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(Tonio steped forward looking elegant in his black suit that accentuated his bright skin complexion. Everyone cheers to Tonio.
Tonio- Thanks everyone for being here tonight let's cheers to a new product called Gerrero. We will work together for the growth of the company.
::Crowd mumbling::
1) I'm so happy for Toniogerrero he deserves it. knowing the power and influence his father has in Manila he never for once walked with pride.
2) Why will Mr Castillo give this office to his son, when Mr Castillo blood brother is here in the company.
3) Mr Castillo made the right choice I believe Toniogerrero will do a great job in that office.
Paulo- OMG Sir Tonio looks sophisticated in his black suit and red tie.
Emily- (Lost) I can't believe my eyes! Sir Tonio the president of Castillo company Philippines branch.
Selim- Paulo, is he really Mr Castillo's son?
Paulo- Yes his biological son but Mr Castillo treats him like every other staffs.
.........(Tonio walked down from the stage to meet with Mr Castillo top client. When he was done, James ran and embraced him.)
James- Finally!
Tonio- Finally we made it here brother.
James- I'm so happy for you. Remember I once told you that you will gain your dad's trust sooner or later?
Tonio- It took longer than I thought it will.
(Lilibeth was standing close to Andre he was infuriated by Tonio's promotion.)
Lilibeth- It's so obvious that you're really cheesed off about Tonio's promotion.
Andre- Chew your words gently with closed lips, the walls have ears. if you will stand here to vituperate me, you better get out of my sight!
Lilibeth- To bad we didn't see the end from the beginning.
Andre- (Steaming.) I will patiently wait for him to fall, there's no two ways about it his down fall is just a step away.
Lilibeth- (Snider laugh) He's now your boss so relinquish. You know If you can't beat them, join them. He's now my boss and knowing so well he's strong for me to defeat, it's better to be on the same side as him.
Andre- I will never.
Lilibeth- (whispers) The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend. I will go back and rebuild my friendship with Tonio. Sit and watch me win over you. (She walked to Tonio's table.) Tonio! (He embraced her.) Congratulations dear I have always seen leadership in you.
Tonio- Thanks so much Lili. I just flashed back to our old days when you and James do encourage me to keep holding on to my dad's attitude towards me.
Lilibeth- Yes I can still remember those days.
James- Well it paid you today. Look Samantha and Paulo are walking towards our direction.
Tonio-  Samantha is smiling so hard (Chuckled) I'm so happy that a lot of people are excited about my promotion.
James- This is an upliftment and not promotion. (They Guffaws.)
(The dinner was coming to an end, Selim and Emily left the hall earlier before closing time.)
(Tonio's Bedroom)
Mr Castillo- Toniogerrero I'm proud of you.
Tonio- Thanks so much Sir.
Mr Castillo- (Cuts in) Son I'm sorry for the words I told you years back, I was being hard on you because I want the best for you. Please call me dad. (Tonio flashed back to a hurtful memory as he sheds a tear, his dad took him into his arms.)
Tonio- (crying) Thanks so much dad. I'm sorry for everything. (Tonio's mum was getting emotional.)
Mr Castillo- I should be the one asking for your forgiveness. I love so much Toniogerrero.
Tonio- I love you Dad. (Mr Castillo phone rings)
Mr Castillo- (On the phone) Good evening, Yes! yes, my son is now the president of Castillo company Philippines branch. (Still on the phone, he walked to his bedroom.)
Alevira- Son; finally you earned your dad's trust again.
Tonio- Mum if not for your help and support I don't think it will be possible.
Alevira- (Smiles) You really had a stressful day, rest your head. I will see you tomorrow. (She walked out and closed the door)
Tonio- Good night Mum. (talking to himself)  I still can't believe I now own the company (he chuckled as he flashed back to his childhood memories)
(Door opens as little Tonio walked in with in a  high school uniform.)
Alevira- Gerrero! Why are you moody? (Mr Castillo walked in angrily.) I'm sure our son made us proud again?
Mr Castillo- (Yells) He's a disgrace to my name!
Alevira- (Yells) Honey don't say such words in front of your only child.
Mr Castillo- I'm just coming from his school,  I went together with my boardmembers to congratulate him for a successful result, but when I got there; today story changed he wasn't even among the top ten.
Alevira- There must be a mistake somewhere. I do go pick Tonio's results with my shoulders high because he has always been on the top of his class; something must've gone wrong.
