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::::Dr. Wine bar Manila::::
(Tonio and James walked into Dr. Wine’s rooftop bar,  in a heartbeat a waitress walked to their table)
Waitress- What will love to take?
Tonio- Passion feugo.
James- (Whispers) That's expensive  we could go for something less.
Tonio- I will be leaving to Singapore tomorrow, let's create memories tonight.
James- Is this your favorite bar?
Tonio- Not really. I guess it's the closest.
James- I love Salon De Ning; the bar is surrounded with art decorations and detailing relating to 1930's glory.
Tonio- Lover of art.
James- Brother when did you make up your mind to work at Singapore? I thought I was your mirror you Even took me by surprise.
Tonio- It's best I leave Manila for good.
James- What about your mum, what about me?
Tonio- That's why we have our phones for communication. My mum is leaving a comfortable life, nice friends around her; she has the best husband one could ever ask for, her business is growing larger day after day and  Dad is taking over the press with his archievments. She will be fine without me.
James- Yesterday you asked me to talk to my dad so he could plead with Mr Castillo to let you stay back and the next thing you changed your mind today.
Tonio- This evening precisely; Selim said my presence makes her sick I guess it's time i move on.
James- I'm sorry I caused it, I dragged you to pay her a visit.
Tonio- Don't feel guilty. Well I kept myself in a situation I wasn't even sure of where exactly I stand in her life. Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.
James- Starting from tonight her presence irritates me and I will make sure she leaves the company for good.
Tonio- (Cuts in) No No! She didn't do anything wrong. Don't punish her for my mistakes and I'm the reason Emily and Selim works in the Company; if anything goes wrong I don't think Mr Castillo will forgive me. Promise me that Emily won't face the press.
James- Why are you interested in those things after all they did to you.
Tonio- (Yells) Selim is not an object! Just promise me that you won't submit Emily's case to Mr Castillo's office.
James- (Exhale) I won't but she has to leave the company.
Tonio- She committed a crime and leaving the company is her punishment let she resign without the press getting involved.
::::;;At the besties apartment Selim was crying her eyes out when Emily rushed to the sitting room::::
Emily- Talk to me what's the problem?
Selim- Tonio is leaving tomorrow.(breaks down in tears)
Emily- Inhale exhale did you two patch things up?
Selim- No! I screwed it.
Emily- You can still meet him up tomorrow morning, you can still call him on phone.
Selim- What if he doesn't return, what if today is the last time I will see him, what if he's gonna vanish like your ex Williams?
Emily- (dragged her into her arms) You made the right decision, You are a strong lady. Walking away from the love you have for Tonio is a liberation to you; everything will be okay it just takes tonight and all the pain will be gone.
(The next day Selim woke up with a swallown eyes, she picked up her phone to call Tonio and wish him a safe flight but she remembered his words at the company rooftop...."Tonio- I want to tell you a secret to leaving your past behind. You have to demolish the bridges behind you so you will have no choice but to move forward."" After she recalled his words she deleted his contact, returned her phone under her pillow and lay back on the bed)

Paulo- I really missed Sir Tonio. Selim have you spoken with Sir Tonio? he traveled to Singapore on Sunday morning.
Selim- (Changes the topic) Happy New month everyone.
Emily- Same Dearie!
Paulo- When are you going to face the attorneys?
Emily- I heard Mr Castillo is very ill so it was put on hold.
Paulo- I thought they won't take case to the president office?
Emily- Well Mr Masalang Insisted that he must take it to the president office. He said  all the company cases ends up in Mr Castillo's office and why must mine be different.
Selim- That old good for nothing man.
Emily- It's Okay Selim. I can't wait for all this to pass. Do you know about the president ill health?
Paulo- Yes he was admitted in his home by a private doctor. I heard he's suffering from severe breathing problem and neurological effects. I'm grateful to heavens that nothing bad happened to him because my mum said on Sunday evening he was experiencing respiratory difficulties.
Selim- (Cuts in) What could be the problem?
