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Emily- Why do you help us knowing the risk?
Tonio- I couldn't watch my Selim take the stress of hunting for jobs and I helped you because I wanted to.
Emily- Sir I have a lot of questions to ask.
Tonio- Go on Emily.
Emily- Why didn't you reach out to us when you returned to Manila?
Tonio- Selim told me not to come close. My friendship with her was a disaster to her relationship with Andre.
Emily- Why do you want her back?
Tonio- I love Selim and no matter how hard I try to bury those feelings they keep sprouting out like seeds.
Emily- Tell me the truth. will I lose my job in Castillo company?
Tonio- As long as your case gets to the boss of all bosses you have no choice but to leave the company. Don't let anyone deceive you I have known Mr Castillo for years now he's a man who will never change his law even for his own blood.
Emily- (Broken) What am I gonna do now? please help me out Sir Tonio.
Tonio- The only thing I can do for you is to stop the broadcast department from taking your pictures to Manila press because the moment your details gets to the press you will never get to work in any company here in the Philippines.
Emily- Thanks so much Sir Tonio.
::::::In the village open field Tonio talked with everyone and they were all pleased to hear that the company was going to put their bad roads in order and the company has supply many Castillo products in JY Square Mall & Supermarket Cebu.:::::
Tantan- (dragged his mum to meet Tonio) mum look at the man who helped me when I fell in the mud.
Margret- Mr Tonio thank you so much. Tantan told me you are a married man.
Tonio- (dumfounded) Tantan told you that?
Margret- Introduce us to Mrs Tonio (turns to Tantan) if this is a joke son I will beat you for the embarrassment.
Tantan- Mum I saw his wife I'm not lying.
Lilibeth- You little brat will you stop saying things that aren't real.
Margret- (Turns to Lilibeth) I'm sorry miss my son must have misunderstood things.
Tonio- (dragged Selim ) Mrs Magret meet the lady Tantan told you about.
Margret- Who's she to you since you aren't a married man?
Tonio- She's my woman (Andre folds his hands together in anger) Someone I will love to spend the rest of my life with. I guess your son saw my future.
Magret- Wow you have a pretty woman.
Tonio- Thanks so much madam.
Selim- Thanks for the compliment.
Margret- On your wedding day make sure that the receptionist gets to Break a glass cup.
Tonio- (laughs) But that will be disasterous.
Margret- Don't you believe in Philippines wedding gifts? it is said that when a glass cup or dishes get broken on your wedding day it brings good luck to the couple.
Tonio- (Smiles) Thanks Mrs Meg.
:::::Tonio and Selim was enjoying the conversation with Mrs Margret when the atmosphere was no longer conducive for Lilibeth she walked away angrily::::
Paulo- (Hits Emily and whisper) Take a look at Lilibeth countenance. (They guffaws)
Emily- Tonight looks like her nightmare.
Paulo- Sir Tonio called Selim his woman; I feel like tearing.
(Tonio left Selim with Meg to pick his phone call)
James- You went to Cebu and forgot about me.
Tonio- Brother why will I do such.
James- You sound so juicy tonight, is there something I missed?
Tonio- (Blushed) Umm Selim has feelings for me.
James- (Cuts in) Are you for real?
Tonio- Yes James she told me yesterday. I'm really confused, I don't know what to do. Tomorrow might be too late I was planning on asking her out tonight.
James- Tonio you have a high taste. Remember your plans to ask her out in a glamorous place.
Tonio- Yes that was my plan but what if tomorrow becomes late?
James- Mr Castillo said you all will return in two days time.
Tonio- Yes that's true. When we return back to Manilla I will ask her to be mine.
James- I'm so happy for you; finally you are leaving the single Hood boat.
Tonio- (Chuckles) I just hope (paused)
James- Hey brother are you there? brother!
Tonio- Selim is walking towards my direction I will call you before I go to bed.
James- (Comical) Well you two shouldn't get Andre steamed up (cuts the call)
Selim- I will be going back to my tent.
Tonio- Are you still mad at me?
Selim- No boss I'm not.(Smiles)
Tonio- I'm sorry, Tantan got you in a fix.
Selim- It's Okay boss I was enjoying the drama with Mrs Meg.
Tonio- So on your wedding day are you gonna make sure a glass gets broken (They giggle)
Selim- Yes for sure (he held her hands and looked her right in the eyes)
Tonio- I'm sorry if my actions got you hurt today.
Selim- Boss for the last time please don't lie to me, Have you fully moved on from Lilibeth?
Tonio- Yes Selim I literally moved on before I broke up with her.
Selim- I believe you.
Tonio- (gasp) What a relief;  I love so much.
Selim- (embarrassed) I love you too.
Tonio- (smile was on his lips again and his eyes held a glint of humor.) Are you feeling sleepy?
Selim- Not yet boss.
Tonio- I would have suggest we go to the paper bulb but here is warm because of the firewoods in flames. (looked around) There's only one log here, sit down Selim let's spend time watching the stars. I will take you back to your tent soon.
Selim- No boss why not sit instead I can't let my boss stand while I sit (Tonio sat down on the log and held a hand up to her. He guided her down to his lap.)
Tonio- Are you comfortable sitting on my laps (grins)
Selim- (Blushing) Yes Boss. In the afternoon you were about telling me something?
Tonio- (He remembered his conversation with James and made up his mind not to ask her out in Cebu.) Oh yes! Can we talk about last night I guess it's a beautiful memory to rest on. (He Wraps his arms around her in a bear hug.)
::::At Lilibeth's Tent:::::
(Andre walked in angrily.)
Andre- What is that clamant needs of yours that can't wait for us to discuss tomorrow?
Lilibeth- Selim!
Andre- And because of her you kept calling countless time on phone? you are becoming too importunate for me to continue with you on this game.
Lilibeth- When will you accomplish our mission they are getting to know each other day by day.
Andre- And who told you that.
Lilibeth- You were busy talking with someone when Tonio introduced Selim as his woman
Andre- I was busy with my meal but I heard every single word he said at the open field. He's crossing his boundaries.
Lilibeth- Yesterday after our meeting in your tent Tonio walked me back to my room.
****FLASH BACK****
Tonio- I will wait until you enter and zip up your tent.
Lilibeth- Why not come in for a little alcohol?
Tonio- I have a lot to do on my system maybe some other time.
Lilibeth- (runs her hand on his chest) I can't sleep in this environment maybe I should spend the night in your tent.
Tonio- No Lili. Paulo will be in my tent soon we have to work on some files.
Lilibeth- (She crossed her hands on his neck and gave him a long peck on his cheek but he pulled away) Why the sudden change?
Tonio- (Turns to leave) We shouldn't be doing this someone will get hurt at the end.
Lilibeth- Who will get hurt; is it me, you or probably someone else?
Tonio- Good night Lili (he walk away and heads to his room.)

