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Brian gets out of his car at the place that the race is being held. Brian looks around to see Campos above him, hitting golf balls into a net.

"What are you looking at, nutsack?" A guy with three girls asks him.

"I don't know, you tell me," Brian answers him.

"The racer wants what Dwight's got," The guy says about himself in third person. "See, but, ladies, Dwight's already on the team. You got to be fast if you want to drive for Braga."

"Is there a problem here?" Gisele Yasher asks.

"No," Dwight says as he moves back a little causing Brian to chuckle.

"Are you one of Park's, blondie?" Gisele asks Brian.

"Yeah. Yeah I am," Brian answers her.

"Follow me," Gisele orders before she starts leading him and two other drivers towards the building.

"You all know why you're here," Campos says as he gets ready to swing again. "Good drivers are a dime a dozen. Man, every corner's got a chingadera tuner racing for pinks. That's not what Braga has got me looking for. Braga wants someone that would sell their abuelita to be behind the wheel. Someone that drives their 10-Second cars not in a straight line, but to push it and make it through places no one else would take it. Real drivers."

"So, what are we hauling?" Dom asks.

"For the money Braga's paying, you don't need to know," Campos answers him.

"You just said you wanted real drivers. A real driver knows exactly what's in his car," Dom explains with a small smirk.

"Mira, real driver, nobody's forcing you to race," A guy named Fenix says as he stands in front of Dom.

"You the boss?" Dom asks him. "Or am I talking to the boss?"

"Do I look like a boss?" Fenix asks him back.

"My job is to find the best drivers, period," Campos says to stop things from escalating. "Whoever wins and gets second get the info. We cool?" Gisele walks around handing each driver a GPS. "Are we cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool," Dom answers him as he takes a GPS from Gisele.

"No, we ain't cool, man," Another driver says. "Who's closing these streets?"

"No one. That's the point," Campos says with a laugh, causing Brian to smirk.

All the drivers start revving their engines as the GPS starts downloading.

"Please wait while directions are downloaded," The GPS says. "Proceed to the highlighted route. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..." The line up is two racers, then Dom, and then Brian.

"You sure you want to do this?" Dom asks Brian.

"A lot has changed," Brian answers him. Brian knows he has to do everything he can to beat Dom. Brian wasn't going to let Zoe lose anymore of her family.

"You're right," Dom says in agreement.

"Three, Two, One, Go!" The driver's take off with Dom doing a wheelie. Dom easily takes the lead with Brian and the other drivers right behind them. "Right turn ahead. You are now five miles from your destination." They make another turn onto the Main Street. Brian takes the turn to wide, almost being hit. Brian bumps into Dom before getting in front of him. Dom can't get around Brian so he drives into oncoming traffic. "Right turn ahead." The last driver is taken out as he takes the curve too wide going into oncoming traffic. Brian misses the turn as he dodges the wreck. "You are 2.6 miles from your destination." Dom and the other driver fight for the lead. "You are now one mile from your destination." The other driver keeps bumping into Dom. The other driver goes to hit Dom again but Dom accelerates causing the other driver to hit the side walk and start flipping. "You are now one-quarter mile from your destination." Brian gets ahead of Dom before Dom hits his NOS. Dom passes Brian.

"Too early, Dom," Brian says with a smirk as he hits his NOS. Dom sees Brian gaining on him. Dom clips Brian's back bumper causing him to start spinning and loose speed.

"No!" Brian yells as he stops spinning.

"Still a buster," Dom says with a smirk before crossing the finish line.

"You have reached your destination. Goodbye,"

"At least we know you can't beat me straight up," Brian says angrily as he walks over to Dom.

"I didn't know there were any rules," Dom tells him with a smirk.

"Now that's what I call real driving," Fenix cheers as he walks over.

"No, that's bullshit, man," Brian yells as Fenix claps Dom in the shoulder.

"Go cry to your mama, eh?" Fenix says barely sparing Brian a glance.

"You work for Braga now," Campos says as he shakes Dom's hand. "When the GPS calls, you follow." Brian gets in his car before he starts driving.

"Yo, nutsack," Dwight says to Brian, who is driving pass him. "Let me tell you something, man, muscle beats import every time. You know what I'm saying? Every time!"

That night, Brian and a team of FBI agents bust Dwight for 'having' meth.

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