Mr Castillo- (Yells in anger.) I was creating a scene in front of the principal and requested for all his scores. When his scores came out it was an eyesore even my board members took a look.
Tonio- Please Dad I'm sor------
Mr Castillo- (cuts in) From this day forth, I forbid you to call me dad. (He walked out on them and heads to his study room.)
Alevira- Hun! how dare you say this to your son, why do you want to use his mistakes to hold him down? (Tonio walked out on his mum, locked himself in his room and breaks down in tears. Alevira ran after him and pleads for him to open his door.) Tonio! Please let me come in.
(Days kept passing, Tonio was acting all strange. Alevira was no longer comfortable with her son skipping his meals so she sent for James.)
James- Good morning Aunt Alevira.
Alevira- How are you doing?
James- I'm doing great Aunt. What about Toniogerrero?
Alevira- Your brother has been skipping his meals of resent and he stay 24hours inside his bed room. You have been his friend for more than ten years, you should understand him better. (James walked into Tonio's room. When he saw James he tried faking a smiling face.)
Tonio- What a surprise visit.
James- Now you trying to act strong.
Tonio- I'm Okay.
James- I still can't believe it, Andre came out as the best in his class. The Andre I know is obsessed with video games; heavens were on his side this time around.
Tonio- I'm happy for his achievement.
James- Brother you look very down, why not open up to me. Aunt Alevira is worried. (Tonio sheds a tear as James wrapped him in his arms) In difficulties it is wise to talk to someone about it because a problem shared is a problem halved.
Tonio- My result are poor.
James- But this is not our final class. You still have one more year to go and I trust you will graduate as the overall best next year.
Tonio- (breaks down in tears) My Dad said I dare not address him as my father. I really got him hurt.
James- Oh No! I bet he will grow over his anger sooner or later but what happened? your best wasn't enough.
Tonio- It was. Two months ago I dropped by at Andre Marasigan family house, I was looking through the key hole in his room door when Andre's dad slapped him so hard on his cheek, Mr Marasigan told Andre; he was a total waste and disgrace to their family. I felt hurt seeing his dad treat him that way so I turned back to leave and next was Andre yelling at his dad "Why is it you never appreciate what I do? my best looks like my worst in your eyes" and his father pushed him on the bed and raised his voice so high saying " look at Castillo son he's the best student every year in your school but you just sit there and watch him win the trophies aren't you ashamed of yourself, why can't your result top Tonio's? You can never get a job in my brother's company if you continue with this shameful results.  James from a distance I could feel Andre's pain so when we wrote this previous exams, I swtich Andre's paper with mine. It turned out that he's the best student this year and I'm happy for him.
James- OMG! Why did you do that?
Tonio- I wanted his dad to stop using him for a punching bag.
James- Did you tell Andre about this?
Tonio- No he's ignorant of it.
James- Why not try to put Andre through instead of failing so he could pass.
Tonio- No matter how hard I try to explain things to Andre, he will throw his books at his bedside and spend hours on video games.
James- Will you repeat this mistake in our next exams?
Tonio- No I won't. I will do everything possible to earn my dad's trust again.
(Tonio phone kept on beeping that night.)
::::::At the besties apartment:::::
Emily- I still can't believe it, Sir Tonio is now the Top boss of the company.
Selim- I'm happy for him.
Emily- Why not call and congratulate him.
Selim- I'm not doing that and beside I no longer have his contact.
Emily- Well let him be. he knows that we all are happy for him.
Selim- When he told me his name, i thought Gerrero was his sunname.
( Selim stood to get a new book when an elegant young man walked into the library. she turned her pretty little head toward his direction and smiled at him over her shoulder. When he noticed her smile he walked towards her.)
Tonio- (whispers) Hey.
Selim- Good morning Mr.
Tonio- Now I feel old.
Selim- (giggles) I didn't really mean it that way. I'm sure you should be four years years older than me.
Tonio- (Smiled) I'm Toniogerrero and you?
Selim- I'm Selim. Toniogerrero! Should I call you Tonio or Gerero?
Tonio- Is it hard to say both?
Selim- No I just feel you wouldn't want me to call you Tonio Gerrero.
Tonio- (Smiles) It's okay if you address me with my full name well just call me Tonio.
Tonio- How old are you (Selim opened the novel on her hand and stopped at a page number. Tonio smiled) I'm older than you with five years.
