Bodega Bay Hideout : Part 7

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Ivy arrived at the hospital where she came to visit her Botanist Professor Martel Crosby, who was previous attacked by Batra-Bardo the night before she attacked Ava. "He's doing great actually those serums he created that we had here really did come in handy ", the nurse said as she was leading Ivy into his room. "Mr. Crosby sir, you have a visitor right now", the nurse said to him. As she was bringing Ivy over to him & then she left them alone. "Ivy how have you been ? You alright ?", he asked in relief as he was sitting up from his bed. "Yes I'am professor, what about you though ? I was so worried about you & what Bat-", but professor Crosby stop her there. "Please dear don't say that bitch's name to me, "he told her. "Oh I'm so sorry", Ivy reply. "It's alright, but anyways I heard she did  the same thing to your friend too, the amazon young woman Ava. It's all over news & the internet by now. I'm not surprised though considering you told me her parents are Superman & Wonder Woman, but they're applying it as she's the daughter of the former diplomat & the high awarded reporter from the Daily Planet from Metropolis . Ivy shook her, "yes I heard it's gonna turned into a high profile case too. I don't know how she's gonna handle it when she fully recovers though,"Ivy said to him. "I heard those detectives who were investigating you in the 1st place  when the crimes got started, are in this chaos too. Their Sergeant set you up all along, & he was one who ordered the attacks on Ava & I' ", Professors Crosby said. "One of the detectives the tall good looking Asian guy, he's also the one dating Ava, & was trying to help you now.  They're saying that he was just using her to break the case", Professor Crosby added on. Ivy started tearing up. "Yes all true, except the last part. Detective Wang, he's not using her for anything, that man loves her so much", Ivy said continue on. "Oh I believe you. The stories you told about the both of them that's what real love is. I just hope for his sake he can keep it all together. The media is running wild on it", he answers her. "Well I'm glad that you're doing well & you can fully recover from all of this. I now have to work on finding that french bitch before she attacks another person", Ivy then said getting up. "Wait ", Professor Crosby said. "Yes", Ivy responded & as she turn around to him. "Before she attacked me I remembered her telling her henchmen that her husband was doing cancer treatment at their private beach house up in Bodega Bay. I remembered they also have a warehouse there where they doing experiments on different kinds of plants. Maybe you should start there ???? ", Professor Crosby explain to Ivy.

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