Chapter Twenty-Five

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The next day the group was all hanging out together again, it was a Saturday so they had all agreed to just hang out at Braxton's together. Levi was calm and clearly able to pretend that what happened the night before never happened and Jaxson seemed completely unaware that something had happened. The others kept their mouths shut for now, unsure how to really bring up that topic to Jaxson, Salem however was upset despite not bringing it up. They told Jaxson Salem was upset because someone was flirting with Gabe earlier that day, Jaxson bought it.

"I'm just saying that it's a fact," Adrian said, "Everyone in the LGBTQ+ community likes Hozier."

Austin rolled his eyes, "No. Just the cottagecore lesbians."

"They are just the biggest stans."

"Hozier is great!" Levi said, "Whoever disagrees loses living privileges."

Zeek smiled, "Good. Take me out Levi!"

"No," Levi said, "I know you're joking."

"Prove it."

"We share a Spotify account Zeek!" Levi said, "Besides, I hacked into all of your phones so Yeah."

Salem looked at Levi, "Lee. We talked about that, you don't want to do that."

"Salem, you say that like your phone was anything except pictures of crystals, Gabe, and the occasional aesthetic board," Levi said, "Honestly, Zeek's was the most concerning."

Zeek shrugged, "That's your fault."

"Wait," Shawn said, "Did you hack into our phones too?"

"None of you have passwords so no," Levi said, "I just stole your phones while you slept and went through them. Excluding Ryan. I didn't do anything to him."

"What type of favoritism bullshit!" Zeek protested. Levi shrugged and grabbed his water bottle. Pausing when Jaxson whispered something to him. Levi nodded some and took a sip of water.

Levi looked at Zeek, "Ryan's secretive for good reasons. The rest of you just have trust issues."

"You're right but hey!" Gabe said. "I mean, my phone has little to nothing on it besides texting."

"Your conversations are funny though," Levi said, "You're good at avoiding serious topics by dissuading them with jokes."

Micheal paused, "You really called him out huh?"

Levi rolled his eyes, "I mean I gagged looking at your conversations Micheal."

"It's a lot of just spammed emojis," Braxton said, "A lot."

"Yeah no shit!" Levi said, "There's this thing called English learn it!"


"Honestly the best part of going through your phones was seeing that Maddox had listened to Breezeblocks for hours on repeat," Levi said looking at Salem.

"Really Maddox?" Salem asked him, Maddox looked at Salem for a moment and realized what was happening.

Maddox nodded, "Yeah! It's a great song. I'm surprised Levi doesn't like it more. Whole song is about drowning someone."

"Yeah," Levi said, "A wife basically. Breezeblocks are cinder blocks so basically he tied her to some and tossed her in. I mean, 'Hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks' is basically the most damning line in the whole thing."

"Soggy clothes can't help drown someone that much," Adrian said.

"Actually soggy clothes give hypothermia so you don't drown from that. Soggy clothes will weigh you down though so I suppose they would help you drown," Levi said.

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