Paulo- The doctor said it's fragrance sensitivity, he has been experiencing the symptoms getting to two years now but he never paid attention to it.
Selim- And the company deals on fragrance 99%.
Paulo- He's on bed rest for two weeks and after that he can get back on his feet.
Emily- Too bad. Paulo how's Clara?
Selim- Yes yes I was about asking you that so tell us.
Paulo- I'm now in a relationship (chuckles) With Clara.
Selim- Oh my! how did it happened?
Paulo- I went out with her and we were walking on lovers street.
Clara- My feet hurts can we seat on the bench over there?
Paulo- Yeah sure. (They sat on the bench)
Clara- I was rushing to be in Manila before Saturday.
Paulo- Why?
Clara- (Crimsoned) That's because today is your birthday. I know I'm a little selfish I stole you away from your friends today.
Paulo- Thanks Clara.
Clara- I appologize for my past mistakes. Please Paulo give me a second chance, I want to be yours again. (Paulo cuts in with a kiss on her lips)
Paulo- Clara will you be my girlfriend.
Selim- (couldn't wait for the story to end with curiosity she cuts in ) And what did she say?
Paulo- She said YES! (Selim and Emily claps in joy as they sing to Paulo a strange song)
"""'Finally he left the boat.
  The peaceful boat of single hood.
  Finally he said goodbye.
  Finally he got his long awaited love!
(Paulo chuckles)
Selim- Mrs Anna told me to meet her in the purchase department after lunch see you all later. (she left them at the café.)
Paulo- There's something I wanted to tell you.
Emily- And you don't want Selim to know about it?
Paulo- It's about Selim she submitted her resignation letter on Mrs Anna table.
Emily- (Shocked) Resignation letter! what for?
Paulo- I called Sir Tonio to ask if he's aware of it he said he knows nothing. well we both are wondering why she wants to resign.
Emily- Where's the letter?
Paulo- I tore it into pieces and threw it in the office trash can.
Emily- Nice job Paulo. Please keep an eye on her.
Paulo- Okay ladybug.
(Days kept passing by things were moving on well at the company, Paulo had gotten use to the fact that Tonio now stays far away from Philippines. Selim now has no interest in working for Castillo company and he finds it hard to tell her that he's the one throwing all the resignation letter she do write to Mrs Anna for approval. Paulo have noticed that Selim now hides in the office because she's trying her best not to cross paths with Andre but what could the problem be he asked himself. Seeing he couldn't handle what Selim is passing through he had to bring Emily to the picture. One faithful evening after Emily and Selim were done with dinner Emily had to bring the big picture on the wall.)
Emily- Why do you want to resign?
Selim- Who told you about that?
Emily- I saw the resignation slip you filled up yesterday. In a week time I will lose my job in Castillo company, I will lose my job because I don't have the power to fight for it and now you want to throw what was given to you on a silver platter.
Selim- I know there are better jobs out there and remember you persuaded me to work here in Castillo company; now that you're leaving I want to go with you.
Emily- But I didn't ask you to leave the company and I don't want you to lose your job because of me. I know that your family is doing well but all the same.
Selim- I have made up my mind already bestie please don't make me look like a fool.
Emily- I will let you sleep over your stupidity you are not quitting your job.
Selim- Before we stopped working at the coffee bar you told me this "quit that job that makes you unhappy and quit that relationship that's draining you up"
Emily- Yes Ivony's mum own the coffee bar;
Andre cheated on you with Ivony, you were still holding on to Andre and seeing Ivony at the coffee bar makes you start steaming up so that's why I said that word to you back then. Remember before we could tell Ivony's mum that we want to stop working for her; she told us to leave her bar and never return.
Selim- If you were in my shoes you wouldn't want to work in the company anymore.
Emily- I know it's not easy for you, your past relationships with Andre, what you shared in the past with Tonio and now Lili picks on you. Bestie When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. To be truly free, you have to work for yourself, as long as you take commands from people life will still have gallops.
Selim- You texted me today at the office saying "you got a story for me tonight" so I'm all ears.
