Chapter Twenty-Three

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Braxton smiled as he watched Jaxson and Adrian argue about which was more obsessed with their significant other. Eventually coming to the conclusion that it was definitely Adrian, which Salem only laughed at. "You do realize that Adrain's favorite songs are all about stalking someone because you're obsessed with them and believe you're in love right?"

"...Please tell me that is a joke," Jaxson said looking at Salem.

Shawn laughed, "I wish I could say it was Jaxson. Believe me... it can be hell."

"Hey!" Adrian said, "My music taste isn't allowed to be used against me when you listen to songs about homicide!"

"And I would commit homicide!" Salem said, "You think I wouldn't bash someone's head in with an axe?"

Gabe paused for a moment, "What?"

"Did I stutter Gabriel?"

"Don't you fucking dare Sawyer."

Braxton gasped, "Oh shit! Salem you told him your real name? Why??"

"I didn't think he would do that to me," Salem said.

"Wait his name isn't Salem?"

"Nope!" Adrian answered. "He didn't want Braxton to be the only one with a dead name, plus Sawyer doesn't fit him. Salem is better."

"So is deadnaming what's happening here?" Levi asked, "Do I finally get to know Braxton's dead name?"

"No," Braxton answered.

Salem looked at Levi, "Pay me and I'll tell you."

"Don't you dare Levi," Braxton said. Levi handed Salem five dollars and Salem smiled. "Salem if you dead name me I'll poison you."

"Braxton, him and Maddox are like the only ones who don't know."

"Okay my fucking fiance doesn't know! Those kids don't need to!"

"You act like any of us would ever deadname you."

"Have you met Levi?" Braxton asked.

Salem laughed some, "Fair. But you can punch him like you'd punch me."

Braxton paused for a moment, "That's true."

"So can I tell them all?"

"Anyone says it to me afterwards and I'll punch them, yes Micheal you're included in that. But fine," Braxton said. Micheal nodded that it was fair.

Salem smiled, "It's Brianna."

"Stuck with the same initials?" Shawn asked.

"That and Braxton sounded cool."

Micheal raised a hand, "Can I rename myself Sock like other nonbinary people?"

"He has a good point!" Zeek said, "Why do so many nonbinary people name themselves after objects! I legit met someone named Snail, they were a delight but still!"

"Because objects don't have genders."

"Except for in French and Spanish," Braxton said, "And Latin... and most Latin based languages. Objects are only genderless in English."

Adrian looked at Braxton, "Do any of us look bilingual to you?"

"Oui, vous êtes tous suffisamment bilingues pour me comprendre, non?"

"All I heard was hon hon hon baguette, can you translate to English?" Salem asked.

Braxton rolled his eyes, "Yes, you're all bilingual enough to understand me, right?"

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