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Little Jack is on the porch as he waits for Brian, playing with a red car while running it over the top of a box.

"All right, buddy. We gotta go. We're gonna be later," Brian says as he walks out onto the porch with Jack's backpack. "Come on." Brian picks Jack up before carrying him out to the minivan. "Okay, what do you think? Parking brake slide right up to the school?"

"Where's mommy?" Jack asks as he looks for Zoe.

"I don't know. She's up there. She's coming," Brian answers Jack before he puts Jack into the car. Zoe walks out onto the porch as she smiles at the sight. Mia walks out with Nico, taking him to the minivan. "Here we go. Watch you head."

"Dom, you have a package out here," Zoe calls inside as she notices the box on the porch. "It's from Tokyo."

"Tokyo?" Dom asks as he and Jack walk outside. "What? Is Han trying to convert me over to a turbocharger?"

"All right, you ready?" Brian asks little Jack, having buckled him into the car seat. "There we go."

"Yeah!" Little Jack cheers as he throws his toy car out of the car.

"Hey, Buddy. Cars don't fly," Brian tells him as he picks up the toy car.

"Hey, cars don't fly," Little Jack repeats after him.

"This one did, huh?" Brian asks him as he hands the toy car back.

"Brian in a minivan. Things have changed," Dom says as he, Jack, and Zoe watch Brian and Jack.

"He's struggling," Zoe says as they walk down the steps. "He doesn't want me to see it but the white picket fence is like an anchor on him. I can tell. I tried to talk to him the other night. You know what he said? He doesn't miss the girls, he doesn't miss the cars. He misses the bullets."

"Let him settle in," Dom says as they stop walking. "Give him time."

"How does nine months sound?" Zoe asks them with a slight smile causing Jack to look at her in slight shock and confusion. "I'm having another baby." Zoe looks down as Dom looks at the girl that has always been like his sister with a smile.

"And you didn't tell him, did you?" Dom asks her before they look at Brian. "You got to tell him."

"I don't want him to be disappointed with his life," Zoe says as she slightly shakes her head. "With me."

"He will never be disappointed with you," Jack reassures his sister. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to him."

"Thank you," Zoe says as she pulls her brother into a hug. Zoe and Jack continue down the steps as Dom's phone rings.

"Yeah?" Dom answers his phone.

"Dominic Toretto," A man on the other end says as he throws Dom and Letty's necklace at Han's flipped car. "You don't know me. You're about to." Dom quickly pulls the phone away from his to that it is a private number in Tokyo.

"Get Down!" Dom yells as he realizes who the box is from. Dom quickly pulls Zoe to the ground, covering her, as Brian quickly closes the door on the minivan. The box explodes slamming Brian up against the minivan from the blast.

"Jack! Brian!" Zoe yells once the blast is over.

"Mia! Nico!" Jack yells as he helps his sister up. Brian quickly gets up opening the door as Zoe runs to them. Brian pulls little Jack out of the car to find he is perfectly fine. Zoe pulls little Jack into her arms while Brian hugs them both. Jack reaches Nico and Mia to find they are perfectly fine before pulling them into a hug. Dom realizes that his family almost died before he turns to his childhood home, which is up in flames and smoke. Dom has Brian, Zoe, little Jack, Jack, Mia, and Nico leave the country before going to find Hobbs, only to find out that he is in the hospital.


"Thank you so much for letting us stay, Mando," Mia says as they walk through the garden. "I hope it's not a problem."

"Listen, Dom needed a safe delivered to Rio in two days," Mando explains to her. "That was a problem. Hosting his family in the Dominican Republic, that is vacation. Anyone messes with you here, they mess with the entire country. You'll be safe." Mando's phone begins to ring before he answers it in a different language. "Yeah, Yeah, They're here. I picked them up myself at the airport. Hold on." Mando turns to Zoe, who had set Jack down. "It's Dom." Mando hands the phone to her.

"Dom," Zoe says as she walks away from them.

"Yeah, Zoe, it's me," Dom says as he walks out of the hospital. "How's it going there?"

"We're at Mando's," Zoe answers him. "This place is like a fortress. You should see Brian. He's in full FBI mode. He built a surveillance hub in Mando's garage and everything. What about you? Did you find out who's after us?"

"Looks like the sins of London have followed us home," Dom explains to her. "How did Buster take the news?"

"I can't tell him," Zoe tells him. "If he knew about the baby, he'd stay here with us even if Jack is staying. And with all that's going on, your gonna need him by your side. Just watch out for him. Keep him safe. And come home together."

"Tell Brian I'll see him in LA in two days," Dom says.

"Where are you going?" Zoe asks him.

"Tokyo," Dom answers her. "I'm bringing Han home."

"Authorities are still trying to determine the motive behind this daring attack here at the office of the US Diplomatic Security Service in downtown Los Angeles less than 36 hours ago. Facts are still coming in but what is known is the suspect entered the building's fourth floor..." A news reporter explains on the channel that Brian is watching as Zoe enters the garage.

"Hey," Brian says as Zoe rubs his shoulders.

"You okay?" Zoe asks him.

"Yeah," Brian answers her. "This guy's just relentless."

"That's why Dom needs you," Zoe tells him. "You two need to find this guy and you need to stop him before he does anymore damage to our family."

"You know, I just," Brian says before he looks at Zoe. "I've screwed up so many things. I couldn't live with myself if I screw this up, too."

"You won't," Zoe reassures him with a smile. "I believe in you. I believe in us. That's all that matters. I love you, Brian." Brian smiles at Zoe before they kiss.

"I love you, Zoe," Brian says as he rests his forehead against Zoe's.

"Just promise me, after this, we're done," Zoe says as she pulls away from him. "No more jobs, no more enemies. Come back to us."

"I won't let you down, Zoe," Brian promises her.

"I know," Zoe tells him with a smile.

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