Lilibeth- For him to decline my offer he is doing everything possible not to hurt Selim. Well I followed him to his tent but then he stopped at the light bulb behold Selim was there waiting for him (Andre was already steaming) They sat on the bench at the light bulb not so long he took her to his tent.
Andre- (Furious) And after that?
Lilibeth- (laughs wickedly) I turned back the moment he took her into his room.
Andre- No matter how much Tonio tries, he will still fail.
Lilibeth- What on earth will take Selim's attention away from Tonio? He's cute, Tall, every ladies choice, he has a good heart, he has feelings for her to crown it up he's wealthy.
Andre- (cuts in as he yells) Stop blabbing trash.
Lilibeth- If you call reality trash now tell me what on earth will make Selim hate Tonio?
Andre- YOU.
Lilibeth- Bombshell (Snide laughter) Me?
Andre- Yes Lili you will be the one to perpetrate this.
Lilibeth- When?
Andre- Before we return back to Manila.
Lilibeth- I over heard Tonio's conversation we are leaving here in the next two days.
Andre- (grins) I Will play the music tomorrow night do everything possible to dance to my tune. (Andre said "goodnight" to Lilibeth and walked back to his tent.)

:::: Sunrise::::
(Tonio was having a lengthy discussion with the road constructors who were asked to build roads in the village while his other team mates went around advertising the new opening of Castillo products in JY Square Mall & Supermarket Cebu .)
Tonio- Please make sure your men do their jobs.
Civil engineer- My men are already paving the roadway.
Tonio- What about the materials we talked of yesterday on phone?
Civil engineer- Asphalt paving material. they are ready, just relax Sir we will get this job done well.
:::Paulo, Emily and Selim are sharing flyers to the villagers::::
Paulo- Good morning madam, greetings from Castillo company.
Mrs Ruben- I'm not interested.
Selim- (rushed the passerby) Good morning madam, please why aren't you interested in our products?
Mrs Ruben- Why will I listen to you when Castillo company fails to understand that all fingers aren't equal.
Selim- That's not true madam we are here because we believe that all fingers aren't equal.
Mrs Ruben- If you think Castillo company have every citizens at heart, why do they manufacture products that we can't afford?
Paulo- Madam we have cheaper products try to visit JY Square Mall & Supermarket. I bet you will be surprise to see our products in a cheaper rate.
Mrs Ruben- I really admire Castillo company but it hurts that my little daughter feels intimidated by her friends because I can't afford a product for her.
Selim- Please tell her to meet us at the canopy over there we have products here for giveaway.
Mrs Ruben- Thanks so much I really appreciate.
Emily- No we owe you an appreciation for welcoming us into this humble village and don't forget to send your daughter to us so we could check her health condition.
Mrs Ruben- I will tell her right away God bless Castillo company (Mrs Ruben heads home)
Emily- Let me return back to the canopy before Sir Andre sends for me.
:::1 hour later::::
Selim- Paulo let's go sit down; aren't you tired?
Paulo- Well let us not be like the exhausted runner who crossed the finish line and just collapsed.
Selim- (Chuckles) What does that have to do with sitting down on that bench?
Paulo- look by your right Sir Tonio got his eyes on you.
Selim- (Smiles) Since when did you notice?
Paulo- Ten minutes ago.
Selim- I'm absolutely knackered.
Paulo- let us go and tell boss that we are done sharing the flyers for our products lunching.
Selim- (exhausted) Okay.
Paulo- Are you okay? you are sweating. (before he could turn and look at Selim, she fainted.)
Tonio- (Ran towards Selim and shouted out for Paulo) Paulo! Get hold of her. (When Andre saw what was happening he ran to stop Tonio from getting any close to Selim as he pulled him out.)
Tonio- (yells at Andre) get out of my sight!
Andre- Emily start the first aid, Rosemary call for the community nurse. Tonio you are not among the company health staffs, I won't let you get closer.
Tonio- (Yells) I want to see Selim.
Andre- What will you do to her; shake her, tell her to wake up or propose to her on her death point? No tell me.
Tonio- (Tearing.) I will do my worst if you don't get the F**k out of my way.
Andre- If you move an inch I will tell my staffs to stop the first aid (talks to Emily as he holds Tonio by the shirt) Turn her head to the side so her tongue doesn't fall back into her throat. Loosen any tight clothing I mean her bra (Gave Tonio a fixed look) Apply moist towels to the her face and neck. Keep her warm. (In a heart beat the bus arrived and took Selim alongside with Emily and Andre to the hospital close by. when the bus zoomed off Tonio lost his nerve, stammered, nearly fainted, and was dragged into his tent by Mr Amante and Paulo in a state of mental and physical collapse.

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