Chapter II: Choosing Ceremony

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Chapter II: Choosing Ceremony

Alice's POV

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Finally, it was Choosing Ceremony.

I got to leave my dad and have to definitely choose Dauntless. I hope he's not so angry with my decision.

We ate our breakfast and bid my good-byes for him before I can go at the choosing ceremony. He warned me a little about the ceremony and I just kept nodding and answering yes. Well, this is definitely my last time being here on this household.

I was striding along with other factions, different factions, and I saw everyone walked by my side. It's a mix of adults, teenagers, elder and such.

As I walked on the building where the Choosing Ceremony will be held, I saw Jeanine Matthews walking down towards my direction.

"Alice Eaton. How nice to see you here." Jeanine greeted me, so I smiled at her and answered.

"Hello, Jeanine." I replied her shortly, but kept a smile on my face.

"Where's your father?" she asked me. "I hope that you'll choose a faction that is suitable for you. Not because they told you to be, but because you wanted to be." she then tapped my shoulders and smiled at me.

Was that supposed to give me an inspiration? Well, it kinda helped, though.

"Good day, Jeanine," Andrew Prior greeted her and continued. "You, too, Alice." Andrew acknowledge me so I greeted back.

And then I came beside Beatrice and Caleb to stand with them.

"How was Marcus holding up?" Jeanine asked Andrew.

Is she talking about my Dad? What is she trying to plot?

Beatrice, Caleb and I talked while they're busy chitchatting. Until I heard that Jeanine is referring to Beatrice and Caleb.

"I didn't know you have a children to choose today. What's your name?" Jeanine asked both of them but Caleb is the only one who answered.

"I'm Caleb." he introduced himself and offered a hand to Jeanine.

They shoke hands and she smiled genuinely at him, then her attention changed to Beatrice.

"And you?" Jeanine asked, but Beatrice didn't relpy so Caleb answered for her.

"She's Beatrice." Caleb did the talking.

"I'm sure they have a big decisions to make." Jeanine stated a word after smiling at Beatrice.

"It's not supposed to be a decision." Beatrice mumbled at her, like she's proving something.

"But you're still free to decide," Jeanine insisted and came close to Beatrice as she mutter the words to her. "Listen. I want you to choose what you truly are. Not beacause you're a wimp, but because you know what you truly are." then after she said those words, she left with her fellow Erudite leaders.

I sat beside Beatrice, and I can sense that she's very nervous. I just shrugged it off and ignored it. I'm sure we'll be both fine after we pick our chosen faction.

After a while of waiting, my father started his speech as the council leader and talked in front of us. After him, it was Jeanine's turn to have a speech.

"Faction before blood!" we repeated after her as she said those and she continued. "The future belongs to those who knows where they belong." and we applaud at the end of her speech.

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