Chapter XVIII: Shyness Overload

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The heck. I don't have a face show at Four and Eric. I didn't get why I'm embarrassed when I see them. Is it because of the shooting scene? Or me and Eric almost kissed? I was on the infirmary to get my wound cleaned after I bumped it on the cold walls. I'm holding on the hankerchief who Eric gaved and walked pass us. I was keep thinking on what face would I show at them. What will be their thoughts about me when I'm infront of them? God. I almost kissed Eric. I also shot my brother. I laughed hard at them. Maybe Four is mad at me because of Eric. Four has a right to be mad. Well, technically his my brother, he does what is right for me. And he didn't forget that Eric almost rape me. Their both best enemy. They hated each other. My thought has been stopped when the nurse cutted me from thinking.

"Your all done." The nurse announced. I smile at her and bid my goodbyes. I was thinking if I bump one of them. What will I say? What would I do? Should I iniate a conversation?

I was having a plan to wear a cloak. To cover my faces to both of them. Is it really necessary? Maybe it is. So, by that idea, I was heading to the clothing store. Luckily, they have a cloak displaying. That would be perfect. I grabbed one and one of the lady assisted me to the counter. It's easy to walk out because it's free. I never have to pay for this cloak. Now I really look like bad-ass. Wait, it's almost dawn and they always opens here early. Should I sleep? Today is the revealing of our ranks who passed the first stage of iniatiation. I know all of my friends will pass. But I doubt Al though.

Theirs no training after that. So it's fine to wear a cloak. They say the second stage of the initiation is hard. They have a room called the Fear Room. I don't get it. Are they gonna torture us in that room or something? Tommorow will be our visiting day too. I think dad won't come. Same as Four iniatiation years ago. Only mom got to visit him. No children or siblings allowed I think.

I walked in through the doors of dorms. I make a loud sound that makes some turn their heads on me. I was already wearing my cloak. It's funny that some jumped from their beds when they saw me. The lights was out. I freaking look like a grim reaper.

"God. You startled me." Some murmured. I just chuckled. Should I give them an evil laugh? Witch laugh?

"Sorry." I say as I head towards my bed. I sit and I didn't take of my hood yet.

"What gottin' into you?" Someone asked. I just giggled as an answer. Instead I sleep with my cloak on. It's only a few hours to sleep. And it's gonna be judgement day of staying or leaving the faction.

When I woke up. I saw Chris and Tris laugh at my side. What's up with this girls? Should I give them cloaks too?

"It's not funny. It's just my new style. My outfit, I mean." I reasoned. It's kinda half true. It's just temporary. I'll take it off once I'm okay. Am I really weird looking by this? Gosh, I'm so shy.

"Your fashion sucks Alice." Christina says that and laughs more. Uh-oh. Okay. Well, it's fine.

"Whatever. Let's eat?" I asked them and also to cut them from laughing at me.

"Are you sure you want to go at the dining area with that outfit?" Tris asked. It's fine with me I guess. It's covering my whole face. I'm a grim reaper, yeah.

"What wrong with my outfit? Atleast I didn't just wear bra and panty or something." I says to them who.... Wait. Are they really my friends? Whatever.

"Okay, okay. Geez." Chris finally says. I shrugged and stand up. I put my arms around them. I'm in the middle with them actually.

When we entered the dining area, some got our attention. I looked like a geek or something. I'm really regretting wearing this. It's just so lame. It's like I'm an attention seeker. It's all up on me. I walked ahead first to our same spot. But someone grabbed my wrist while walking. Oh no. It's Four who grabbed me. I shoved my wrist from him and runned through the sits. I sit besides Al who's chugging his milk. I'm still panting ang breathing heavily after running. I don't have a face to show at Four right now. Even Eric. Woah! Geez. Why of all people who grabbed my wrist, why Four? Maybe his suspicious about me because I'm acting weird lately. Brrrr! Stop that thoughts of yours Alice.

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