Chapter 9

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Bonnie woke up to the sound of Freddy's alarm clock waking him up at 6:00 a.m. He lifted his head off the nightstand and streched. He heard whimpering sounds and looked over at Freddy. He had a distressed look as his face was red. There was sweat pouring down from the side of his head. Bonnie quickly leaped up and placed his hand upon Freddy's head. Freddy was running a bad fever and his whole body was shaking. His body felt cold but his head was burning up. Bonnie quickly open the first aid kit searching for something to lessen Freddy's illness. He was able to find medicine for the fever and cold symptoms. He broke the capsules pouring the medicine into a cup of water. Bonnie lifted Freddy's head up gentely and tilted the cup of water to Freddy's mouth and slowly poured it into his mouth. He took his time making sure to not choke him. After the water was gone he set the cup down and laid Freddy's head on the pillow. He didn't understand how Freddy could have gotten sick like this until he look at the bandage. The bandages seemed to be stained with dried blood but also with a yellowish color. Bonnie began to unwrap the bandages and what he found made him sick. The wound was infected. The skin under the fur was purple and swollen around the wound. He thought that the knife that stabbed Freddy must've not been cleaned in order to cause this. Bonnie went to work remove the grime from the cut and disinfecting it. After minutes of cleaning, medicating, and rebandaging the cut would be able to heal soon. Bonnie placed a damp cloth on Freddy's head and wrapped him in more blankets to keep down the fever. Once Bonnie thought Freddy was taken care of he went and took care of Freddy's chorse for the day.

Bonnie had never worked this hard in his life until today. There was so many things to take care of. Scheduling partys, calculate profits, fill out paperwork, update menus and prices, and more. He didn't know how Freddy could do it and still preform for the kids. He had to give Freddy credit for working so hard. He could understand why he was so moody at times. He would take breaks to check up on Freddy or to get something to eat. Freddy's fever seemed to have gone down a bit which was a good sign. He hoped that Freddy would wake up soon. Bonnie gentely ran his hand through Freddy's hair pushing it out of his face. "Please wake up soon." Bonnie pleaded.

A couple of hours went by and Bonnie was still working on paperwork. His back was sore and he felt his eyelids droop at time. Suddenly he heard a small groan and turned to the bed. Freddy groaned and flutter his eyelids open. "Boss!" Bonnie cried and ran to the side of Freddy's bed. Freddy opened his eyes a little and looked at Bonnie. "Bonnie, is that you?" Bonnie smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah, it's me boss, how do you feel?" Freddy groaned and rubbed his head. "I feel sore and my head is pounding, what happened?" Bonnie lowered his ears and moved closer to the bed. "You don't remember?" Freddy shook his head lightly. "I remember seeing you terrified and shaking then I blacked out." Bonnie sighed. "You fought those bastards off but you got stabbed in the process then passed out from exhaustion." Freddy looked over at his shoulder then back at Bonnie. "That explains everything." Bonnie nodded his head and took ahold of Freddy's hand. "Thank you so much for saving my life boss!" Freddy looked down with wide eyes at their hands as they intertwined with one another. He couldn't help but blush a small bit. He didn't know what to do but the feeling in his chest came back. "Y-your welcome." Bonnie couldn't help but blush aswell as he kept ahold of Freddy's hand. "Are you hungry sir?" Freddy nodded his head as he continued to stare at their conjoined hands. Bonnie then let go of his hand and stood up. "I'll be right back." Freddy couldn't help but keep staring at his hand. Bonnie's hands were the softest and smallest things he's ever felt in his life. He didn't know why but he wanted to hold them forever and never let them go.

Bonnie was feeding Freddy spoon fulls of soup at a time to help with his fever. Freddy seemed to be doing better since he woke up which reassured Bonnie. Freddy tried to set up but groan in pain. "No Freddy don't your still sore." Freddy sighed and laied back down. "I can't stay down, I have work that needs to be finished." Freddy stated. Bonnie set the bowl down. "I already took care of it." Freddy turned and looked at Bonnie in disbelief. "You what?" Bonnie showed Freddy some paperwork that he had already filled out and completed. "I already did your chorse from yesterday and today while I took care of you." Freddy couldn't believe it, not only didn't Bonnie take care of Freddy but he also did his work for him. "Y-you took care of me and did my chorse for today?" Bonnie smiled and nodded his head. "You saved my life, I had to repay you for what you've done for me. I even stayed in your room to watch over you." Freddy was completely speechless, he didn't know what to do or say. Nobody had ever done anything like that for him before in all his life. Freddy couldn't help but have a smile form on his mouth. "Wow I don't know what to say, thank you Bonnie." Bonnie blushed a shade of red on his cheek and smiled. "Y-your welcome boss, would you like some coffee with your soup?" Freddy nodded his head and rested his head. Bonnie stood up and made his way to the door. "Bonnie." Freddy said, making Bonnie turn back to look at him. "Yes sir?" Just then a genuine pearly white smile formed on Freddy's face. "call me Freddy." Bonnie couldn't believe his ears, after a month of bowing down to him he finally earned Freddy's respect. Bonnie couldn't help but smile back as he blushed darker. "O-of course Freddy." Freddy watched him walk out of the office. Freddy went from hating Bonnie with a passion to now seeing him for an amazing person. Bonnie earned Freddy's respect and trust and that was more than what anyone has ever done before. From there on it would be the start of a true and unlikely friendship between them.

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