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Andre- What do you want to do with those pictures?
Lilibeth- Send it to Ivony's coffee bar as a new year present. Since poor Ivony didn't get  flowers today this pictures will feed her curiosity.
Andre- Lili you are misunderstanding things.
Lilibeth- If I have lost track, bring me back to line.
Andre- Yes you are right. Those flowers were for Ivony but we both are not in good talking terms so I gave the roses to Selim.
Lilibeth- Why did you change your mind all of a sudden?
Andre- I saw Tonio this morning with flowers and I knew they were not yours but Selim's so I walked fast and took a step ahead of him.
Lilibeth- Well you gave those flowers to Selim in other to get Tonio hurt. Please stop all this! I returned Tonio's banquet of Chrysanthemum flower to Selim some minutes ago.
Andre- What the hell do you want me to do now.
Lilibeth- Make peace with Tonio and every other things will fall in place.
Andre- How will I let Tonio win this time around.
Lilibeth- Andre please, I'm busy.

James- We can't spend our entire day quibbling about this case.
Mr Masalang- How dare you call her back to the company after the damage she caused.
James- I didn't call her back; the president did.
Mr Masalang- (points at Emily) This thing has to leave this company.
James- Emily please leave the disciplinary room and get back to work. Gerry will call for you when your presence is needed. (Emily left the room.)
Attorney Gerry-  Masalang you are taking things personal.
Mr Masalang- Why are you guys going against the company's law, who brings back a criminal to work.
James- Mind you I'm the top Attorney in this company so what I say stands. (Mr Masalang stood up angrily and walked out of the disciplinary room, he heads to the president office.)

Tonio- (busy on his laptop) What brings you here?
Mr Masalang- I knew that your dad made a mistake the very day he gave you this office. I will bring Mr Castillo to notice if you don't get that thing out of this company.
Tonio- Why create a storm in a teacup? It will be a pity cause I will lose two employees.
Mr Masalang- Two employees?
Tonio- I was watching an interesting video when you came in, please join me (He plays a video clip. Mr Masalang was shocked to hear his voice in the clip at that point he bends towards the laptop to know what's going on.)

**Video Clip Plays***
Mr Masalang- Emily! I thought you weren't interested in our conversation yesterday?
Emily- (feeling irritated as she went straight to the conversation.) What favour do you want from me?
Mr Masalang- You know your days are numbered here in the company?
Emily- I will do anything to make sure that I don't lose my job.
Mr Masalang- Anything! (Guffaws)
Emily- Yes, I will do anything as long as my job won't be taken from me.
Mr Masalang- (Guffaws) I love your boldness, so you will do anything I ask for?
Emily- I didn't say I will do anything you want, I said I will do anything to secure a spot here in Castillo company.
Mr Masalang- I need a night with your friend.
Emily- (she was in shock after hearing his wish as her files fell off her hands.) a night with who!
Mr Masalang- (laughs wickedly) that pretty calm girl, who works under Toniogerrero. I have seen you two together at the company she is your close friend.
Emily- ( furious) Mr spy she's not just my friend, she's my sister. I can't use her to get what I want.
Mr Masalang- Sometimes in life it's the things we treasure the most that we pay much price for.
Emily- (Angry) How can I force my friend or pressure her to have sex with you, for me to retain my job?
Mr Masalang- It's very easy Emily, I will give you some pills to put in her drink and when she's long gone I will do what pleases me with her.
Emily- You're such a shameless man, i will forbid the day that I myself will spend a night with your dead pintle.
Mr Masalang- (laughs wickedly) I don't need you Emily. it's your friend I'm interested in.
Emily- (yells) And I don't need You either.
Mr Masalang- What do you want to protect your job or your friend? (laughs wickedly)
Emily- I want to protect my friend (she picked up her files and left his office angrily.)
**Video Clip Ends***
Mr Masalang- Toniogerrero please don't show it to anyone.
Tonio- It all depends on you Masalang. I need that Emily's case closed.
