Chapter 50 - Learning to Lead

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🔆 6 years later 🔆


It's been six years since my Mom died. Six years since I was forced to come back to New York. Six years since I've seen Alec, Noah, Issac, Erika and everyone else who I cared deeply about.

These past years I've spent training to become the leader Harry wants me to be. That training was no walk in the park.

When I first arrived back in New York, Harry said that the key to being a great leader was being able to endure pain and torture, to endure it without breaking. That's how my training started. Being locked in the basement for days on end, wondering when I could see Erika again, wondering if Alec was in the middle of planning my rescue. Being alone with the consuming grief of Mom being dead. I would be hit, punched, kicked. Taught that this would be how rival gangs would get information out of me and no matter how bad it got, I couldn't break.

Days of suffering with physical and emotional pain. Days of wishing the worst on the men who would punch me and slash my arms with knives under Harry's orders. Eventually I learned how to cope with the pain, how to stay strong and hold back my tears and cries, that was the day Harry patted my back and allowed the chains around my wrists to be unlocked.

After those weeks and months of darkness and pain, I learnt that Harry really and truly was a monster who lacked emotion. My biggest fear was that after his training was finished...I'd be the same.

I then started perfecting my fighting skills and driving, learning to shoot a gun and never miss, not even when blindfolded. I learned how to run a gang, how to ensure the members would be loyal to you and remain loyal.

After finding out Erika was sent to Boston and coming to the realisation that Alec wasn't coming with a rescue team, I decided not to care anymore. I decided that my job now was to be a leader to this gang. With each day after that, my emotions and my past were buried deeper into my mind, I began to realise that emotions and feelings made you weak and vulnerable. So, I threw myself into learning how to be the best leader this gang has ever seen.

"Willow, come in here." Harry orders from his office. I pull open the heavy door and see Zack and his girlfriend, Bella sitting across from him. The room is small yet Harry's money is visible in every item. Plush carpets, leather chairs and a sturdy oak desk.

"We were just discussing your ceremony, how to announce to the world that you're our new leader." Harry states glancing down at a stack of papers.

"We were thinking of hosting a dinner, inviting some other gangs and maybe speeches?" Bella's voice is sickly sweet, desperation for Harry's approval dripping from every word. Even though her and I used to be friendly, she just gets on my nerves now. She made no effort to comfort or help me so I don't feel like I owe her my kindness.

"I don't care." I reply. "Whatever works."

Zack still has yet to speak to me or even meet my gaze. I know he feels awful about what happened to me but, he had no control over it. I know he desperately misses Erika too. For all these years he made himself scarce around the house, going for walks in the evening and barely saying a word to anyone, only nodding and accepting his orders when given.

"Well if that's the case," Harry begins. "I'm sure Bella here will do the job just fine."

Bella beams at him, her grin overtaking her face. I try not to roll my eyes.

"Is that everything?" I lean lazily against the door frame and cross my arms.

"No, I need you and Zack to pick some things up for me."

"Sure, when are we leaving?" I glance at Zack, knowing I'm the last person he wants to spend time with.

"Be ready in 5, I'll send on the details in a minute." With a swift nod Zack and I are dismissed as Harry finishes discussing the details of the ceremony with Bella.

Exactly five minutes later Zack and I are sitting in the car with strict instructions. Meet at a more run down part of the city, pick up the drugs and hand over the money. Simple.

"Do you ever miss San Francisco?" Zack asks after a few minutes of driving, the first proper sentence he's said to me in six years.

I prop my foot up on the dashboard and run a finger through my now blood red hair. "No, can't say I do." And it's the truth.

"I'm really sorry Willow," he sighs and glances over at me. "I tried to stop them from doing those things to you. I tried so hard. Harry is the stand up to him is putting my life on the line. My dad stopped me after I was given my last warning."

"I don't blame you. I've learnt from those things and I'll be a better leader because of them."

"They hurt you, and I stood by and let it happen." He shakes his head in shame.

"Zack all I care about is the future. I've spent too long in the past, too long holding onto pointless things. You couldn't have done it any differently, I understand that." I force a smile that feels so foreign on my face.

"I appreciate that, so much. And I promise that I will be by your side in the future. When you're leader. I owe you that."

"Thanks Zack." I don't look at him, instead I stare at my one and only tattoo and it's delicate lines interrupted by scars.

The car stops at the entrance of a dark and narrow alley. I get out, telling Zack to be ready if I need him.

The weight of the gun tucked against my back brings me comfort as I walk further into the dark, the smell of trash and urine overpowering my senses.

The sound of a gun clicking makes me freeze and peer through the dark. Before I know it, its cold barrel is pressed against my temple. I don't even flinch, remembering this situation come up a million times in training.

"Who knew Harry would send his daughter this time? It's an honour." The man's breath stinks, I have to stop myself from gagging.

"This is truly a golden opportunity." Another man appears from the shadows, grinning to display his yellow teeth. He wears a long teared coat and looks like he hasn't seen the sun in years.

Before they have time to say their speech, I wrap my hand around the man's gun and grab my own in a flash. I shoot the man right beside me, kicking his lifeless body to the ground and pointing both guns at the other.

As the man with yellow teeth fumbles around for his own gun, my bullet flies through his head. I roll my eyes at their poor attempt of an ambush and search their jackets for the drugs. When I spot a brown package I smirk and walk back to the car, the package and money in hand.

"Everything alright?" Zack asks when I buckle my seatbelt.

"We're gonna need a new dealer."


A/N: thanks so much for reading, I hope this chapter wasn't too much of a shock.

Sarah xoxo

Song recommendation:
I Want You - Blaenavon

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