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Seth's POV

Here we are again. I pull on my grey jeans, struggling with the button. Dean walks over and helps me, pecking my lips in the process. When he's done, he smiles and I pull him in for a longer kiss.

"Deanie," I mumble, and he shakes his head, creating distance between us.

"You are not tempting me today." He warns sternly.

"I would never tempt you." I say, batting my eyes innocently.

"That's what I'm talking about." He groans, returning to his button up shirt.

I walk over to him, putting his hands at his sides. I begin buttoning his shirt, sensually biting my lip and looking at his expression through my thick eyelashes. He is biting harshly on his lip, holding back whatever wants to escape from his mouth.

I reach his chest area and begin circling my finger across his chest. He releases a barely audible groan, smacking my hand away. He finishes his last buttons quickly before straightening his outfit. I pout at him, and he ignores me.

"Let's go." He yells, strolling out of the door.

I groan in defeat, grabbing my school bag. Dean drives us quickly to school, since we were almost late according to him. The dread settled in more and more as we got closer to that hell hole. When we get to the school, Dean parks in his usual spot and we get out.

"Do you want to go in together?" Dean asks, and I nod my head.

"Yes, please." I mutter.

We walk into the school, a surge of confidence in my veins. I walk ahead of Dean, and he doesn't mind. He brings me to my locker, and then goes to his.

The minute Dean leaves, so does the confidence.  "Hey, fag!" Someone shouts, banging my locker door.

"What the fuck?" I scream, everyone's heads turn towards me. I notice Dean standing at his locker, worry in his eyes.

He leaves it open, and rushes to my side. "Sethie, what happened?" He asks, wrapping his arms around my quivering torso.

Dean's POV

"Look at that the fag brothers all cuddled up." Baron spits.

"What the fuck did you say?" I ask, shaking with anger.

Seth pulls me to face him, his soft hand caressing my cheek. Baron and his friends snicker behind me, but Seth holds my head in place.

"Are you two fucking? I wouldn't be surprised." Baron snickers, and I push Seth off me with force.

I launch myself onto Baron, my fists hitting his jaw and face repeatedly. He blocks and tries to throw a few punches of his own, but I avoid them all. I punch and punch until I hear a crack, and everyone around me gasps.

I glance at his bloody face, a manic smirk on my face. I look around and notice people are recording. I get off Baron, returning to Seth's locker where he is no longer standing.

"Don't you ever speak about my brother and I like that again. Plus, you get on your knees for Dolph." I spit, everyone's mouths wide open.

"Fuck you, McMahon." He shouts.

I remember that Seth isn't here. I grab my stuff from my locker and rush to Seth's first class hoping he is in there. I go into the bathroom next and hear sniffles in the last stall.

"Seth, are you in here?" I shout, the sniffling hushing.

I twist the knob of the last stall, and it opens to reveal Seth sitting on the ground of the bathroom. I lock the door and sit next to him. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him into my side.

"Sethie, what's wrong?" I ask, and he pushes me away.

"Leave me alone!" He screams.

"Seth," I plead, as he rushes out of the bathroom.

I stare at myself in the mirror, banging my fist against the sink. What the hell had I done wrong this time? I fix myself, before going into the hall.

"Dean McMahon to the office." The principal calls over the intercom. I huff as I stroll towards the office, everyone's eyes on me.

I push open the wooden door, the principal's eyes regarding me with anger. I sit on the available chair, my arms crossed against my chest.

"Dean, I saw you were fighting Mr.Corbin earlier. I am going to have to call your parents and suspend you." He chides.

'Grandpa, you cannot be serious." I say.

"Uncross your arms, boy." He continues, and I obey, my eyes trained on my laps.

"You cannot act that way, Dean, and not expect repercussions." He warns, and I nod.

"I will not call your parents, but you will be suspended." He says, and I nod again.

"He insulted Seth and I by the way, called us fags." I say, and Grandpa's face drops.

"I will handle him immediately. Also, Seth had a panic attack and your parents are picking him up." He says.

"No, I can bring him home." I say, and he ponders on my statement. — please say yes.

"Okay, take him. Stay safe." He dismisses me.

"Yes, sir." I murmur, walking out of the office.

I run to the front of the school, noticing a hunched figure with their hood up. I approach them and soon realize it is Seth.

"I'm taking you home." I say, and he looks up at me, his face emotionless.

He simply nods, walking towards the car first. I unlock it and he gets into the backseat. Sprawling his body across it.

"Seth, are you—"

"Get us home." He mutters, no other words leaving his mouth again.

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