Selim- Oh that's good to know.
Tonio- What novel is that?
Selim- Can you heal my broken heart.
Tonio- Oh I'm done reading that.
Selim- Was it a happy ending?
Tonio- No spoilers. (Chuckled. His phone beeps) oh; I'm needed in the office when do you plan on leaving the library?
Selim- Not anytime soon.

:::: MONDAY MORNING AT CASTILLO COMPANY::::( Emily was summoned by the attorneys the moment she arrived at the company. She was forced to sign papers and admit the crimes she never commited. She was asked to leave the disciplinary room and go submit her resignation letter to the President office.)
Acting Secretary- What brings you here?
Emily- Good morning Ma, Attorney Masalang sent me to the president.
Acting Secretary- The Boss schedule is filled up; let me give him a call please wait a minute. (Tonio asked Emily to come in)
Tonio- (busy on his table as he couldn't look Emily in the face.) Submit your letter and leave. (Seconds later.) Should I repeat myself I said submit it and leave my office.
Emily- Sir Tonio please can you give me a listening ear.
Tonio- Emily leave I'm busy.
Emily- Sir Tonio (She knelt down. Tonio stood up in shock as he asked her to be on her feet.) When I was called to sign few papers this morning; Mr Masalang insisted that I must face the press or he will tell Mr Castillo that you are not capable to handle the company.
Tonio- He said that?
Emily- Yes he did. Please let me face the press.
Tonio- You won't face the press as long as I'm in this office. Return back to your department you will hear from me soon. (Emily left Tonio's office after their discussion.)
::: Hours later:::
Acting Secretary- Sir Tonio Miss Anna submitted this letter.
Tonio- Thanks. You can leave now. (He opened the letter and was Steaming. It was Selim's resignation letter.) What the hell is wrong with Selim, should I call for her or let me act as if I never got this letter. (door opens. It was James, Tonio folded the letter and threw it immediately into the wastepaper basket.)
James- Good afternoon boss. You look good in this office.
Tonio- (guffaws) Thanks brother.
James- I'm starving. Should I go have lunch alone or you want to go with me?
Tonio- Let's go together.
James- Did you see all the case we submitted to your office?
Tonio- Yes I did, I have been busy. I will literally run mad sooner than expected.
James- Welcome to a bigger office and again my hands are off Emily's case. Mr Masalang insisted that she has to face the press well that's the company's rules so her case shouldn't be exceptional
Tonio- What if I say, you will regret letting that girl face the press.
James- (Guffaws) Regret! why will I (he kept on laughing so hard.) That girl continued to insist that she was right, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.)
Tonio- I was at the first disciplinary case of Emily to be frank with you I don't think she deserves all this punishments.
James- Like I said I hands off. Tell that to Me Masalang.
Tonio- Why do you sit and watch Mr Masalang over thrown you in your own office? You are the company's top Attorney every other Attorneys here are under your command.
James- But I can't change a law that's written.
Tonio- I will do it myself.
James- Mr Masalang said he will bring you down from this office so please stay away from this case, let us handle it according to the company's law.
Tonio- I will not sit and watch Mr Masalang control me in my own office. If you want him to ride you good and fine but he won't do that when it comes to me.
James- Have you forgotten how many years it took you to build the trust Uncle Castillo have towards you. Don't let the love you have for that thing called Selim ruin all your years of effort.
Tonio- What does this have to do with Selim?
James- You are taking Emily's sides because you want Selim to love you again.
Tonio- James!(James angrily walked out on Tonio.) What about the lunch? (Exhale) Are we gonna fight over this? Now he walked out on me.
........At the lobby.....
(Emily was about leaving the company when she saw Xender the guy who threw those files at the lobby, she stood behind and traced the office Xender walked out from all she could see was files everywhere and no one was in the office. She looked up for cameras but couldn't trace any. Emily began to check drawer after drawer but there was different names on each files; this names didn't even sound a bit familiar to her. Emily kept checking until she heard footsteps from behind.)
James- (Furious) Who are you and what are you doing here? (The voice sounds familiar to her but she refused to show herself. James dragged her and turned her around) I knew it; you were a spy sent to this company. (he was about shouting the guards when Emily dragged him by the shirt as his bottons fell off. He was wearing a long thin chain inside of his shirt, To her greatest shock she saw the padlock pendant on James neck.
Emily- (Shocked) The padlock pendant!

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