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Dom sits on his hood as he holds onto the necklace that had been passed between him and Letty. Brian throws rocks off the cliff before Gisele drives up.

"I thought you weren't gonna show up," Dom says as he walks over to Gisele.

"You saved my life," Gisele tells him. "I'm willing to return the favor. This will help get you to Braga." Gisele hands Dom a piece of paper. "Dom. Going in there is suicide."

"I have no choice," Dom tells her.

"You must have loved her very much," Gisele says before kissing Dom on the cheek, then leaving.

"So this is where my jurisdiction ends," Brian says as they lookout at the town below them.

"And this is where mine begins," Dom says as he holds up the piece of paper.

Brian and Dom sneak inside the church that Braga is at.

"You ain't forgiven," Dom says as he points his shotgun at Braga.

"You want to arrest me?" Braga asks them.

"No, we're beyond that," Brian answers him.

"You can't buy your way out of this one," Dom tells him.

"You and me... you and me, we're not so different. You're no hero," Braga taunts Dom, who cocks his gun and prepares to shoot Braga.

"You're right," Dom says as he eases off of the trigger. "And that's why you're goin back across the border." Brian walks over and handcuffs Braga. "But Fenix is mine."

"You got it," Brian says before they lead Braga out to the car.

"You'll make it a couple of miles out, if you're lucky," Braga tells Brian as he drives. They quickly make it out of the town. "You know where you going? You want to borrow my GPS?"

"Where are your boys at?" Brian asks Braga with a smirk. "Are they going to show up or what?" As if on cue, gunfire starts.

"Careful what you ask for," Braga says with a laugh. "Just stop. Just stop the car," Braga taunts Brian.

"Right behind you," Dom says on the walkie before he crashes into some of the cars that are around Brian.

"Dom, head to the tunnel. Let's use the tunnel," Brian responds as he drives out into the open desert. A car slams into Brian before Dom shoots that car's tires out causing it to wreck. Dom then shoots another car causing it to wreck.

"Get out of here, Brian," Dom orders.

"You sure you know where the tunnels are? You sure?" Braga questions Brian as they get closer to the cliff.

"Yeah. I'd hold on," Brian answers him. "This might hurt." Brian speeds up before crashing through the tunnel gate. Dom heads into the tunnels. Fenix bumps into Brian from behind. Brian makes a wrong turn.

"Now what?" Braga asks as they start to run out of road.

"No,no, no," Brian says before driving through the wall.

Dom is racing through the tunnels before the guy behind him, shoots out his back glass. Dom makes a quick turn causing the guy behind him to wreck. Fenix is able to make his way in front of Brian. Braga laughs at Brian before Brian elbows him in the face. Fenix slams on his brakes causing Brian to have to swerve out of the way. Fenix gets back in front of Brian where there is a dead end. Brian starts pushing Fenix forward but his car catches on one of the supports causing it to spin around in front of Fenix. Dom knocks out some of the wall causing the drivers behind him to crash. Fenix clips Brian's back bumper causing him to start losing control before he turns sideways. Fenix rams into them as they bust out of the tunnels, causing Brian's car to start flipping. The car lands upside down. Fenix pulls Braga out of the car as Brian starts to wake up. Dom is bumped into by a driver that made it through. Dom ends up on the side with the dead end. Dom opens his door causing it to catch on a support and break off. Dom then jumps over to the car beside him before kicking the driver out. Dom's car crashes into the dead end causing an explosion and any remaining drivers to be taken out. Brian crawls out of the car. Fenix walks over to Brian before kicking him around. Fenix raises his gun at Brian. They hear a sound of an engine causing them to look to the tunnels as a car flies out. Fenix starts shooting at the car. Dom, who is driving the car, pops a wheelie as he drives towards Fenix, who tries to get out of the way. Brian quickly grabs Fenix's leg. Dom crashes into Fenix with Brian moving out of the way in the nick of time.

"Pussy," Dom says as he glares at Fenix. "Let me see that." Dom rushes over to Brian, who groans in pain. "Yeah. Just keep pressure on that. You'll be all right." Police sirens and helicopters can be heard coming their way.

"You gotta get out of here," Brian says as he looks at Dom.

"I ain't running anymore," Dom tells him.

"I gotta ask you something," Brian says as he looks at him. "You know I would have won that race if you didn't cheat, right?"

"You hit your head hard," Dom tells Brian with a smile.

"Don't make me laugh," Brian says as he clutches his stomach.

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