
Tonio- (Blushing) Now I'm going home with a red face all because of you.
Mrs Anna- No no it's all because of your hard work.
Tonio- I have handed over my last project to Mr Castillo. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to work here as a boss (Chuckles)
Mrs Anna- Are you leaving us for good?
Tonio- Yes I'm. Well Mr Castillo asked me to think over my next promotion.
Mrs Anna- Are you still going to work in sales and marketing department?
Tonio- Yes I will but this time around he gave me two slot Thailand or Singapore.
Mrs Anna- Where do you want to relocate to?
Tonio- I still have tonight to think about it (he gave her a pretentious smile) Silly me; what about your new baby?
Mrs Anna- He's great; I wanted coming with him you know how your Uncle could be he just love seeing Alvin around him.
Tonio- Don't worry before I leave Manila, I will come say hi to baby Alvin and my uncle.
Mrs Anna- I will be anticipating that.
Tonio- Please can Selim sign out for today?
Mrs Anna- Was she the girl who fainted at the camp ground?
Tonio- Yes.
Mrs Anna- Oh she should return home immediately beside today is Friday.
Tonio- (Walked into the open room where Paulo and Selim were busy cleaning their seats) Selim Mrs Anna said you can sign out for the day.
Selim- Thanks Sir I will do just that.
Paulo- Sir Tonio! What about me?
Tonio- Mrs Anna will let you go if u plead (laughs) you know she's not like me who's a ramrod boss.
Paulo- Sir Tonio you are perfect the way you are and I love you for that.
Tonio- Selim come let's go (there was silence between them when Andre ran into them at the lobby.)
Andre- Selim I took permission from the health department so you can go home and rest.
Selim- (smiles) Thanks Sir I'm on my way home.
Andre- With who? (Selim looked at Tonio) I bet you won't want the company to say bad about Toniogerrero it's a taboo for a junior staff to have something to do with her boss.
Selim- There's absolutely........
Andre- (cuts in) Shuuu (swings his car key) Give me the honour to be your driver (winks)
Tonio- She is goi......(Selim cuts Tonio off)
Selim- Sir Tonio, I will prefer Andre drop me home since he's a health worker he should know better and I feel safe in his hands.
Andre- Well well well Toniogerrero you just heard it from the horses mouth.

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