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*Seth's POV*

Dean disappears from the hallway and I don't question it. As I'm walking past the old staff room, heading to my technical drawing class Dean exits the room. I smile at him, before Randy walks out behind him. My face instantly drops and I dash to my class.

What was Dean doing with him? Does he and Dean have something going on secretly? Is everyone lying to me?

"Mr. McMahon, please pay attention." Mr. Black shouts and my cheeks heat in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, sir." I say, concentrating on the lesson as best I can.

I notice Dean leaning against the wall, and I try my best to sneak past him. His eyes immediately catch mine, and I run away, which causes him to chase me down the hall. I bend a corner, and watch him disappear behind me.

"Seth." He calls, cornering me.

"Dean, not here, okay?" I say, and he nods.

"Okay." He says, and walks away.

That was simple, too simple. I walk into my next class and the vibe feels completely off. Lunch comes around, and I decide to eat alone today. I see Roman approaching me and realize that's the bad thing that I presumed was going to happen.

"Sethie, can we talk?" Roman asks, sitting opposite me on the grass.

"Go ahead, talk." I say.

"You're not gonna curse me off, or humiliate me?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"People bully me, Roman, because of my sexuality. Nobody would care if I humiliated you." I say, shoving a piece of sandwich into my mouth.

"This seems weird." He says.

"Are you going to talk or not?" I ask.

"Look, the fags are fighting." A jock says, tossing his ball at Roman's face, who catches it.

"Your loss." I shout.

"Anyway, Seth, can you please give me a second chance? I was your first." He says, and I shake my head.

"Roman, I can't do that, you don't deserve that." I say.

"Why Seth?" He asks.

"Why? Roman you cheated on me with the person who raped me constantly. You were the only person I told about what happened, but I didn't need to, because you knew. How long were you cheating?" I ask.

"Not long." He mumbles.

"I don't want to sit here and listen to you lie." I say, gathering my stuff and getting up.

"Wait, since we got together. I've been doing it all the time." He says, and I stare at him numb.

My heart bursts, as he says those words. He's been using me all this time. I remain emotionless on the outside, and return inside as the bell rings. My other two classes are a drag, I couldn't pay attention to anything else, other than what Roman told me.

*Dean's POV*

I was calm earlier when confronting Seth, because we were in school and I didn't want to raise any suspicions. I knew he had already jumped to conclusions, and I didn't want to cry in front of everyone.

I go outside to school and see Seth leaning against the car depressingly. His shoulders slouched, his mouth slightly parted and his eyes on the brink of releasing tears.

"Sethie, hey, you okay?" I ask, as I unlock the car.

"Yeah." He says, getting into the passenger seat, "Can we not go home?"

"Where do you want to go?" I ask.

"A private place or something." He says.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong, Sethie?" I ask.

"I don't know," He says, "can you please pull out of this fucking parking lot, please?"

"Sorry." I say, driving away from the school.

I reach for Seth's hand, and he accepts mine, as he glances at me with tears streaming down his face. I park on a random street, and wipe his falling tears.

"Sethie, you're worrying me." I say.

"Dean, what were you doing with Randy?" He asks.

"What, you're crying over that?" I ask.

"No, I just want to know." He says.

"He asked to talk to me, and we went into the old staff room for privacy. I told him I could never be friends with him again, after he hurt the person who means the world to me." I say.

"I love you." He says, smiling through the tears.

"Tell me what's wrong now." I say.

"Roman told me that he's been cheating on me with Randy since we got together. He's probably lying, he could've been with him before me and used me. I can't believe he would do that to me." He says.

"Sethie, I'm sorry. You don't deserve that. He doesn't deserve you. I'm going to school him when I see him again." I say, huffing in anger.

Seth reaches for my face, and caresses my cheek softly. He pecks my lips sweetly, and I feel my cheeks heat up. 

"You don't have to do anything to him, Deanie. Let's just move on from them." He says, and I nod.

"You still want to go somewhere that's not home?" I ask, and he nods.

"Yes, please." He says, as I start driving again.

"How about our waterfall vacation-home?" I ask, and he nods excitedly.

"Yes, let's go there." He says, bouncing in his seat.

"I hope you're that excited because you're gonna be with me." I say.

"Of course, why else would I be excited?" He asks.

"Probably because you have a crush on someone cute." I say, wiggling my eyebrows.

"I do." He says, and I frown.

"I should turn this car around and bring you home." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"It's you, Deanie, I want you." He says, and I feel butterflies fill my stomach.

"I've been wanting you for years, Seth." I say.

"You're lying." He says.

"Telling the whole truth. It's been you for a long time." I say.

"For me too." He says.

My phone begins ringing, and I pick it up irritated, someone is interrupting Seth and I's moment. They better have a good reason.

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