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Park Jinyoung felt really innocent to me. He IS, actually. But I hurt him. So bad, I kept on exasperating him that he left the house without a word. And oh boy, how my brother got mad!

Things in a story just not take place, a setting may end sad; or happy, no-body knows. Everybody has a story. In this whole world.

I perched on my bed, trying to think of how to find the solution on what's going on. I took a paper and a pen to help me with this; I went to have a drink to freshen my mood.

I went over my shelf that was filled with nothing, but books. Books, books, books. I love books, but my mom keeps on telling me to stop reading them. I don't read fiction books, I prefer non-fictions instead. Because they are true - true that can happen in real life, since I'm not a day-dreamer, I find non-fictions amusing to me. I kept a book and ran apace so that I can read before sleep. My brain really dissolves -lot of exciting facts. It's really pleasant, and helpful in your daily life.

It's not that I hate non-fictions, the thing I hate about it it's that you can be stuck inside that book, for what seems forever, and you'll be rebounded when you are done reading it. That's why, and like I said, I'm not a day-dreamer.


I woke up from a lazy bee that kept on tickling  my nose, but then when I woke up, I realized it was my younger brother tickling my nose from a bird's feather.

"Eww, Jinyoung, that's so gross!" I waved my hand away from him. He chuckled and just left the room, "Breakfast's ready!" 

I groaned and put on my usual clothes, rather than going on my sleep-suit. I usually walk downstairs on my sleep-suit, but then realize and run back upstairs. I really am a lazy person and when it comes to morning.

I ate my delicious breakfast that was kept on the table. I munched on it quick, and got ready to work for Chanyeol.

I put on my skirt, and a white shirt on, and pulled my boots to run into the car. I drove peacefully and safely, when I finally arrived my destination. I walked through the huge corridor. But somehow, a nurse blocked my way.

"What's the matter?" my eyes furrowed.

"I'm sorry." the nurse bowed. I was so confused. What's going on? Why is she saying sorry to me?

"But what happened?" I nudged her.

"Dr. Wooseok said that he wants to deliver a message to you from me."

"Go on."

"He said, 'leave it to me'. That's the message." the nurse uttered.

"But what does that mean?" I grieved. I felt like I was done with my job, as a result I'm not doing my job conveniently.

Then, the nurse handed me a paper, "He also wants to give you this." 

I opened the paper expeditiously, but the nurse said that I'll have to open at home.

I stepped outside the hospital. But then, I thought why not taking a peek at it? I opened the paper, and the first sentence I saw, said,

If you just stepped out of the hospital, then you'll see under the old tree lies a dead cat.

How does he know I stepped out of the hospital?

I turned right to see an aged tree, so old that it looks like it was born in the olden-times. I ambled through, when I saw a-lot of flies flying here and there. I escorted them all. And what I saw, in shock - a DEAD cat. I feel so bad for it!!

I sat inside the car, and drove to my home. In the middle of driving, (I was stuck in a traffic jam), I wanted to take another peek of the letter,

If you are stuck in a traffic jam, you'll see a car accident on your left.

Ok, HOW does he know?

I looked at my left, and in consternation..saw a huge car crash with polices and ambulances.

Ooof, how bad! Have a great time RIP! Make sure to go highway to heaven!

I kept on staring at the calamity. It was really atrocious.. 

beep beep!

And on I drove back home. I rushed inside my room, with the paper on my hands, clasping it.

I took a great look on it. This is what was all read on it:

Dear Joohyun (Irene),

If you just stepped out of the hospital, then you'll see under the old tree lies a dead cat.

If you are stuck in a traffic jam, you'll see a car accident on your left.

You must've seen it so bad happen. See, this is what life is. People have their own stories, even I have my own story back then, You must have a story, as well! About you curing to Chanyeol. 

But then, articulating about Park Chanyeol, a psychopath who's a patient of a really pretty, graceful and nice psychologist, Bae Joo-hyun, better known as Irene, which is currently you. 

Yes, I was the one to deliver this letter and a message from a nurse lady.

 Leave it to me.

Yes, Irene, leave it to me. 

I currently perceived that you are no longer looking like a psychologist, nor doing your job properly. I would like to thank you in consideration of your hard work, but I don't think being a psychologist like that suits you. 

So please, find an easy job for you, you compassed your job however, thank you for your hard work, and again, leave it to me. 


Please.. Thank you so much for working an admirable job, it's all I can say..

I hope this letter doesn't really hurt you, but..words from me.

From, Dr. Wooseok.

This was all. 

This was it.

I am kicked out from my job; .

ʜᴇ'ꜱ ᴀ ᴘꜱʏᴄʜᴏᴘᴀᴛʜ || ᴘᴄʏ ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora