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Zoe pulls into the area where, Han told her and Dom, the street race would be. Zoe couldn't help the smile that comes to her face as she parks, because no matter where in the world she is, she will always feel at home at a street race. Zoe sees Jack, who receives some money from a man before they shake hands. Zoe then follows Jack to the starting line.

"You've got some serious balls, for a girl," Jack tells Zoe causing her to snort in laughter. "You know, you're lucky I missed my shot."

"I think you hit your mark," Zoe tells him.

"Really?" Jack asks her causing her to nod. "What is it with you? Do you have a death wish or something?"

"If that's what it takes," Zoe answers him. "I just want to race."

"You might lose your car," Jack taunts her.

"Let's do it," Zoe says with a laugh.

"Your funeral," Jack says with a shrug.

"Ride or die, remember?" Zoe asks as she glances at Jack before facing forward. Jack pauses knowing he has heard those words before but he couldn't remember where from.

"Listen up!" A lady says as she walks in between Zoe and Jack's cars. "Out here, we're used to getting what we want. This is London, baby. But remember, don't bite the bait. Are you ready? Ready?" They rev their engines. "Steady." She raises her arms. "Go!" Zoe takes off in a wheelie before Jack takes the lead. Jack weaves in and out of traffic as Zoe tries to get beside him before Zoe gets in front of him as they go around a curve.

"Just like old times," Zoe says with a smirk as she sees a cop car chasing them. Zoe quickly turns around causing the cop to swerve and crash. Zoe then drives in reverse beside Jack with a smirk before she quickly turns back around.

"This girl is crazy," Jack says with an excited smile. Zoe gets back in front of Jack as they turn another curve. Jack gets besides Zoe as they weave through traffic. Jack uses his NOS before Zoe uses her NOS, passing Jack. "You got to be kidding me."

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