Mr Masalang- Your wish is my command.(Tonio grins wickedly)
(Gerry sent for Emily not so long she arrived at the office)
Gerry- I hope you learnt your lesson from this case; if not for the president you would have lost your job.
James- Welcome back to the company Emily.
Emily- Thanks Attorney James.
Gerry- It's already lunch time I should head to the cafeteria. Are you going with me or you made an order?
James- I will be there soon go without me. (Gerry left the office while Emily followed behind but he held her back.)
Emily- That reminds me. (Gave him a little box) I came to return this.
James- (Surprised) Wow i wouldn't have believed that you still kept this key pendant.
Emily- Ummm and you still kept the padlock pendant.
James- I never knew we had a vow with this pendant Tonio gave it to me when I was done with the plastic surgery. he said it was among my property so since then I treasured it. Please give me a listening ear.
Emily- Williams (paused) Attorney James I have a lot to do at the office.
James- I will talk to Andre. I feel bad about everything, it's all my fault. I passed through a lot and from the amnesia and next plastic surgery. Please give me time to fix the past.
Emily- What happened on our date at Pagbilao beach during summer?
James- Wait you still don't believe it's me?
Emily- Yes.
James- I got mad at you because you Smiled at the male waiter (they chuckled) more questions.
Emily- What did you tell me the day I asked if I could meet your mum?
James- She's not nice to strangers. Any other question?
Emily- What did you gift me on my birthday the year we started dating.
James- The portraits in your apartment, I drew a Bleeding vase and a bird struggling to fly.
Emily- I was Shocked the day Selim told me you knew exactly the words hidden in the portrait.
James- Yes I told Tonio everything about the portrait that day, I never knew I was the originator of the art and you kept it with you all this while.
Emily-  Do you know what's more painful, it's the fact that I was never Worth a goodbye.
James- No Emily don't say that.
Emily- (sheds a tear) I still love you Liam.
James- (wrapped her in his arms as he kissed her lips warmly.) I love you My Emily. (He paused, kissed her neck lightly, his arms holding her in a loose embrace. He took his hands off, tracing her face. Tonio opened the door and stepped back as he gently closed it and took his hands off the door knob. He was about leaving when Xender walk towards him.)
Xender- I was about calling you on phone. It's already lunch time what about James? I guess you two aren't hungry.
Tonio- I'm feeling absolutely famished. Let's go have lunch alone.
Xender- (Reluctant) Let me call James (Tonio holds the door knob) What's going on?
Tonio- (Grins) He's having his lunch already.
Xender- Is there something you are not telling me?
Tonio- Yeah (heads to the cafeteria as Xender followed behind) He's getting back with Emily.
Xender- You mean she's in his office right now? (Tonio winked as he replied "yes". Guffaw) Tell me what you saw.
Tonio- (grins) No snitching.
Xender- What about Emily's case?
Tonio- Masalang has closed the case.
Xender- That's a joke.
Tonio- I had a long conversation with Emily, she told me about the record on her dress the day Mr Masalang called her to his office. I asked her for the video clip you won't imagine what that shameless man wants in exchange for retaining her job.
Xender- ( laughs) What else if not a night with her.
Tonio- This time around he asked for a night with her friend.
Xender- You mean your crush (Laughing so hard.)
Tonio- Yes, I felt like punching him hard on the face. (Xender kept on laughing) What's funny?
Waiter- Boss your table is set in the VIP room.
Tonio- Okay, okay.
(7pm that same day; Tonio was getting ready to return home when Xender walked into his office.)
Tonio- I was about leaving.
Xender- Same here. Have you heard from James. (Tonio phone beeps)
Tonio- (looked at his phone)Talk of the devil. He sent me a message just now.
Xender- What is it about?
Tonio- It says "I will be dropping Emily at her apartment you and Xender can go without me".
Xender- (laughs) James has found the love of his life.
Tonio- (walked out of the office with Xender) I will tell him your exact words tomorrow.