Emily- I saw the man who dropped the files that had Williams photo in it.
Selim- Oh oh the guy who misplaced the files that had your lost Ex boyfriend photo on it?
Emily- Exactly.
Selim- Did you get to talk with him.
*****Emily FLASH BACK****
Emily- (increased her pace) Hello Hello!
Xender- How may I be of help?
Emily- (Stammers) You were the guy who threw some files at the lobby some time ago
Xender- I'm sorry I can't remember the day exactly.
Emily- Can you remember the day you misplaced a file with a photo in it?
Xender- I'm sorry I can't disclose anything to you (Xender walked out on Emily )
Emily- Please tell me your name; hey Mr! Mr files!
Selim- Did he get to tell you anything.
Emily- No he didn't he walked out of the company and zoomed off in his car. You won't believe what I noticed today about that guy.
Selim- Tell me what I know nothing about.
Emily- He looks a little bit like Williams they have the same eyes and lips.
Selim- Stop all jokes.
Emily- I'm serious Bestie why do I feel that guy has a lot of secret he needs to share.
Selim- I have this feeling that something tragic happened to Williams and no one wants to talk about it.
Emily- I feel the same way but my hunch is telling me that my Ex is alive and leaving a comfortable life.
Selim- Just let him be; I hate him after how he left you without a trace. What about the key pendant?
Emily- I threw it away. Why will I keep holding onto the key pendant? I'm sure he has do away with the lock pendant so why will I keep holding the key to the pendant.
Selim- I'm so jealous of Clara.
Emily- Paulo's Clara?
Selim- Yes of course; she got a good guy.
Emily- Yeah you are right. Paulo is everything that a girl will wish for he got a large heart. Company's dinner is in a week time this will be the first time I'm attending a company dinner.
Selim- Same here. What's the dress code?
Emily- Red gown for ladies so when are we gonna get our gowns? We need to look outstanding on that night.
Selim- (Laughs) This coming Saturday won't be bad for shopping.
At The Whitespace Manila.
(Castillo company new fragrance lunching. Every gentlemen were appeared in a black suit and a red tie while all the ladies went on a red dress with different designs of their choice; it is indeed a great sight. Emily and Selim walked in and heads to Paulo table.)
Paulo- Oh my! You two are exceptional tonight. if I was still in the single boat I would have asked Emily out tonight.
Selim- Just Emily? (Emily chuckles)
Emily- Jealous mood activated.
Paulo- Selim you are the prettiest amongst us here just that I might get into a fight with Andre and Sir Tonio if I ask you out.
(Emily and Selim burst into laughter )
Emily- This dinner is the talk of Philippine well I heard only relatives and staffs could attend this lunching.
Selim- This hall looks really large.
Paulo-  I heard Top bosses from Thailand and Singapore are present in the hall tonight. Too bad I asked Sir Tonio two days ago he said he can't make it for the lunching. Look look Sir James looks so cute in black suit.
Emily- That wicked demon.
Selim- Yeah he's wicked but he looks cute tonight.
Paulo- I saw Lilibeth she looks like a witch in a red costume (They laughed in a low tune) What about Sir Andre?
Emily- Yes I saw him some minutes ago, he looks like a prince (She paused and stylishly glance at Selim.) let me reserve my comments before someone use the table knife on me. (Mr Castillo walked to the stage as everyone applauded.)
Mr Castillo- Good evening everyone. Each year the company lunches out a new product and tonight is exceptional. Special appreciation to everyone present in this hall because you all are the reason why the company keeps growing higher and higher. I sincerely apologise for putting you all in a Psychological state of being tense cause of my ill health, because of your good wishes and recovery messages I'm standing here tonight. I took a great decision because my health is my priority; I will relocate to Thailand and my reasons are; my company in Thailand produces wine I need to avoid inhaling much fragrance so tonight I dedicate our new perfume to my one and only child please let's welcome THE NEW PRESIDENT of Castillo company Philippines branch Toniogerrero Castillo.

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