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Lilibeth- Okay I will do just that. I hope you won't be carried away by my incredible dance moves?
Andre- (grins) I will see to that.
::::A week later the team arrived at Mactan-Cebu International Airport, they took a private bus arranged by the company to Central Visayas Village::::::
Andre- Finally we are here at the village. Who will take the first step out?
Lilibeth- When I was a junior staff i had the strength and stamina to take the lead out of the bus before the team followed behind.
Andre- Who will take the lead team boss? Well it's a junior's staff responsibility.
Tonio- Let us wait for Mr Amante he should be on his way.
Lilibeth- If I may ask, who's Mr Amante?
Tonio- He's the head of this community.
Lilibeth- I'm sick and tired of waiting for him (turns to Selim) you are a junior staff right? take the lead so others will follow behind.
Tonio- (cuts in) She's won't leave the bus.
Lilibeth- What are your reasons? she's the first staff on our list.
Tonio- Why act as if you don't know what awaits the first person who will walk out of the bus.
Andre- This is not the first time we are going on a company journey. When I was a junior staff we traveled to Zamboanga del Norte one of the Poorest Provinces in the Philippines. Tonio you were together with the team, you watched me head out of the bus to drop a flag telling the villagers to welcome us with free arms. Now why act like one who has forgotten the protocol?
Lilibeth- Well this is what happens when emotions rides us.
Andre- Mr Castillo needs to hear of this (he Whispers to Tonio) let she take the lead or I will tell Mr Castillo that your feelings are now a top priority over your job. I bet you don't want to lose Mr Castillo trust?
Lilibeth- (cuts in) Selim if you don't want to pick up your resignation letter when we return to Manilla, leave the bus and wave our flag that symbolizes peace.
(Selim stood up from her seat and walked out of the bus to say a traditional greetings to the villagers when the little children saw her they started throwing stones at her. Tonio ran out and hugged Selim while the children kept throwing stones at Tonio's back. Suddenly a man ran to stop the children from doing that.)
Mr Amante- (running towards the children) Stop it! Hey stop it kids!
Tantan- Grandpa this visitors are here to take our lands away from us.
Mr Amante- No Tantan! they are here to pay us a visit and to educate us on hygiene.
Tantan- Grandpa how sure are you? remember the story you told us how people took over our lands some years back (Mr Amante was scolding the children for throwing stones at visitors as everyone got off the bus )
Tonio- (feeling sad) Selim are you hurt?
Selim- Sir Tonio I should be the one asking you that. Why do you have to cover me up?
Tonio- I couldn't watch you get hurt.(Mr Amante interrupt)
Mr Amante- Toniogerrero forgive me for intruding, I'm very sorry for what happened I promise the kids won't repeat it again.
Tonio- It's okay.
Mr Amante- Please come with your team mate the tents are ready.
Tonio- (turns to everyone)Team! let's move to our tents and tomorrow we start business.
Paulo- Sir what about our dinner?
Tonio- (chuckles) No one will starve to death. Your dinner awaits you in your tents, Pork Sisig and Puto Bumbong right Mr Amante?
Mr Amante- Yes! delicious Pork Sisig and Puto Bumbong.
Lilibeth- (feeling irritated) Puto Bumbong?
Mr Amante- Pork Sisig is made with chopped pig's face and ears, with chicken liver. We seasoned it with chili red peppers and Puto Bumbong is our favorite sticky rice. I bet you will enjoy it.
Lilibeth- (Acting all up) Well I don't think so. I don't fancy street food.
Tonio- (speaks to the team) if anyone doesn't feel like eating leave it in your tents and go to bed, tomorrow someone will come clean up the tents. Enjoy your meal everyone.
:::: Everyone returned back to their various tents while Lilibeth and Andre stayed behind::
(Emily, Selim and Paulo had one tent to themselves)
Emily- (staring at Paulo) Paulo! Take a break you gobbler.
Paulo- (guffaws as he kept eating so fast) Well if I'm a gobbler what will you call Selim? she's done eating.
Emily- She bolted her food so fast and finished before I thought of raising up my fork.
Selim- (She lifted her glass of water and took two gulps.) You all know that Puto Bumbong is my favorite street meal.
Paulo- I won't be surprised Sir Tonio requested for this so his precious Selim will enjoy her meal tonight.
Emily- Yes Paulo that's true, they want to use this team journey for their honeymoon.
Selim- jezz! Give me space to breath.
Paulo- Is anyone putting pillows on your face. (They Guffaws.)
Emily- Sir Tonio felt like giving lilibeth a slap on her face.
Paulo- I told Selim that Lili can do anything to see someone hurt.
Selim- I will do anything to avoid her.
Emily- Even if it takes staying away from your direct boss.
Selim- He's my boss.
Paulo- I admire what Sir Tonio did today, I saw super man in him.
Emily- (laughs) I was enjoying the drama. You would have seen Lili's face in the bus.
Paulo- like a hen who wittingly broke her eggs (Emily and Selim laughs)
::::::Three hours later:::::
Selim- Paulo are you feeling sleeping?
Paulo- My thoughts are traveling a long journey.
Selim- (laughs) Bring it back to you or rather go on the same journey with it.
Paulo- I will go on a journey with it.
Selim- (comical) ohhhh Clara should be the subject of your thoughts.
Paulo- (chuckles) Obviously. Emily has fallen asleep.
Selim- I really don't know how she manages to sleep the first night in a new environment.
