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The next night Brian, is playing pool at the club that Campos has invited him to. Brian sees Dom at the bar before making his way over.

"That's too bad about Dwight," Brian says as he sits beside Dom. "Having the Feds raid your house the same night you make the team. So, unfortunate."

"I wish I could say I was surprised to see you here," Dom says with a smirk. "What's to stop someone from telling them you're a cop?"

"Probably the same thing that's keeping me from telling them why you're really here," Brian answers him.

"What up, fellows?" Campos asks as he walks up, clapping Dom and Brian on the shoulders. "Come on, lets have a better time." Campos leads them over to the VIP section. "How's your car? It took a nasty bump."

"It'll be ready," Brian answers him.

"I also heard you just got out of county," Campos tells Brian.

"Yeah?" Dom asks Brian. "You know a guy named Jim Garcia?"

"Nah. Big place. Lots of names, lots of faces," Brian answers him.

"And you, you're wanted by a lot of people," Campos says as he turns to Dom.

"Yeah, that kind of heat can't be good for business," Brian retorts.

"Yeah, well, that depends on how you look at things," Dom tells him with a smirk. "I go down. I do time. I do real time. I don't know about your other drivers, but when I see flashing lights in my mirror, I don't stop."

"Do you know each other?" Campos asks as he leans back in his chair to look at them.

"He used to date my sister," Dom answers him.

"I see," Campos says with a smile. "You're a lucky man."

"How's that?" Brian asks him.

"You're still breathing," Campos answers him. Campos hands a shot to Brian. "To the ladies, we've loved and the ladies we've lost. Salute."

"So, what's Braga about?" Brian asks after they take the shots.

"You know, he's just one of us. Came up from the streets. Down to el barrio. Now he's a shot caller. The boss of bosses. See all these cats in here? Any one of them would die for Braga," Campos explains.

"Including you?" Brian asks him.

"Especially me," Campos answers him. A man walks over before speaking in Campos' ear. "Enjoy the party, fellows and lady. Club's yours. Whatever you want, booze, broads, it's all good."

"Braga's mine. I'm taking the whole house down," Brian tells Dom before getting up. Brian stops at the corner of a hallway as he watches guards open a door for Campos. Brian sees the two guards follow after a girl. Brian opens the door to find stairs before going up them. He comes upon a door that is cracked open. Brian looks in to find a man and Campos having a shot.

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