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Tonio- I feel my heart is dead because I can't listen to what it says. But the truth is... (door opens as Lilibeth Walked in, and kissed Tonio on his forehead.)
Lilibeth- Tonio let me guess, I wasn't in your priority list today?
Tonio- (dumbfounded) Lilibeth!
James- (cuts in) Lilibeth that's not true, Tonio has been busy all day.
Lilibeth- Well I see, I'm the jobless one here. It's time for the meeting with Mr Castillo don't be late.(Lilibeth walks out of the office as Tonio and James followed behind.)

**At the besties apartment**
(Door bell) Selim was too engrossed on a movie, while Emily walks out of the room and heads for the entrance, opens the door and was surprised to see Andre. she stood for a minute, without saying a word.
Andre- (Smiles) show respect to your boss.
Emily- Come in Sir. (Andre walked in and sat on a couch close to the door.)
Andre- Happy work free day Emily.
Emily- Thanks Sir.(she served him a glass of orange juice.)
Andre- Tell Selim I'm here to see her.
Emily- Okay Sir (Emily walked to the bed room with anger )
:::At the Bedroom::::
Emily- Bestie Andre is here.
Selim- Here! at our apartment? I guess he came to discuss work with you, as your direct boss.
Emily- He is here for you (Selim crimsoned the moment Emily said "Andre came to pay you a visit.") bestie I want you to act strong, don't let him know your weakness.
Selim- Trust me bestie, I won't show my frailty to him.
(She got to the sitting room and met Andre sipping a glass of Orange juice.  He walked up to her and hugged her tightly, Selim was already feeling emotional but she got a hold of herself.)
Andre- Selim I have forgiven you.
Selim- (Curious) You have forgiven me? But I did nothing wrong.
Andre- Maybe that's what you think, I have forgiven you for not being a perfect girlfriend in our past relationship.
Selim- I gave you all my best. (Sighs)
Andre- I love you Selim. I'm not asking you to take me back , but I will wait until you fully realize, I'm the right Man for you.
(Andre and Selim spent time in the sitting room reminiscing about those proverbial good old days. When Andre left, Emily's said  "I'm not comfortable with Andre visit" but Selim thought her friend was being  judgmental about Andre's  past.)

Tonio arrived at the company, he heads to the company coffee bar and ordered two espresso. James met Tonio on the way and tried taking one demitasse from his hand but Tonio insisted and promised James a treat.
James- Tonio feed my curiosities, you are not a fan of cappuccino.
Tonio- (chortles) I have been harsh towards Selim; since I became her boss and knowing so well she loves this cappuccino, I want to put a smile on her face and the other is for Paulo, giving Selim alone will look suspicious.
James- (laughs) That's nice of you (Inquisitive) is Paulo a Gay because he acts like one.
Tonio- (sniggers) Paulo isn't a Gay.  I'm sure of that, he's just unmanly.
James- Selim would be happy. The company is filing a lawsuit today, I should get going.
Tonio- Okay brother bye.
::::At the Marketing and sales department:::
(Tonio walks in to meet Andre sitting on Selim's desk as they both held a Demitasse )
Andre- Hey Tonio! (Paulo and selim greets) Oh I'm sorry Tonio; I didn't know you will be at the office this early, I got for Selim and me an espressos.
Tonio- That's kind of you (holding the two espresso on his hands)
Andre- When did you become a deliveryman, who has the espresso you holding?
Tonio- (addlepated) I got one for Paulo and me. (Paulo runs towards Tonio and stretches his hands) have it Paulo, it's yours
Paulo- Thanks Sir that's why I love you (Tonio chuckles)
Andre- Why do I have this feelings the other espresso belongs to someone else.
Tonio- Since you became the Head of health and safety department, I don't waste my time arguing with you because all you guys do is to prevent accident, injures and work-related illness at the company.
Andre- (furious) Why do you act as if you work better than everyone here at the company? (Tonio walks out on Andre)
** It was already 5p.m. Paulo was done with his files and was about leaving but Selim was still on her desk. He said to Selim "leave the files and document it tomorrow since Sir Tonio has close work for the day" she insisted and told Paulo to go home, on his way out, he saw Emily and called out for her.)
Paulo- Emily!
Emily- Paulo! you are leaving without Selim?
Paulo- I wanted waiting for her, but she said I should get going.
Emily- I heard Sir Tonio is getting harsh this days?
Paulo- Even the blind could feel when love is in the air. (pauses for a long time)
Emily- (laughs) I don't get Paulo.
Paulo- I feel Sir Tonio Gerrero has a soft spot for Selim. Sir Andre visit Selim at the department (Whispers) I wish Selim could forget Sir Andre and give Sir Tonio a chance.
Emily- I need your help in this Paulo.
Paulo- Anything for my boss, count me in.

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