Donna & Dick : Part 5

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"Where is my niece ? there's a lot people in front of the apartment building, some might be reporters, they know what happen to Ava", Donna Troy said as she & Dick (Grayson) just arrive the place, so Dante explain to them what happen. Meanwhile back in Ava's room. "Wang you can put her down now", Ivy told Lucas. Lucas carries a now sleeping Ava to her bed,gently puts her down &, adjusting her. While he does Ivy writes something down & gives it to Vanessa. "When Ava fully recovers can you have her call me on this number ?', she asked Vanessa, Vanessa agrees too. As soon as Ivy was about to leave Donna came in. "You were the one that saved my niece ?", Donna said having tears in her eyes. "Yes, don't worry she will recover in 3 days she just needs to rest & sleep it off. She doesn't need any quarantine, you can check up on her every 1-2 hours", Ivy explain to her. Donna just nodded & went to stand by Lucas. "I'm so sorry Boo", she said quietly touching Ava face as Lucas was looking over. Ivy left & while Dick & Dante were still talking, but Dick saw her & follow her out the apartment. People were still standing around the apartment building & into the parking lot where some reporters were getting settle. "Ivy", Dick said stopping her. "Oh hi bird boy, never thought I would see you the likes of you outside of Gotham", Ivy then reply. "Dante explain to Donna & I what happened just wanted to say thank you for helping Ava", Dick said to her. "It's not a problem actually her boyfriend Detective Lucas Wang helped me revive her, he found an extra serum during the Batra-Bardo crime investigation the other night, he does care a lot about your niece.", Ivy explain. "You're gonna try to find that Bitch who did this to Ava aren't you ?', Dick added. "Why not you & Batsy () are going to stop me ?", she asked sarcastically smirking & left the scene. As Dick was smirking back & headed back into the apartment.

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