Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Braxton made sure to wake up early and carefully sneak upstairs to take a shower and get dressed, making sure to lock the bathroom door. After his shower he made sure to dry off and decided that getting a shirt from his bedroom was too much work so instead just put on his binder and jeans. It didn't matter much to him, in his mind it was the same as a guy being shirtless and beyond the fact his friends would tease him, Braxton didn't feel the need to wear a shirt around him.

Braxton walked downstairs and saw that they all were starting to wake up, he smiled softly and walked to the kitchen to make even more coffee for Salem and Micheal. He got out two water bottles for Adrian and Ryan to take their pills when they woke up and began waiting for them to walk into the kitchen. Braxton sat at the kitchen counter on his phone when he heard Adrian mumbling for Shawn to get off him so he could get up. Braxton smiled softly and continued to play on his phone. Adrian walked in and paused when he looked at Braxton, "For a moment I was confused. Since when did you have a skin toned binder? And not in the tanktop length?"

"I got one so I could wear crop tops mostly," Braxton said, "Why are you so surprised Adrian?"

"For a moment I thought you didn't have anything on your upper body and I was confused on where your boobs went," Adrian said. "Did you take a shower?"



"While you guys were asleep," Braxton said as the other's started to walk in. Salem going to the coffee pot quickly.

"Why do that?" Adrian asked.

Braxton sighed, "Because I needed a shower and didn't want one of you walking in."

"We wouldn't!" Salem said. Braxton glared at Salem, "Okay so maybe we would've just to mess with you." Micheal walked in and looked at Braxton for a moment, then walked back into the living room and sighed loudly. Adrian and Salem both laughed at that. "Really Mike?" Salem shouted, "That's really all it takes?!"

Micheal walked back in with a bright red face. "It's too early in the morning for this," he mumbled as he got his coffee.

"All I have to do is be shirtless and have wet hair?" Braxton asked, "You get flustered too easily Darling."

Micheal looked at Braxton, "Adrian touched my leg and I was blushing and stuttering."

"He isn't lying," Adrian said. Braxton crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair some.

Micheal was looking at Braxton for a few moments in silence. "I'm not caffeinated enough for this," Micheal mumbled as he took a sip of his coffee. Adrian and Salem laughed more at that.

Shawn walked in, rubbing his eyes some. His sweater was asque so they could see that Shawn's left wrist had the handcuffs on it. Both cuffs locked onto his one wrist, "What are you two laughing at?"

"Micheal's flustered because Braxton's not wearing a shirt," Salem said.

Shawn looked at Braxton some, "Oh. Fun." Shawn sat by Adrain and handed him his pill bottle while grabbing the water bottle for Adrian. "How's your leg?"

"Fine," Adrian said, "The laughing I'm doing this morning isn't helping though."

"Well good luck then," Shawn mumbled.

Braxton sighed, "I should probably go smoke before I become a bitch today."

"Take Shawn with you," Adrian said as he swallowed his pills.

Shawn looked at Adrian, "Why?"

"Because we're out of your adderall and there's no better time than the present to find out if pot helps you," Adrian said.

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