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*Dean's POV*

I feel his arms wrap around me, his cologne flooding my nostrils. I cry onto his chest as he holds me tight. He lifts me off the ground and I notice Mom leaning against the car.

"Mom, I'm sorry for fucking up. I'm sorry for being a disappointment and I'm sorry for knocking your son up." I apologize.

She regards me with sad eyes and pulls me into a hug. I'm surprised but hug her back tightly, her warm embrace calming my nerves.

"W-where's Dad?" I ask.

"You two need to leave. Give me your phones." She demands.

I hand her my phone quickly and so does Seth. She smashes them to pieces and puts them into a ziplock bag, throwing it into the trash.

"I love you two. I'm sorry for lying. Now go and I'll call him to come pick me up." She says.

She pulls her purse from the vehicle and hands me a lump of money. I stare at her confused as to where she got this from. As if knowing my unasked question, she says, " I saved this money on a private account for safety and now it's yours. There's more. Here's the account number, it's on Dean's name, your real name." She kisses our foreheads.

"Now go!" She urges us.

I get into the passenger seat and Seth begins driving immediately. I wave Mom off as she stands on the side of the cold bridge, calling our father.

"What did she mean by real name?" I ask.

Seth locks the car doors and puts up the windows. He doesn't answer my question just drives hastily. I lean into the seat, the lump of money in my hand.

"We're driving two towns over and we will sleep in the car for the night." Seth announces in a stressed tone.

"Hey, calm down, baby," I comfort him.

He nods his head and continues driving. He pulls a sharp break as we exit the first town. I look at him confused but I notice blood oozing from his seat.

"Baby, what's going on?" I ask, I rush out of the car to his side.

I carry him into the passenger side and sit in the driver's seat in his blood, not caring if I got stained.

"D-Dean, get me to the hospital." He screams and I nod, stepping on the gas.

I hurriedly drive to the hospital, screaming for someone to help us. I grab the fake IDs in Seth's glove compartment, I discovered them there when I put the lump of money into it.

"Jonathan?" A nurse calls and I nod.

"Your husband would like to see you." She says — husband? I don't deserve to be called that.

I shake the thoughts away and rush to Seth's room. People glance at me in disgust and confusion and I remember the blood probably stained my grey jeans. It could be mine or Seth's.

"Sethie," I call as I enter the room.

He stares at me in pity as I approach him. I reach for his hand but he rejects me. I feel hurt but I brush it off.

"We lost it." He announces and it feels like something punched me in my chest.

"B-baby, I-" I start.

"The Doctor said it was due to stress." He interrupts.

"All my fault." I cry, falling onto my knees.

"No, not your fault!" He attempts to assure me.

"It's mine! I stressed you out with my stupid thoughts and actions." I reply.

"Dean, you stupid asshole. I've been having anxiety attacks and stressing on my own accord. It's not your fucking fault and we were not ready for a baby." He explains.

"I would be ready for anything as long as it's with you." I say.

I peck his lips gently and he pulls me in for a kiss. I still feel guilty, because I didn't know he felt that way or he was pregnant.

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