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Hendery carried on, "Well, I heard about Chanyeol, tho... You know him?"

I narrowed my eyes straight at him, "How on earth do you know?"

"Everyone knows, he's legit famous on being a psycho." Hendery sneers, "well, so you do know him? Great, haha."

My eyes went impassioned, "I was a freakin' psychologist for him, but because of Dr. Wooseok, I GOT KICKED OUT OF THE COMPANY!!!"

Hendery's face went eccentric, "w-well, calm down! Ahaha, calm down, baby! I-"

"Baby? Did you just called her a baby?" Lucas went cold.

"No! I didn't meant that ! I just meant that's she's a little kid-"

"Stay away from her." Lucas said, extremely enraged.

I felt like this is getting all wrong. I just left that table with an excuse, and rushed inside the toilet.

"What do I do??? What's wrong with me? What just happened??"

I finally determined that I should go outside for fresh air.

I crept outside without anyone noticing..

"phew. AHH, fresh oxygen!" I opened my arms widely, letting the natural air float over me.

But all f a sudden-


I looked behind-

"AAHHH! SOMEONE HELP!!!!" I squeaked, "This is not right!"

What did I just saw? Did I just see a human shoot down straight on earth?

I saw the blood trickling and exuding over.

I took a step near to check who it was..

An astronaut? What the heck is it  doing here?

I gulped, still worried I might die. Hesitating, I called the ambulance.


"Thank you for such support." A doctor came near me, "I owe you ALOT."

"Erm, it's nothing! All I did is-"

"If you could have left that human alone, he could've died. Thanks to you, we managed our best to keep him alive before it got too late."

"I- Oh, um, your welcome, sir!" I bowed.

I knew everyone set off to their homes from my party. They did enjoy it, but.. at the end I went dull.. I called Wendy to set them back home, the party ended, so she told me what happened. Of-coarse I don't have time to explain her, so I replied her I'll let her perceive it later on.

"But then who's Park Chanyeol? I mean, I know who he is, but.. I'm interested in the topic, hehe." Bae Jinyoung, my brother went jaunting over my room, when I finally reached home, safely.

I groaned, "Not now, bro. I'm super tired after this whole party mess."

"If you tell me, I'l buy you a huge Nutella jar for free." he beamed, acting like my older brother.

"UGH, FINE! Why do you have to know?"

"OK. No Nutella."

"UGH! Ok fine fine, I'll tell you."


I spent my whole hour explaining about Chanyeol, the escape, and all that serious shit, how he managed to survive, why is he like that, the culprit reasons on who it could be. I was sure it was Park Jinyoung, but because of his innocence, it's not him. It could be Wendy's minion, but why my friend? Why cannot Chanyeol just manage to remember all of this, and let me know? Is this a story of my life? Or is this all story about, WHO the culprit is that made Chanyeol a bad-tempered guy and the dream?

No, please don't kill me, I'm very innocent!

And why should I not kill you?


I scratched my head and told Jinyoung to leave the house to buy me Nutella.

My eyes felt so puffy, I just dozed off to sleep-


"No, please don't kill me, I'm very innocent!"

"And why should I not kill you?"

"Please, DON'T KILL ME!!! Why do you want to kill me, huh?!"

"Because, Wendy told me to."

 Wendy stepped towards them like a queen, "Is it done, Park Jinyoung? Did you kill the filthy rat Chanyeol??"

"Not yet, Wendy. This dude doesn't wanna die."

"JUST DIE ALREADY!!" Wendy slapped Chanyeol.

"No, please don't do this to me! Waaahh!"


"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" I got out of my bed all of a second.

Wait, the dream I got...

"Um, noona, are you OK? Er, your Nutella jar, here." Bae Jinyoung passed me the jar.

"Something is wrong with those 2. I better must find out.." I got out completely.

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