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⚠️Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide⚠️

*Seth's POV*

Mom turns the lights off after she ensured I was okay. I try to sleep but decide to check my phone before I do. I open my messages to see everyone sharing an attachment. Probably just some porn or sports match.

I decide to ignore their messages and scroll to Dean's chat. I ponder calling him and finding out how he is, but I decide against it.

"Moving on, Seth," I remind myself, getting comfortable on my bed.

It feels empty without Dean. I snuggle my teddy bear imagining it is Dean holding onto me. I condone myself imagining him this once.

*Dean's POV*

I breathe sharply as I enter the empty bedroom. I sob as I go into the bathroom from the pain in my ass and my heart.

I sit on the toilet and pull down my pants. I notice blood staining my underwear and I swab my ass with my fingers and notice blood staining them as I raise them to my eyes.

I run the bath, waiting for it to get the correct temperature before getting in. I lay in my own filth, the shadow of who I used to be draining away from my body as I quiver from the aftershock of the assault.

There are two ways I can handle this situation. Pretend like nothing happened or be a broken soul. My heart yearned to be the second one, disappointed that someone I once considered a best friend would commit such a heinous act towards me.

I decide to try the first one, when I return to school I will pretend it is all good. I don't want anyone on the team suspecting something, and probably assume we had consensual intercourse.

The water in the tub turns brown as my blood and filth form a nasty combination. I drain the water and open the shower, scrubbing myself slowly. While I'm home and alone I'll build myself up and block out everyone.

The first step is getting dressed and turning off my phone. I stare at the notifications as the device shuts off wondering why I had such an influx. My mind suddenly remembers Randy said that he made a video.

"No," I scream.

Everyone in school must've seen it already and thought, "McMahon in another porn." I get into bed, clothed in sweatpants and oversized t-shirt, my self confidence decreasing. I just hope my parents don't see this, they're unaccepting of gays.

The house phone rings and I sigh, dragging myself out of bed to answer it. Mom's broken voice calls my name through the phone and I know my worst fears are confirmed. I assume Dad yanks the phone from her hand as I hear scuffling, his voice filled with rage as he speaks.

"I'm coming up there to talk to you, faggot!" He seethes.

I remain quiet as he speaks, unable to respond. He hangs up the phone and I fall to the ground.

*Seth's POV*

Faggot. I hear my father slurring the word repeatedly as Mom sobs. I instantly become scared and confused. I decide to check my messages and open one of the many chats.

The video plays and my heart instantly drops to my toes. Dean was getting fucked by Randy, he faces the couch shying away from the camera. I'm not sure which hurts more. The fact Dean slept with someone else because I moved away or the fact that it was Randy.

"Seth," Mom calls and I wipe my tears.

"Mom," I called back, rushing downstairs to meet her.

I notice her hunched figure over the island. I rush to her side and rub her back gently.

"Seth, y-your father is going to kill Dean." She screams.

"W-what?" I ask.

"Drive us to the cabin. He rushed off there because he saw a tape of Dean having sex with Randy." She explains.

"Mom, come on!" I grab her hand.

"Sethie," she cries as I drive as quick as I can.

"Mom, what is it?" I ask.

She smiles sadly at me before grabbing a lump of money from her bag. I stare at her confused but she hands it to me. I take it while trying to focus on the road.

"Pull over and call Dean." She demands.

I do as she says and ring his phone. I notice missed calls from him and multiple text messages. He called me pet names, said he loved me, thanked me for the good times.

I ring his phone repeatedly and he doesn't answer. My mind immediately thinks of the worst. Mom regards me sadly while I frantically ring him.

"S-S-Sethie," he stammers.

"Dean, where the fuck are you?" I seethe.

"Ridding your life of me at a bridge." He says.

"Dean, please don't do that. Tell me where you are and I'll come get you. We can talk!" I plead.

The line goes silent and I check to see if he's still on the call. Mom pulls out her phone and tries to call the police as she cries silently. I shake my head begging her with my eyes not to.

"Sethie, you know I love you with all my heart and soul." He says.

"Baby, please don't do that." I beg.

"Don't call me that! You don't want me. Now I'm tainted and you don't want me even more. I know you saw it and assumed 'look at the whore cheating on me.' I know you did." He screams.

"Baby, I didn't think that. Dean, please, I can't lose you." I breathe, "Baby, please, don't leave us."

"Who is us?" He asks.

"Me and your baby." I cry.

Mom looks at me shocked while Dean gasps. I hear shuffling and my heart sinks as I assume that my statement pushed him over the edge.

"I'm at our favorite bridge." He says, ending the call.

I start up the car and hurriedly drive to the bridge. Mom just sits there in shock, registering what she heard.

"M-Mom, I'm sorry," I mumble but she shakes her head.

"A mother knows when her son or sons are in love, Seth. The money is enough for you and Dean to start a new life." She says.

"M-Mom, we can't possibly leave." I say.

"Seth, you and Dean were adopted. I couldn't have children and your father and I agreed to adopt you two. Your real parents gave both of you up. Your mother couldn't handle the death of her husband and Dean's mom was a teen." She explains.

"S-so we're not actually siblings." I ask, and she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry for lying to you." She says.

"It's fine, Mom. I'm sorry for sleeping with my brother." I apologize.

"Nonsense, I could always tell the two of you were in love. Congratulations on the baby." She says.

"Thank you, Mom," I say.

We get to the bridge and I rush over to Dean. He was sitting at the bottom of the railing, his knees up to his chest. I wrap my arms around him and he does the same to me.

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