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That night Letty, Leon, Vince, and Dom are getting ready to leave to take a truck when Mia and Zoe come over and starts arguing with Dom.

"I have respected you and I haven't said shit. Now I am asking you not to go," Mia says.

"I'm doing this for all of us," Dom tells her.

"Don't give me that crap. You're doing this for you. Why are you insisting on doing this? Dom, please, just don't," Zoe says before they get into the cars and leave. Zoe and Mia start walking towards the trailer with tears in their eyes.

"Zoe, what's going on?" Brian asks as he catches up to her having seen the argument from inside the trailer.

"What?" Zoe asks.

"You know what I'm talking about," Brian tells her.

"No, I don't," Zoe argues.

"You always have tears in your eyes when Dom drives away?" Brian asks her.

"What's the matter with you?" Mia asks him.

"What's he racing off in the middle of the night for? You both know about the trucks?" Brian asks her.

"No, Brian! What trucks? Jesus Christ. What?" Zoe says before Brian pulls her to a stop and Zoe motions for Mia to keep going.

"Listen to me. Zoe, I'm a cop," Brian says as he decides to blow his cover.

"What are you talking about, Brian? What is this?" Zoe questions him.

"Ever since the first time I met you, I've been undercover. I'm a cop," Brian tells her.

"Oh, you bastard. You bastard," Mia says as she walks over and grabs Zoe's arm, walking away.

"Zoe," Brian says as he tries to get her to stop.

"Get off of me, Brian!" Zoe says as she hits his arms.

"Zoe! Listen to me! Everything I ever said I felt about you is true. I swear to God. You have to believe me, Zoe. But this isn't about you and me. Dom is out there about to pull a job. We're running out of time. Those truckers aren't laying down anymore. Maybe they'll make it through tonight, but every law enforcement agency is coming down on them. If you don't want anything to happen to Dom, to Letty, to Vince, to Leon, you have to get in that car with me right now and help me. Zoe, you are the only person that can help me right now. Please, Zoe. Please help me," Brian explains to her. Zoe agrees for the sake of her family.

"Mia, go home. I promise I'll get them home safe," Zoe tells Mia before leaving with Brian. "Civics are stashed somewhere outside of Thermal." Zoe looks at the map.

"They wouldn't double back, and Highway 10 is too well patrolled. So, what does that leave us with?" Brian says as he breaks it down.

"All this," Zoe says as she looks at the map. Brian then gets out his phone and calls Nextel.

"This is Officer Brian O'Conner. Serial number 34762. I need a cell phone trace," Brian says.

"Okay. What's the cell number?" The lady asks.

"Zoe, what is number?" Brian asks. "Come on, Zoe. She needs Dom's cell phone number now." Brian hands her the phone.

"323-555-6439" Zoe says.

"Thank you. Yeah, you get that?" Brian asks before they say they will call him back.

"Okay, we traced the number to the northbound 86. Mile 114, outside Coachella. We'll keep the trace open, Officer," The lady says when she calls back.

"Let me see this," Brian says as he takes the map from Zoe. "I think we're about 40 miles away."

"What are you gonna do?" Zoe asks him. "What are you gonna do?" Brian just speeds up.

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