Train Rides

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Lucy's POV

I couldn't help but smile as Natsu's motion sickness kicked in. He was so cute and looked so helpless, the total opposite of how he usually was. I was staring at Natsu without even realising it.

"Lucy, why are you staring at Natsu?" Happy asked and I snapped out of it.

"Huh?" I paniced, what should I say what should I say? Happy leaned in closer and smirked

"You liiiiiiikkkkeeee him, don't you Lucy"

I could feel my face getting hotter I glared at Happy and lied

"I. Do. Not. Why would I like Natsu anyway? All he knows what to do well is fight and eat."

Not gonna lie, it was really hard to say that about Natsu. Guilt washed over me and I looked at Natsu for a reaction, luckily he didn't hear anything because he was suffering so much.

There was an awkward silence during the train ride and all I could think ahout is Natsu. I mean..who wouldn't like him? He's cute, strong, funny..wait, what am I thinking? Do I really like him..? I looked out the window to try to get him out of my head and focus on the quest at hand.

Natsu's POV

The Choices I Have To Make. (NaLu or GrayLu?)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя