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Dom pulls up beside the ran down racetrack where his dad and Christian used to race before making his way over to the open garage beside it.

Dom hears a baseball game being announced on the radio as he looks around the garage before Jack walks into the garage.

"Place still looks the same," Dom says as he looks over at Buddy, who is working on a truck.

"Just like your dads left it," Buddy says as he glances over at Dom and Jack.

"I'm looking for Jakob," Dom says as he fully turns to look at Buddy.

"Can't help you, man," Buddy says as he shakes his head.

"I know you took Jakob in after my father died," Dom explains as he continues to look at Buddy, knowing that he would know what Jakob is up to.

"The worst thing you can do to a Toretto or a Logan is take away their family," Buddy says with a slight glare as he looks up at Dom. "That's what you did to Jakob. You've got people who love you, count on you, care for you. He ain't got no one." Buddy glances over at Jack. "Not anymore anyways." Jack furrows his brows in confusion because whether he was willing to admit it or not, there were still some memories that he hadn't recovered. "You get in his way, this ain't gonna end until one of you guys are in the ground."

"I know you did the best you could, Buddy," Dom says with a small sigh. "But we both know he's about to cause a lot of hurt." Buddy sighs with a small nod, setting his tool down before wiping his hands on a rag.

"I did my best to take care of Jakob. But I'm no Jack Toretto or Christian Logan," Buddy explains as he grabs a Corona, opening it before handing it to Dom. Buddy does the same for Jack before he grabs his own beer as he rests against a tool cart.

"You've got to make peace with the past if you..." Buddy sighs as he sits his beer down with a shake of his head. "If you want hope for the future. He's in London. That's all I know." Dom sets his beer down before going to leave. "Dom." Dom stops as Buddy stands up. "I hope you find your peace." Buddy takes a drink of his beer.

"The chance for peace died that day on the track," Dom tells him before walking out of the garage.

"You said that Jakob didn't have anyone," Jack says as Buddy looks over at him. "I was with him for a while, wasn't I?"

"All I can tell you, is that you both left here together," Buddy says with a defeated sigh.

"Thanks," Jack says as he shakes Buddy's hand. "For everything."

Zoe is in the garage at the Toretto household as she works on her dad's Impala. Dom walks into the kitchen to get a drink of water before he catches the garage light through the window. Dom makes his way out to the garage to find Zoe, pouring oil into the car.

"Zo, what are you doing? It's like one in the morning," Dom asks as he walks into the garage before grabbing some tools to help her.

"I couldn't sleep," Zoe answers him with a sigh because since the accident, she had been having nightmares and insomnia.

Zoe's mind was constantly going because deep down she knew that something more had happened to her father and godfather. Zoe wipes her hands on a towel as she turns to face Dom.

"Dom, I need you to be completely honest with me right now, like you always have been." Dom sighs, knowing that she was about to ask about Jakob but Dom nods anyways. "What was that at the race?"

"It was a chance of redemption," Dom answers her honestly with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Redemption?" Zoe asks as her eyebrows knit together in confusion while her mind races before she is hit with a hard realization. "It was Jakob's fault wasn't it?" Tears start to form in Zoe's eyes as she searches Dom's eyes for the answer.

"There's an old trick that pit crews use to throw a race. They put a hairline crack in the fuel line," Dom explains as he slightly paces the garage. "It causes a lean condition but if the crack opens up and a spark gets near it, it turns into a fire bomb."

"You think that's what happened to your dad's car?" Zoe asks as she tries to figure out what that has to do with Jakob.

"I don't know why my dad would throw a race," Dom says as he runs a hand down his face. "But I do know that Jakob was the last one under the hood with no one watching him."

"So, Jakob killed our dad's?" Zoe asks as she looks at Dom in horror before the tears start to fall down her cheeks.

Dom tries to pull Zoe into a hug but she pushes him away before sliding down to the floor while using the Impala for support. Zoe shakes her head as she waits for Dom to tell her that it wasn't true before the horror and sadness turns to anger.

Because if Jakob hadn't of done what he done, Dom would not have went to prison, her brother would not have left, and her father would still be alive.

"I know he is family but if I ever see Jakob again, I will kill him." Dom looks at Zoe in shock as she walks out of the garage.

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