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A few days later, Dom, Zoe, Mia, Letty, Jesse, And Leon are at the garage.
"What about parts and service?" Mia asks Dom as she looks at some paperwork.
"Hold off on it," Dom tells her.
"Dom, I don't know what to do with it," Mia says as a tow truck backs up in front of the garage with a totaled car on it.
"I'll handle it later," Zoe tells Mia as she walks over to stand beside Dom and Jesse.
"What do you got there?" Dom asks as Brian walks over to them.
"This is your car," Brian answers him.
"My car?" Dom asks as Jesse hits the car and Zoe runs her finger across it before looking at all the dirt on her finger. "I said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car."
"You could push this across the finish line, or tow it," Jesse says causing Letty to laugh.
"You couldn't even tow that across the finish line," Mia adds causing Zoe to nudge her and send a slight glare.
"No faith," Brian defends himself causing Zoe to smile.
"I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard. This is a garage," Dom tells him.
"Pop the hood," Brian tells Jesse.
"Pop the hood?" Dom asks.
"Pop the hood," Brian answers. They get the car off of the tow truck and into the garage.
"2JZ engine. No shit," Zoe says as they take the hood off. Brian looks at Zoe impressed she knows so much about cars.
"And what did I tell you?" Brian says with a smirk.
"We retract our previous statements," Dom says.
"You know what? This will decimate all after you put about $15,000 in it," Jesse says as Zoe nods in agreement.
"Or more, if we have to overnight parts from Japan," Zoe adds.
"We'll put it on my tab at Harry's," Dom says as he turns to Brian.
"Yes!" Jesse says as he and Zoe high five.
"I gotta get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass," Dom tells Brian. "There's a show down in the desert called Race Wars. That's where you'll do it. When you're not working at Harry's, you're working here. If you can't find the right tool in this garage, Mr. Arizona, you don't belong near a car."
"He owns you now," Zoe says with a smirk as she walks past Brian before following Mia into the office.
The next day after taking the car apart they went to Harry's to get the parts they need.
"Tell me what you think about this," Jesse says as Zoe puts a disc into the computer. "Koni adjustables. Gonna save us about 2 pounds. And they're gonna give us better traction for the hole shot."
"All right, this is your basic layout of the car. And that's pretty much what it could look like when it's finished. Red, green," Zoe explains as Jesse nods in agreement.
"You both should be going to MIT or something," Brian tells them as he looks at what they had accomplished impressed.
"Yeah, right," Zoe says sarcastically. Dom has tried to make her go to college like Mia but she had refused.
"No, I got that... What's it called?That attention disorder..." Jesse starts to explain.
"ADD," Zoe answers him as she pats his shoulder.
"Yes, that shit. Yeah. You know, I was good in algebra and like math and shit. Everything else I failed. Dropped out of school. I don't know. It's just something about engines that calms me down, you know," Jesse explains causing Zoe to smile at him as she nods in agreement.
"Alright, lets head home. Dom's cooking," Zoe says as she claps her hands together before they leave to the Toretto household.

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