Paulo- The way she fell asleep so quick; was a jaw-dropper to me.
Selim- I don't think i can sleep tonight. Paulo come let's go see the dark sky.
Paulo- I would have loved to but those creepy insects.
Selim- Well I really don't know much about Cebu. Let me go feel the night breeze so I could write a lot about my journey to Cebu.
Paulo- (Smiles) I will join you out if I find it hard falling asleep.
Selim- (stands up to leave the tent ) I will wait for you outside or probably I will come in to meet you snoring.
Paulo- With my mobile and poor network falling asleep is inevitable.(guffaws)
(Selim went out of the tent and walked to a paper bulb arranged by the villagers, it was a nice sight to behold as the Black Shama birds makes a lilting whistle, she was taking photos of the bulbs when Tonio was walking back to his tent.)
Tonio- Selim why aren't you on bed?
Selim- Sir i don't think I can sleep tonight. Where are you heading to?
Tonio- I'm going back to my tent. I was with Lili and Andre few minutes ago.
Selim- Okay Sir.
Tonio- Since you are not feeling sleepy, let me feel the night breeze with you (she followed Tonio to the bench by the paper bulb )
Tonio- What about Paulo?
Selim- Paulo said he will be out if he doesn't fall asleep but I guess he's in wonderland right now.
Tonio- (laughs) The bedroom environment can have a significant influence on sleep quality and quantity.
Selim- Sir that's right and I can't wait to return back to Manila.
Tonio- In few days time we will be done with everything here. Selim hope the stones didn't injure you?
Selim- No it didn't. Thanks so much boss; how are you feeling?
Tonio- I'm okay as long as you didn't get hurt(winks)
Selim- Boss if you're feeling sleepy you can return back to your tent.
Tonio- I can't sleep; well tonight is called first night effect. (Selim was shivering when Tonio noticed it he held his hands to her face ) are you feeling cold?
Selim- (chuckles) A little. I think it's time to return back to my tent.
Tonio- Returning back to your tent without network and you not feeling sleepy. (clears his throat) Will you follow me to my tent so we could have a little conversation before sunrise.
Selim- (open her eyes) Your tent?
Tonio- Yes but it's cool if you don't feel secured I can walk you back to your tent.
Selim- Secured! (chuckles) I'm rest assured that you will be the last person in this team to hurt me. let's go to your room.
Tonio- (laughs) The last person, what gave you the assurance?
Selim- Now you are making me think twice (Tonio guffaws)
******At Tonio's Tent****
By the time they reached the tent, she was shivering and stiff. Tonio hurriedly made her a hot coffee from the water he had left in his flask.
Tonio- Please sit (Selim sits) I can't tell you to feel at home in this tent (they both laughed)
Selim- I thought You, Andre and Lilibeth sleeps in one tent. Did they go to watch the dark moon?
Tonio- No! We all have a different tent to ourselves.
Selim- Advantage of being a boss.
Tonio- (laughs) I did you a favour by putting You and your friends in one tent.
Selim- (she crimsoned.) Thanks boss.
Tonio- Hope you enjoyed your dinner? I told Mr Amante to prepare your favorite street meal for the team.
Selim- Wow! you still remembered my favorite street meal Puto Bumbong?
Tonio- (smiles)Yes Selim. We didn't realize we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun.
Selim- (Chuckles) I miss those memories. Now alot has changed, you are now my boss and not the cute tall guy I met at the library in Manilla.
Tonio- (He blushed hotly, raised his eyes to hers, and pulls her towards him.) Come here my girl. Tonight reminds me of the day we met at the library.
Selim- Yes I was reminiscing on that very day.
Tonio- (Chuckles) Did you remember our first kiss?
Selim- (She blushed and lowered her lids.) Yes I can still remember those beautiful memories. Tell me about Lilibeth.
Tonio- I don't want her to be in our discussion.
Selim- It's okay I understand.
Tonio- Lilibeth and I broke up a long time ago. I wouldn't want to make her the subject of our discussion. I want you to be honest, Do you love me? (Selim was perplexed as she looks into Tonio's eyes.) Are you here with me?
Selim- (Speechless) Yes boss.
Tonio- Do you love me? I know I haven't been the best boss ever but despite all, do you have feelings for me no matter how little?
Selim- (sheds a tear ) It changes nothing.
Tonio- Hey don't cry. My attitude towards you might have changed but my feelings are still the same. I still love you Selim. (cleans off her tears)
Selim- Yes I have feelings for you..
Tonio- I can still remember when you told me that you feel nothing for me and it's Andre you love was that true
Selim- (Stammers) Yes it was true.
Tonio- Selim we both felt the chemistry don't lie to me, tell me the truth.
Selim- I had feelings for you back then and even now nothing has changed.(Tonio cuts in as his lips covered hers in a long warm kiss that left her short of breath.) BOSS!
Tonio- Shuu; don't say a word. ( He cupped her face in his hands, lean in towards her and Pressed his lips to Selim's overlapping each others as she closed her eyes. in expedition, Tonio grabbed her closer to him as he rapidly unzipped her dress revealing her briefs. Her hands weren't still as they caresses his chest, she quickly unbuttoned Tonio's shirt to feel his bare skin. Not wanting to let go, Tonio's arms loosen as he held her waist and his hand slipping down beneath her tight, His lips to her ear kissing and nipping as Selim gasp and moan.

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