(The company Industry workers were done for the day as they ran into Tonio and Xender at the lobby.)
Industry workers- Good evening Sir! Thanks for the increment of our salary.
Tonio- You all are doing a great job; because the look of contentedness on your faces gives me a complete assurance that you all will keep doing a great job at the manufacturing industry.
Industry workers- Thanks so much Boss we will do our best.
Tonio- That reminds me, tomorrow we will be closing late; I mean every department in the company. This a new year with a new charm we have to draft out our plans for the new year.
Industry workers- Yes Sir! (Tonio said good night to the workers when he turned to leave he saw Andre walking out of the company with Selim at that point he was no longer in a good humor.)
Xender- Seconds ago you were smiling with the employees and now what's up with the serious face.
Tonio- (Fakes a smile) I think I forgot something in my office.
Xender- No you didn't. I know you are trying so hard not to run into Andre and Selim at the car park.
Tonio- Yeah.
Xender- Okay let's sit on that couch over there and give them little time to zoom off.
(Andre droved Selim home.)
Selim- Why have you been acting all nice?
Andre- I want us to talk.
Selim- Talk about what?
Andre- You can hate me after tonight, I deserve it.
Selim- You are making me curious. what's happening?
Andre- I love you Selim but only as a friend.
Selim- I understand that a long time ago why are...
Andre- (cuts in) Please I just want you to give me a listening ear and you don't really need to say anything. I met you at the coffee shop back in time. When I found out that Ivony cheated on me knowing so well that you two are friends I wanted using you to get back at her.
Selim- F**k!
Andre- Please just listen. I got close to you but along the line you were precious to me because you gave me a shoulder to rest on.
Selim- Why did you ask me out knowing so well that you never wanted to be with me?
Andre- Since when I was little, I felt intimidated by Tonio's achievements. He was very good in everything; academically, when it comes to making friends, I mean everything and my dad made me grow a low self-esteem because he's always comparing me with Tonio. I vowed that I will do everything possible to see Tonio fail in so many ways. he took away my friends he took away James from me, Lilibeth, Xender and alot.
Selim- He did nothing wrong to you rather you turned your back on your friends.
Andre- One evening Xender paid me a visit he showed me your picture and said "Tonio loves this beautiful lady and he will be asking her out on Valentine's day". He said I should come for the date it will be amazing.
Selim- (Sheds a tear) He wanted to ask me out on val?
Andre- (feeling bad) Yes he wanted to but then I took a step ahead of him and asked you out the following day. I knew you loved me so I was sure you were gonna say yes to me.
Selim- (opens the door) Get the f**k out of my life you are a demon. (Yells) I hate you.
Andre- Selim I'm sorry please (she walked out on him and dashed inside her apartment. She locked the door slide behind it and breaks down in tears. Andre felt like pulling out the Steering. After waiting outside the cold, knocking and pleading for her to open the door he went into his car and returned home.)
::: Emily got back late that night:::
Selim- (documenting sales) I heard tomorrow will be a stressful day at the company.
Emily- Yes so I heard. Guess what.
Selim- You know I'm not good at that.
Emily- James and I are back again.
Selim- I'm so happy for you two so finally my bestie is now in a relationship.
Emily- He took me to his family house and I got to talk with his mum.
Selim- You mean that heavy-handed lady?
Emily- Yes, she was cool today and she appologized for the past.
Selim- I'm so happy that things turned out well for the both of you.
Emily- Did you cry? You look like one who cried her eyes out. (Selim couldn't hold it as she sheds a tear) Jezzz what happened to you. (She told her Andre's words; Emily couldn't take a breath she stood up and was about leaving the apartment)
Selim- Where are you going to?  it's already late.
Emily- That Andre needs a punch on his face.
Selim- (held her back) Don't go anywhere I need a shoulder to cry on. (Emily wrapped her hands around Selim.)
Emily- It's Okay Bestie I'm here for you.
(That night Selim cried herself to sleep.)

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