Chapter Seven

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While all of Luc's "bad" friends were talking to each other about Salem and Adrian's disappearing act, Luc was busy across town, spending time with his other friend group at Ryan's house. Most of their group was there, except for Austin who had to rush home suddenly, and Shawn who had to return to the orphanage by a set time. The other's however were planning to sleep over at Ryan's and enjoy time together. 

"That doesn't make sense though," Gabe said, "Why would he write a book about it?"

"Once you're charged for a crime you can't be charged for it again," Jaxson said, "And he didn't confess in the book. He said basically 'I didn't kill my wife and her boyfriend, but if I did kill them here is exactly how, and why, and my plans for it.' So he knew he'd be safe as he covered his ass by saying he didn't, and he was already charged and they couldn't charge him again."

Ryan looked over at them for a moment, snapping out of a day dream, "Are you guys talking about OJ Simpson?" 

"Yeah," Mike said, "They are."

"How did we get on this topic anyways?" Luc asked.

"You mentioned Austin's weird behaviors, and I jokingly said it was because he was a killer and Gabe brought up OJ Simpson," Jaxson answered.

"Y'all stupid," Ryan said softly, "So you four are spending the night?"

"Yeah," Luc said, "If it's okay with your parents and all."

Ryan laughed some, "For them to care they'd have to show up."

"Another business trip?" Gabe asked. Ryan nodded softly. "Are they allowed to do that with your mental issues?"

"My mental issues were discovered after my adoption, so it's expected they will care for it but not something CPS is going to monitor," Ryan said, "Besides, those are the least of the worries right now."

Jaxson looked at Ryan, "Why are those least of worries, you shouldn't be home alone and you know it. You'll drop a knife while cooking and stab your foot or some shit due to dazing off." Ryan smiled gently and pulled his arms close to his chest, hugging himself slightly. "What is it Ryan?"

"You're keeping secrets," Gabe said, "That's not fair." Jaxson seemed to be amused by the statement, Luc didn't understand what Jaxson knew to make that statement amusing though.

"It's nothing guys," Ryan said.

Luc looked at Ryan, "Clearly it's something. You wouldn't avoid the question if it was nothing."

"I don't want you guys to worry, it's not that bad."

"We worry about everything, come on Ry, tell us," Mike said.

Ryan sighed, "I went to the hospital recently because I was having issues with my elbow after knocking it into a wall, it wasn't hard or anything but I had some stiffness, and my elbow swelled some, and it was painful. So, I thought I broke it. I went to the hospital and they did some tests and x-rays and stuff."

"So nothing new for you really," Jaxson said.

"Exactly," Ryan said, "Well something new. A blood test. I'd never had one before, but they decided to do one just to make sure there weren't any issues with like anemia or something. So they ran the tests, and it turns out I have haemophilia." 

"Wait, that one thing where your blood doesn't clot," Lucas asked.

"Yeah," Ryan said.

"What's that got to do with the elbow though?" Micheal asked.

Ryan smiled weakly, "I caused joint bleeding when I hit it. Treating it was fine, same meds I now have to take for my haemophilia. Once it's stopped hurting as much, moving it and just stretching it some." 

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