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Brian and Zoe pass Leon, who is pulling Letty away from a wrecked car. As they start to catch up to the truck the see Dom's car coming to a stop with smoke coming out of the hood and Vince hanging onto the side of the truck.

"Take the wheel," Brian tells Zoe after he took the roof off.

"What do you mean?" Zoe asks him.

"Put your foot on the gas! I'm gonna get him. Put your foot on the gas!" Brian tells her.

"Okay! Okay!" Zoe yells as Brian climbs out and she takes his seat.

"Come on. Keep it steady," Brian tells Zoe.

"I got it!" Zoe yells.

"All right, hold on, Vince," Brian yells at him. "He's having a hard time holding on. Get me a little closer."

"All right," Zoe says.

"Hold it right there!" Brian yells at Zoe before he jumps onto the truck.

"You got to hang in here with me now! We'll get you off. Give me your arm! Vince, look at me! Don't let go!" Brian yells as he unwraps the wire from Vince's arm. "Come on, Vince! Throw this arm around me! Vince, don't let go! Come on, Zoe. Get closer! Zoe, get closer! Come on.Come on, Vince. Here we go!" Brian pushes Vince into the car.

"Shit!" Brian yells before jumping onto the car as the driver shoots at him. The driver then swerved into Zoe sending them into the ditch. They take Vince out of the car and Brian works on putting belt around Vince's arm while Zoe uses her jacket to put pressure on the gunshot wound.

"V!" Dom yells as Leon pulls up to where they are. Dom rushes over to Vince, Brian, and Zoe.

"Come on, Vince! Hang in there! Come on!" Brian says as he ties his belt around Vince's arm as he coughs. Dom drops beside Zoe and takes her place. "If he doesn't get to an ambulance in 10 minutes, he's dead." Brian looks at Zoe and Dom before he gives Vince's arm to Zoe then pulls his phone out.

"Yeah. Yeah, this is Officer Brian O'Conner. I'm off-duty LAPD," Brian says causing Dom to glare at him. "I need a life flight roll out right away. My 20 is Highway 86, mile marker 147. I got one trauma victim, about 24 years of age. Six-foot, maybe 200 pounds. He's got a deep laceration to his right arm with arterial bleeding." Zoe shakes her head no at Dom as he looks at her. "And he's got a shotgun wound close range to his left flank. Yeah, he's going into shock!" With in the next few minutes there is a life flight there and taking care of Vince. Brian helps them get Vince into the helicopter. Dom and Zoe watch before Leon starts yelling about cops. Dom walks away as Zoe looks at Brian.

"Zoe! Lets go! Now!" Dom yells from the car. Zoe looks back at Brian to find him already looking at her. "Zoe!" Zoe runs over to the car before getting in with her heart aching for Brian.

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